No Plagiarism!LTKY31rNCjSbqu3Q3ctNposted on PENANA The streets feel so wrong at 7:45 PM. Way too quiet and way too empty...Almost like a movie set waiting for the actors to take their places...Every step towards that old mill echoes off abandoned cars and darkened storefronts...All their windows sealed up with metal shutters....My earpiece rings with emergency broadcasts..."Eighteen minutes until the Purge begins...All citizens are advised to seek shelter immediately. This year's prize money will only be awarded if proof of survival is verified thro-"...More bullshit that's not worth me hearing...The rules don't matter. They never matter..Only my daughter matters..That old mill looms ahead of me...perfect sight lines in every direction...No cover approaching the main entrance...If Michael's setting me up...I'm walking into a deathtrap...A movement in the building catches my eyes...a movement from someone inside the house across the street..there and gone just like that...I'm used to being watched...They're always watching. I slipped into the shadows and behind an abandoned delivery truck...The old mill's entrance is a couple of yards away...My plan is doable if i time everything right...My phone vibrates and i freeze....I slowly reach for it...It's meaghan..Good to know Molly isn't bringing our daughter into any of this...My phone buzzes again...."Dad..Mom's being weird again...She locked herself in her room with you know who...I think they have weapons dad....I'm so scared"...My heart stops for a moment..."Where are you kiddo??" I reply...It's a long pause before my phone buzzes again..."In my room...Mom said I have to stay in here until the morning. The purge has basically already started...I don't know what to do", she replied...Damn you Molly...It's only typical that she would use Meaghan as her scapegoat..."Are your windows locked?" I reply...My hearts racing with every second of me waiting for Meaghan's reply..."Yeah..Everything is locked...But how do I know I'll be--"...The message cuts off. My signal bars disappear and my phone shuts off...Of course. They always cut communications just before commencement. I fight the urge to sprint to Molly's house right now. That's what she'd expect. That's probably what she wants...She wants to see me crumble under her...She always has...A distant explosion makes me flinch. Early starters. There's always a few who can't wait for the sirens. I check my watch: 7:49 PM. Close enough to start that the cops won't bother responding....The mill's side door creaks as I ease it open. The smell hits me first...oil and rust and something else. Something metallic. Fresh....I whisper Michael's name and my voice echoes through the mill...A fluorescent light flickers to life overhead. Then another. And another. Like falling dominoes, they illuminate a path through the machinery graveyard toward the former assembly line.8964 copyright protection86PENANA3UMdIX9NY0 維尼
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Michael: Up here Sean...
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Micheal stands on the elevated foreman's office...silhouetted against the grimy windows. No weapons visible...but his stance is wrong..Too rigid. Too rehearsed. In fact everything about this feels wrong..My heart is screaming for me to run and find Meaghan and get out of this place with her safe with me...yet my body stands still and motionless
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Sean: Show me your hands Micheal
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He laughs. The sound bounces off the old steel and concrete
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Micheal: Damn Sean...Why so paranoid?? We both know why we're here
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Sean: What is Molly planning Micheal?
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Micheal: What's the rush? Let's talk...We have all night
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He laughs again as he runs his fingers along the old rusty pipes connecting to the ceiling
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Micheal: It's good that you're still paranoid...You'll need that tonight and for a while
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Sean: I said what is Molly planning...Cut the bullshit Micheal
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Micheal: Straight to business as usual...That's what I admire about you, Sean. No bullshit
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Micheal leans forward, hands gripping the railing. His silhouette booming
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Micheal: You know what's funny Sean? Molly came to me first...Offered me a cut of the prize money once she got it...But...
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Sean: But what?
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Micheal: See Sean everything in life isn't free. There's always a fucked up twisted and sick deed you have to do win....Molly wanted me to take you out early so you wouldn't mess up anything or try anything else...She said with you gone she can finally have Meaghan to herself and enough cash to help Meaghan in the future....
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My finger finds the trigger of the pistol in my jacket pocket...Micheal has always been a money hungry bastard so its no surprise he took Molly's sick offer up
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Sean: And?...What are you getting at Micheal?
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Micheal: I took her up on it...Because that's what people do Sean. We lie, we steal, we betray, and we kill...We do whatever it takes for us to survive
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The first siren screams across the city. Seven minutes to commencement and Micheal chuckles as he continues to speak
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Micheal: But you know...I got my own kid at home...And you know well...Two hundred million split two ways goes a hell of a lot further than three
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The math hits me the same time I spot the red dot appearing on Michael's chest. A sniper....But not aimed at me. I noticed it before he does but we both know its already two late
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Sean: I'm sorry Micheal...You made a deal with the devil tonight...
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His eyes widen as he notices the red dot
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Micheal: You gotta be fucking kidding me
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The window behind him explodes. The shot is so loud in the enclosed space that I feel it in my teeth. Micheal stumbles forward...A dark flower blooming on his shirt. His mouth opens and closes like a fish on land.
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Micheal: We..ll pl..ayed
90Please respect copyright.PENANAVMs2CHU6UP
He manages before pitching over the railing. The sound his body makes when it hits the concrete below will haunt me forever...Before I could take it all in, i see movement in the broken window. A flash of long dark hair....Then nothing...My watch beeps. 7:59 PM....The final siren wails, long and loud and hungry. Across the city, I imagine thousands of people like me, caught between survival and morality....Between who they are and who the Purge might make them become...I hear Molly's voice, distant but getting closer...
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Molly: Check the lower levels...I know he's still in here somewhere
90Please respect copyright.PENANAMTEdm2Rro6
Multiple footsteps. Professional and coordinated....She's gotten smart and hired some help...I grip my pistol tighter and melt into the shadows between two ancient rust filled machines. The game is on...my daughter's future hangs in the balance. But Molly made one crucial mistake....She thought she was hunting me. She didn't realize she just made herself my prey. The Purge has finally begun...