2pm. I finally get a response from the man who calls himself "The Doctor." What a lame name. He asks me for my address, if I have an siblings or not and what gender they are, my parents full names, and much, much more. He seems pretty chill, but this admission to work for him takes quite a long time. I'm not complaining very much though, because he promised I'd be paid a significant amount for simple tasks. After submitting my final pieces of info, he starts typing and then stops. I panic a bit, but then he starts typing again so I calm down. I go to get some watermelon slices since it's hot today, leaving my phone on thrown on my bed, and I come back to my phone blowing up. It says, "(Name). Where are you? You need to start working. I have your address and photos so you better listen. (Name)? I'm giving you 10 seconds to reply." I panic. I begin typing in response erratically explaining that I had left his text messages open and that I was just running to get a cold snack. Eventually The Doctor calms down and sends me my instructions for my beginner film. When I read the next message, my jaw drops in horror.