As darkness set in, the scent of cooking meat wafted through the house.
Tomato based sauces were added, along with chopped fresh vegetables and herbs from the garden that had been pulled from the fridge.
While it was simmering, Jay and Sage were called over to the front door Elijah held open. Quincy was already tucked in for the night after his warm bath during our discussion around the cleaned table.
Outside the open window I could hear the faint sound of ringing bells. They would sing, then stop briefly; again and again as they steadily crept closer.
"Soup, come" Lacie gestured for me to follow them "you'll miss them."
"Miss who?" I frowned up at her as she smiled to Elijah and exchanged a quick kiss before the door was shut.
Jay and Sage were already at the gate. Their hands wrapped around the wood as they bounced excitedly to get a better view.
"Here you go, little Koala!" Elijah chuckled as he grabbed Jay and heaved him up onto his shoulders.
"Me too!" Sage pestered her mother immediately "I want to see too!"
I snickered, remembering how Lacie used to do the same demands for affection as a child.
"Come on" she held out her arms for Sage, who happily threw herself into them "you're getting big for this!"
"So's Jay!" she pointed when she nestled on her mother's shoulders and planted her hands on her head "he's way older than me!"
Sage kicked out a leg towards his and he tried to return it.
"Now now, you two" Elijah shook his head at their antics and took a step from Lacie's side "we can just put you back down again..."
"No!" they both cried out in unison.
I lifted myself up between them both so the children couldn't find another chance to bicker again. Towering with their parents, I planted my own hands on the fence for support.
Scanning the darkness, I saw a blue glow in the distance. Smaller orbs speckled around the chain that snaked through the unseen blades of sweeping grass.
The bells rang clearly. Still, I couldn't make out what was causing the sound.
"Often, they come through here" Elijah explained to me as we all watched on "they collect the lost souls and help them find new homes."
I saw glowing figures peel from the line as it crept closer. Glowing blue deer bounded around while a string of young puppies tumbled after another leading them.
Through them all I could see the dark surroundings they orderly walked through.
"They're all..." I whispered, realising what this meant.
I looked to Lacie who nodded.
"The two guardians lead the lost to the ferry to the other side" she spoke quietly "then, their souls can find rest."
The bells rang again, pausing briefly when the head of the line finally did so a few meters away.
A glowing woman stood there, rippling like the water itself. Her dress flicked and flew around her in waves to blur the lines of her body and clothing.
Orbs circled her and passed through the waves playfully. She acknowledged them with a gentle smile when they hovered near her face.
A hand gripped a long staff that was curved into a crescent moon at the top. From it, tiny branches of bells swung with the slightest movement.
Her other hand wrapped around that of a baby that was swaddled against her.
Smiling at it, the woman nodded slowly to us once.
An older man came to a stop beside her, glancing briefly, before following the gaze of the woman.
His face spilt into a smile and he raised a hand with a joyful expression.
Sage and Jay immediately waved enthusiastically back, Sage leaning over as far as she could as she did.
The man's loose top became one with the same glowing energy washing from him. Long pants stretched out the back to be lost in the same orbs flitting through the airy liquid.
In one of his hands was a staff with a star shaped at the top. It too held the same bells being picked at by the teams of little glowing sparrows sitting on the points and picking at them.
His other hand held that of a young child who peered over shyly. It sucked it's hand to soothe itself as the other never left the man's grip.
"UNCLE BLUE!" Jay cupped his hands around his mouth to shout "HEY!"
"AUNTY!" Sage called too and waved enthusiastically as her hands slipped down her mother's forehead.
Both waved back in a much more reserved manner, smiling to each other.
They started to move again to lead their line of souls onwards. People and animals walked side by side on their mission to reach the ferry. Some of the younger ones frolicked together around the others happily.
"You never follow the lights" Lacie spoke as we watched them "otherwise you'll never find your way home again, right Little Miss?"
She bumped Sage who giggled.
"We know all about chasing Uncle and Aunty Blue" Elijah sighed out "never again."
"Never again" Lacie agreed quickly.
I kept my eyes on the line and ears pricked to the sound of the bells.
The sheer glow against the darkness intrigued me. I had never seen anything like it when I lived in the wildflower field.
Some of the spirits were so young and full of energy. Others were older and shuffling along with aid. There were plenty in between too, thankful to have a new purpose.
"How do you know when it's time to join them?"
There was a little moment of silence, broken only by quietening ringing in the dark.
"I think you just know" Lacie voiced back to me "but that time isn't now."
Her hand brushed the side of my face to make me smile at her.
"Of course" I reassured her.
My eyes slid back to the twining blue glow now slipping between tree trunks that filtered the light between bars of darkness.
Even if it wasn't my time, the beauty of it all was still so intriguing. I could see why Sage once followed it.
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That night, the closed window filtering in the bright moonlight was my focus as I laid on the soft lounge to the right of the kitchen area.
When the sunlight streamed inside, I would be moving on once more with my journey. With it, a whole new responsibility was going to be entrusted with me.
I had already made myself comfortable here for far too long. For a little bit there, life was planned around these cheerful children and their sheltered life within the fenceline.
I knew there was more out there. I could leave any time, but Lacie or Elijah found a new way to keep me here just another night longer.
Sighing, I remained looking up at the window, as if a miracle would glow through it and help me with my clenching gut and restless thoughts disturbing my sleep.
Looking over to the stairs, I knew everyone would be sleeping upstairs in their rooms. My eyes ran along the imperfections in the wooden roof instead, contemplating another few hours of my mind mulling endlessly without turning to the fresh air and dirt for escape.
Lacie warned I shouldn't travel by night when the lights were passing through. Although they were beautiful to look at, some animals could stray and act on their own when away from the ringing of the bells that kept them calm.
Night became a bit more dangerous in these lands. I'd have to teach Sage the same thing if we were to make any significant ground during our shortened time travelling in the daytime.
Avoid the lights and keep the kid in check.
It sounded so much easier in my head.