March 4th, 2013 - Tuesday Morning 6:15 AM, the morning of the discovery of the Hainer Stollen mine in Siegen, Germany, with secret underground leading to a high energy source, Elias led a team of scientists and national guards accompanied by his fellow close friend Emmett who happened to be flown in from Australia, no questions were asked just a quick expedition as to what the high energy source they seemed to pick up on close radar readings seem to be, Elias seemed to be typing away on his laptop when Emmett spoke, “Oi, what do you keep typing away at there?”, “Well aren’t you a little curious one eh?”, chuckled Elias, “Well mate? Spill it already, I get called away from my work to come join a buddy of mine on a sudden expedition to some random mine so tell me what are we even doing out here?”, Emmett asked in an annoyed tone, he wished he could understand why Elias would take up such odd jobs when it came to his profession as a scientist but there did come a time when he stopped asking questions and wondering what went on in his friends head ever since he joined a military base to get some sort of “training”, he simply looked out the window to the armored personnel carrier they seemed to have taken with a few fellow guards and scientist when they came onto an abrupt stop signaling to get off to start the process of discovering the energy point. As Elias and Emmett both stepped out into the open, almost on instinct they started gearing up into hazard suits with an attached oxygen masks, the guards slowly let out chuckles at them thinking how ridiculous they seem to be to need a few hazard suits and oxygen masks for a measly little mine but all of that changes once they enter, Elias and Emmett started off to be the ones to go inside the mine first as the rest followed close behind holding flash lights illuminating the pathways when Elias seemed to notice a crimson red type of faint trail leading to the right of the pathway, making a quick decision he decided to split into two groups of course having Emmett within his group the others agreed to choose the left pathway, as both groups descended into the darkness it seemed as though they walked for 5 miles within the path as they came across a dimly lit large room covered in a fluorescent type of crimson spore plant that seemed to be gaseous, upon closer inspection Elias noticed a sort of crimson sap to be leaking out of several punctured spores as he took an interest in the little plant he called over Emmett who looked as if he was concerned to be that close to something unnatural, “Emmett, come look at this, we should take a few samples back to the lab an–”, suddenly, before he could finish his sentence they started hearing screams of the other scientists and guards, before anything can happen to them Elias scrambled to his feet unknowingly crushing the spore plant releasing a type of gaseous smoke causing the guards to be coughing falling to their knees clutching their chests in agony, with no choice left Elias and Emmett packed away whatever samples they needed down to the crimson sap that leaked out, while storing the samples in a case around his hip Elias grabbed onto one of the guards leading them down the way they came in from back to the carrier back to the facility, Emmett has no choice but to alert one of his colleagues in New Zealand about the strange discovery they made. Elias, intrigued by the discovery, failed to notice the concern Emmett was expressing. Emmett had no choice but to voice his concern as he spoke, “oi mate, I think we should take this to New Zealand with my fellow colleague, she’ll definitely know what to do about this strange plant.”, “Wait, who do you know that happens to be in New Zealand?”, as Emmett cleared his throat he spoke in a hushed tone,”Well, Artemis seems to know strange things such as this spore appearing out of nowhere, I can trust her to have an answer as to what this is.”, as convincing as ever Elias agreed to take the samples to New Zealand, but what they both didn't notice was the fact that the guards who accompanied them both seemed to be going through a very painful ordeal of changes inhumanly known to never happen to our bodies as they writhe and gasp for air in the hospital ward at the facility, vitals start dropping below the normal range they should be until they both start to seizure violently while alarms start to blare a code blue, with heightened senses they screech from the loud blaring alarms ringing inside their heads as they start to claw away at the ears, flesh starting to shred away, as the nurses make way to the guards they shriek in terror at the gruesome bloody scene before them as they all watch in horror, the guards becoming a bloody mess with exposed bones, barely any partial earlobes left hanging on the sides of their heads as they writhe in pain once again before suddenly stopping leaving the nurses stunned too afraid to approach the stilled bodies laying lifeless in the hospital beds, “What do we do?” asked one of the nurses, “I don’t know, I’m too scared to even approach one of them, what if they wake up again?” spoke the other nurse, “Well, we can’t just leave them here like this, we have to do something! Maybe call someone?”, “Well who exactly do we call in a situation like this? What do we even say?” spoke the nurses among each other before immediately getting cut off by the sudden appearance of a group of armed German military officials storming the halls of the hospital wing setting up a quarantine style based security around the section of the guards laying lifeless. As they wait for the Command Sergeant Major to arrive one of the soldiers setting up some testing equipment inside the room noticed a type of change in the atmosphere, some type of strange tasting metal sensation running down his throat as he realized it was getting uncomfortable to breath he ignored the sensation quickly making way of finishing the set up of the equipment before making haste towards the door abruptly leaving the room behind in so much of a hurry his team noticed how distraught he seemed to be holding his throat with a strange expression on his face as he made way down the hall towards the emergency shower rooms the building seemed to have as he suddenly slammed the entrance to the showers open he made his way stumbling towards the center of the room with shower heads lined up in rows, as he fumbled his way trying to undo the buttons keeping his shirt in place he pressed the button for water to run down his clothed body, at this point it didn’t matter whether he still had on his uniform he just wanted to feel cold water on his body as he gasped for air trying to cough whatever he thought was stuck in his throat, as he stayed hunched over hands and knees on the floor, his vision began to get blurred he thought it was the water but then he started to see red as it clouded his vision until he fainted dropping down to the floor as the water continued to run down as he layed still with eyes open so wide you thought he might of seen some sort of ghostly apparition, his mouth agape with his hand still around his neck as if he strangled himself to death. He wasn’t found until one of his teammates seemed to noticed how long he happened to be gone for as he followed the direction to the sound of running water as he made his way into the showers where his gaze fell to the floor seeing the lifeless body of his teammate as he rushed back out to yell for assistance he ran back to the body of his unconscious soldier, stopping the water as he was accompanied with more soldiers carrying a stretcher they would normally use in the field to lift and carry the unconscious soldier into a room to get treated by a few nurses and doctors who stayed behind, as they settled the soldier down into the room the nurses and doctor soon got to work as they started to do a few chest compressions with a defibrillator on standby hoping for any sort of pulse they wanted to get out of the soldier, but as time went on as much as they could do to try and save the soldiers life with the countless efforts they made from the cpr to the countless times they used the defibrillator they lost all hope until suddenly some sort of crimson red spots almost resembling severe rashes began to form around the neck and hands, as they doctor took a closer look he jumped back when the sudden exposure of flesh opening on the rashed areas of the soldiers skin exposing a crimson colored fungal plant spore releasing a noticeable spritz of a pink cloudy form as everyone started to taste a bitter metallic sensation just like the soldier experienced as they all gasped running into eachother trying to scurry towards the door as they began to fumble ontop of eachother bursting the door open running away from the room they used just minutes ago to revive the soldier only to evacuate it as if someone released some type of rabid dog to attack everyone standing in that room. Screams can be heard filling the hallways as they got closer to where the rest of the soldiers stood amongst themselves before being alerted by the screams from the nurses and doctor accompanied by the other soldiers who had disappeared just moments ago to help the unconscious soldier from the showers they had heard about but they didn’t expect to see or even hear such chaos from professionals yet alone to hear their own teammates shriek in fear as they all began to jump up arming themselves with guns fiercely pointing from where the screaming had begun almost instantly as they began to walk towards the soldier's room they were immediately stopped by those who stopped screaming only to start collapsing onto the ground of the halls. Not knowing what to do soldiers started to prepare chest compressions on the fainted before getting the same metallic taste and enduring the same fate.
As Elias and Emmett boarded the private jet accompanied by fellow Leslie who happened to be on vacation at this time of year she let Emmett stay at her place for the time being until she heard why he was there he seemed to have peaked her interest so she decided to cut her vacation away from the begrudgingly long hours of work to join her colleague on this transport back home where they would soon be acquainted with their fellow pals back at home, but she couldn’t help and wonder why Elias seemed to be a bit on edge with his grip tightening on his laptop that seemed to be glued to his side never leaving him one second from boarding the jet to leaving it. Leslie paid no mind to Elias’ suspicious behavior as she figured he might be nervous from flying post haste to this urgent matter so she made small talk with her good colleague Emmett, “So, what’s the deal mate?” as she spoke towards Emmetts direction motioning with her finger in the direction of Elias, “Hm? Oh! He just gets nervous when it comes down to flying” boomed Emmett as he snickered towards Elias’ trembling pale figure, “Hmm, Well maybe he should've stayed home eh?” laughed Leslie as she grabbed her stomach leaning forward, “Please just tell me when we land Daario! I can’t stand being up in the air for too long!!” begged Elias as he gripped his laptop seemingly tighter than before and as there was a slight turbulence in the air before he let out a shriek making Emmett and Leslie boom out in laughter seeing some tough man crumble to nothing once you got him up high enough in the sky shrieking to let him off. As Leslie stopped poking fun at Elias as she started peering out the window looking at the blue sky and fluffy white clouds she thought as to what they were even doing, as she became serious looking at Emmett once more, “Oi what are we really doing? What did you guys find down in that cave?” Leslie spoke sternly looking at Emmett as she waited for a response before abruptly getting interrupted by the captain over the intercom, “This is your captain speaking, we are experiencing some turbulence along the way don’t worry I will get to our destination safely”, as the intercom disconnected Emmett spoke, “Well it wasn’t me who found something interesting mate, it was all Blutarsky here who found unusual energy waves off the radar, we found some type of fungal spore plant so why not take it to someone who knows fungal spores?” as he mentioned the phrase “Fungal Spore” Leslie knew she was in for a hell of a ride once Artemis got her hands on the sample, well, samples as she saw plenty of hazard containers being loaded onto the cargo part of the jet, she had a feeling those sleepless nights would be happening a lot more now than they usually did on a regular basis. As the jet soared through the sky chaos broke through the facility with new fungal spore plants developing as people retreated out for safety just to be attacked with the atmosphere gasping for air trying to breath, fainting with others406Please respect copyright.PENANAfb7wjkPMXr