Terynz placed her bag between her back and the chair when she sat down.
"I guess we are all going to be studying together at the start of this year. Good luck..?" Ember said.
"Based on my calculations, we're gonna suffer. Nobody likes studying, and neither do I," Samantha added.
"Seriously? I thought we're gonna make it. I mean, studying is not that hard, right..?" Yeonrin replied.
Ro Won nodded, and then they all stared at Terynz.
"What?" Terynz said.
"Aren't you worried? It's our first year at this breathtaking school," Ember said as everyone else of the group agreed.
"Don't tell me you have really good grades that you will not give a damn about them?!" Yeonrin yelled.
Terynz sighed, "I barely got into this school with my grades, your gonna give me stress."
"Okay, okay. Let's switch topics. How about some positive conversations, anyone..?" Ember happily said as she stood up from her chair.
Nobody replied.
"Uhh, I'll start first! Terynz, do you have a boyfriend..? " Ember said gleefully, sitting back to her chair and shifts her body to Terynz direction. Everybody snapped out of their minds as they shift their own body to Terynz direction too, ears wide open.
"Why do you ask? Isn't it obvious that I don't have one? I'm barely surviving and I do not have time to own one!" Terynz sighed.
"Own? Your a crazy bitch. But I agree what you said, nobody has time to become a prostitute." Yeonrin said.
"Your jokes makes no sense, having a relationship with another different sex doesn't mean you really need to have sex or whatsoever. I like pure relationships." Samantha replied.
"Whatever." Yeonrin responded, rolling her eyes.
Meanwhile, a boy ran to the back of the class, opening the window that is connected to the corridor rushingly. And Terynz herself didn't know she was staring at him. Ember noticed and asks her.
"Who's that boy?" Ember asked.
"Patrick Wei, knew him ever since middle school." Terynz replied.
[Partick Wei: 5.6 Foot tall, 55 kilograms heavy. Has short brownish-black hair and brown eyes. Has dark tanned skin with popping veins on his arms. Absolute chatterbox, will reveal your secrets if you ever tell him one. Very annoying and doesn't like to be critisized. Often say hi to older people that has the same sex with him. Smartass and a great basketball player.]
"Dao Dao!" Patrick shouted as he popped out his head to the opposite side.
Two guys came and immediately started a conversation with Patrick. One was really dark tanned and the other one was fair skin. It was so sudden that Terynz and the gang can't eavesdrop.
"What do you guys think about what they are talking about?" Ember whispered to us.
"No idea. But im pretty sure that they are not talking about us." Yeonrin said.
The fair skinned guy looked up and saw them staring at him and the boys. He then proceeds to poke the dark tanned guy and points the finger at Terynz, and after that he then whispers something to the dark tanned guy's ear.
Patrick also realized, and then he said: "The dark skinned one is called Dao Dao, the other one is Han Bin."
[Dao Dao: 5.9 foot tall and 57 kilograms heavy. Has dark tanned skin, dark brown hair and black eyes. Excellent at basketball, always either wear sports attire or basketball player attire. Dislikes people making fun of his skin color, as he had gotten it from playing basketball outside at the park too much. Has 6 pack, which he posted it on instagram. Never liked sushi. ]
[Han Bin: 5.89 foot tall and 56 kilograms heavy. Has fair skin, black hair and brown eyes. Has veins on his arms. Good at playing badminton. Obviously chinese. Not really handsome but has a common face. Doesn't talk really much when he is shy.]
After that, our class teacher, Miss Lisa entered and they all started class. The ones that should stay go back to their own places and the ones outside left the scene.
[10:00 A.M, Recess Time.]
"Thank you, Miss Lisa!" All the students in 1 Alpha shouted as Miss Lisa smiled and left the classroom.
As everyone in Terynz group stood up, pushing their seats back beneath the desk, taking their own breakfast money or boxed meals and went outside.
"Don't you think that Han Bin dood was WEIRD?" Yeonrin asked as they were slowly approaching to the exit door.
"Speaking of the devil, look outside." Samantha facepalmed as she uses the other hand to point the door. There was a dark figure there, the dark figure turned to their direction. It was no other than, Han Bin.
They approached to Han Bin, demanding an explanation as Han Bin said hi to them.
"What do you want from us?" Ember asked.
"I don't want you guys, I want her." Han Bin cooly pointed at Terynz.
"Then what do you want from me? Was it so important that you have to come all the way here? And please don't bother my friends." Terynz asked as she stepped forward to Han Bin's direction.
"Terynz Lee, Im in love with you. And it was first sight in love." Han Bin said, taking out a rose out of nowhere.
"Oh gosh no." Samantha said, shaking her head with disbelief.
[Small Note: Special thanks to Elftown for kindly let me use one of their pictures.]