"Look at Female Subject Twelve. It's not dead yet!" James shouted excitedly.
It had been two months since they created the twelfth female embryo for the project. Two months of grueling effort to keep this twelfth female embryo alive. The last eleven died before getting to this stage, and James Anderson, the head of the Avian memorial project, did not want to see another wasted opportunity. Besides, the REA was paying for this project of his, and they were getting impatient with his failers.
"Yes, I can see that," Jeb Batchelder replied enthusiastically. "We finally made some progress. Isn't that great, Ari?"
Ari nodded and went back to his job. He mostly cleaned the lab, since he had no education, but Jeb still loved him enough to keep him around. After all the effort the whitecoats had made to make Jeb and Ari alive again, there was only so much you could do.
"Do you think we are going to make it?" James asked. "I mean, we'll need both a Male and a Female Subject for this project to work."
"I think it'll work. If it doesn't, we'll make more to make sure it does." Jeb replied.
"I'll get to preparing more Subjects," James decided.
Jeb nodded. If they were going to make redundancies, he wanted the others to be interesting. "Let's make the next ones have other abilities. I'll design the next one and you can design the one after that, and we'll see from there."
James nodded enthusiastically and left the embryo lab prepare. Jeb couldn't wait to get started on the next batch of bird kids. They'll be better than Maximum Ride ever was, he thought. Better than anything before them.