The teacher set down her whiteboard marker after she wrote her name, Mrs. Morgan, on the whiteboard. "So today is the first day of school-"
"Thanks for stating the obvious." Joey snickered.
"-so we're going to do icebreakers! Let's all start off by standing up and introducing yourself to the class one by one" the teacher continued, glaring at Joey. "How about you start us off, Joey?"
Salty teacher alert.
I saw the teacher glance at me quickly and shoot me a quizzical expression.
I could hear Logan chuckling behind me and quickly shut up when the teacher give him a dirty look.
Shoot, did I say that out loud? Yup I probably did, I tend to do that a lot.
It's a blessing and a curse.
Mostly a curse.
The teacher eventually got on with the rest of the class and then it came to my row of desks.
"I'm Heather , I love fashion and makeup. My father is the richest man in this town, and obviously my mother is the richest woman. Oh, and I'm single." She winked at Logan as she twirled her hair around her finger flirtatiously.
Ew, barf.
I probably said that out loud too, but you know. Honestly, I don't give a f-
"Isabella. it's your turn." The teacher sighed as she sat back down on her chair.
Startled, I got up quickly, nearly knocking my chair over.
"Um, my name is Isabella and I like sports, and my dog Percy. Not my brothers though, they're really annoying." I rambled, I sat back down quietly and turned behind me to face Logan.
He stood up and introduced himself. "I enjoy playing soccer, spending time drawing, and listening to music during my free time. Also my favorite colors are red and white."
Icebreakers ended a few minutes before dismissal so the teacher handed everyone a packet for us to fill out at home.
I skimmed through the pages and filled out as many short questions as I could before the bell rang.
"Hey, Isabella. What's your next class?" Logan asked as he ran his hand through his dark blonde hair.
"Science, Mr. Gray" I answered as we walked down the hallway together.
"Oh, I have math with Mrs. Andres" He said as he tucked his hands into his pockets. "Do you know where the classroom is?"
"Um, yeah. It's down the hall, on the right side." I pointed towards a long hallway.
"Thanks! See you around." He waved and walked down the crowded hall.
Yes finally, the last period of the day.
I was really glad that I had P.E as my last class. Other kids that had gym somewhere in the middle of the day, they have to be all sweaty in their next few classes. I could just run and escape to my house where only my parents and brothers can judge me.
Well, my brothers are always stinky anyways. If they do laugh at me, then they are some sweaty, stinking hypocrites.
I glanced at my schedule as I headed to the gymnasium, swerving my way through a small gap in the hallway that wasn't crowded with students.
I pulled the handle on the gym's heavy double doors and slipped inside.
There were metal chairs placed in rows in the middle of the gym and I spotted Noah and Logan sitting next to each other in the back row of seats. They seemed to be having a nice conversation with each other, they must've had a class together earlier.
I walked over to the back and sat down next to Noah, I slung my backpack onto the seat next to me.
"Hey, guys." I smiled as I pulled my hair up into a ponytail.
"Do you and Logan know each other?" Noah asked as he glanced at the two of us.
Logan nodded, "Well yeah, kind of. She sits in front of me in math first period."
"I feel bad for you two, math is probably the worst class to have first thing in the morning. It's too early for that stuff." Noah laughed as he put his binder away and zipped up his backpack.
I had Noah in the class before this however we were not close, we sat across the room from each other because the teacher did not let us choose our own seats. I sat in a table group of three with an empty desk and a perky girl named Gracie.
The room went silent as Mr. Clyde, the P.E teacher, tapped lightly on the microphone to get our attention.
We all sat quietly as the gym teacher introduced himself and began explaining the locker room rules and expectations. He handed each of us in the room a combination lock for our gym lockers.
I took off the sticky note from the black 'Master Lock' and read the combination written on it;
6 - 48 - 12
Everyone was instructed to quickly claim an empty gym locker in their gender's locker room and return to their seats.
Mr. Clyde walked around so that he could count us off into partner groups. When he reached us, he paused at stared at Noah and Logan chatting away as I laughed at their unawareness.
"I guess I'll have to separate you boys." He cleared his throat, finally gaining their attention.
Noah and Logan quickly shut up and glanced at the frightening gym teacher towering over them.
The gym teacher looked at Noah, "You can partner up with that lovely lady over there in the pink blouse."
We watched as Noah trudged his lazy self over to the front row of seats to introduce himself to the girl.
Mr. Clyde pointed his finger at me.
"You pair up with Mr. Talkative number two." He motioned towards Logan.
I rolled my eyes when Logan secretly gave me a wink as Mr. Clyde moved on to the next group of people.
A gorgeous red haired woman walked up to the microphone and explained to everyone what was happening with all the groups.
"Today you will participate in the annual Senior Scavenger Hunt with your assigned partner, let's see how well you know your school!" She smiled as there were hoots and applause from the audience.
"The scavenger hunt will go on for the rest of the week during your sixth period; which is physical education." She continued. "Each partnership please send a person to go to the white table near the door right now, you will be given an envelope with the first clue inside."
Logan swiftly got out of his seat and rushed to the table where several kids were already lined up.
"Once you receive the envelope, you may open it and start on the scavenger hunt. You are permitted to go anywhere in school property except for the classes in session. Please be quiet in the hallways because there are students trying to learn. The winning team is awarded a giant box of snacks and two movie tickets for the show of your choice! You are dismissed to start on your scavenger hunt, have fun! Good luck!"
She set down the microphone on the podium as kids rushed back to their teammates to share the first clue with them.
Logan ran back to me with a bright smile plastered on his face. He shoved the white envelope into my hands and laughed at my confused expression. He motioned for me to follow him to the door.
I hesitantly followed him. He was still new to this school, I'm not sure if he knows his way through the school yet. Plus, I barely see any other teams leaving the gym yet, how could he know where it was?
"Logan, can you at least tell me what the clue says, maybe I could-"
He grabbed my hand as we hastily ran to the door.
"Come on, Isabel. I know where it is, I saw it earlier this morning." He gave me a cute lopsided grin as he pulled me through the double doors and dashed down the hallway. "Don't you trust me?"
"Fine." I rolled my eyes and laughed as we ran down the stairs, our footsteps echoing through the empty hall. "Let's win this."