"Commander, prepare the army, close the doors of the city, and tell the people that there is going to be a war."The king said.
"Lord Vain, you know how many soldiers they have"The commander said to Lord Vain.
"About 10,000 soldiers when they attacked Katemill"On hearing this, the commander got a little disappointed.
"How many soldiers do we have, commander Winston"
"6,000 soldiers, my Lord, in which there are many soldiers who have never fought any war"
"New soldiers have proved to be capable many times in battles and you know this better than me"The king said.
"I come after informing the soldiers"Commander Winston said with a smile.
"Listen, send ravens to the remaining five states that we need their army as soon as possible"The king said to the commander.
"Yes,my Lord"Commander Winston said and left.
"How's Martha?"The king asked to his sister.
"She is still unconscious"Lady Siriya said.
"You take the child, go to her, and look after her"
"Okay" Lady Siriya left with the baby girl.
The king looked at Lord Vain, who had been looking for a long time at the two soldiers who were standing outside the king's room. "Are they your king's guards, my Lord?" Lord Vain asked his king.
"Yes, Lord Vain, but why did you ask this question?"
"You both don't deserve to be the king's guard," Lord Vain started shouting at those soldiers, "You do not know that the king's guard should always keep one hand on his sword that if ever the king is attacked then you can use your sword as soon as possible."
"You still have the same enthusiasm that you used to have."The king said.
"I fought many wars, for your family, for the house of Telian, and again for the house of Glatein. I fought all three wars against the house of Bartley. Bartleys are very stubborn; they don't give up quickly. I have lost many things on the battlefield: my father, my brother, and friends. And today I have lost my elder son in the battle from which I have fled." Lord Vain laughed as if hiding some deep pain.
"Lae is dead"In a hesitant voice, the king said.
"Some soldiers were chasing us, they were about 10 soldiers. They surrounded us, both of us faced them, but I was not as agile as before.At the same time that I had just slain a soldier, two other troops were surrounding me.I was seeing my death in front of me, a soldier was waving his sword in the air, and I was just remembering God with my eyes closed.That's when I heard someone's scream,and I opened my eyes. That soldier was lying on the ground in front of me; he was screaming, and at a distance, his severed hand was lying on the ground. I looked at Lae; his sword was stained with blood and seven soldiers surrounded him. He told me to run away, The last time I saw him, he was holding those soldiers there very hardly. He looked at me and said 'Go, father,save the king'.I ran from there, when I came far away, I heard someone's scream; it was probably Lae's scream.He proved that he is a true Alinsky who is not even afraid of death.I couldn't stop there because I had to inform you"
"You have proved today that you're loyal to the house of Glatein"The king said.
"I paid off my debt that your father gave me."