The next few days go by and it's all back to normal between us. We really only talk when she needs help with her school work. Now, most of my time is spent either in class, working, tutoring, or hanging out with my friends. Usually, on the weekends my friends and I would play disk golf, watch the latest Marvel movie, or just hanging out playing cards.
Late one night I'm lying in my bed watching TV and my phone buzzes with a message. This time I actually figure its one of my friends messaging me with what I should bring for all of us to snack on tomorrow. But to my surprise when I pick up my phone it's a message from Sierra.
[Sierra Acosta] Alex I'm bored!
I smirk wondering why she is texting me. I'm sure she has friends she could hang out with. There is also a big frat party going on at the moment. Why isn't she there?
[Me] I'm sorry. It's the weekend and there is a pretty big party going on at the Phi Delta house.
[Me] Why aren't you there?
[Sierra Acosta] I would be but I ended up getting a horrible case of pink eye. It's disgusting looking.
[Sierra Acosta] Are you at the party?
I smirk at her question. She must think I am cool enough to go to one of those parties. I'm also not very good at being around a lot of people and loud music.
[Me] I'm not really a frat party kind of guy. I'm more of the geeky dungeons and dragons type.
[Sierra Acosta] lol Aww you are one of them. Let me guess you're a virgin too.
How did I know she would make fun of me after I said that? And why do folks always assume people who play dungeons and dragons or other games like that are virgins. I mean I am a virgin, but that isn't because of that game. It's just really bad luck on my part. A few of my friends play dungeons and dragons and have girlfriends and get laid all the time.
Her comment almost offended me and I almost went off on a rant saying that's just a bad stereotype. I decide to delete it at the last minute. I guess she saw me do that through the messenger program and sends another message.
[Sierra Acosta] OMG Really?
[Sierra Acosta] Aww
Now her taunting actually started to bother me. Me being a virgin is actually a touchy subject for me and my friends know it as well. They have made jokes saying they are just going to buy me a prostitute to lose it. Kind of wanting this conversation to end now I say,
[Me] Why don't you call or text your phone sex buddy. I'm sure he can entertain you.
[Sierra Acosta] He is already asleep. He works in the morning.
Well, I was hoping that she would have noticed that the virgin thing bothered me but apparently she is slow at picking that stuff up too. She then asks,
[Sierra Acosta] So why haven't you had sex? You have had a girlfriend right?
I scoff at that comment now she is thinking I am too much of a nerd to even get a girlfriend. I didn't want to tell her I only had 1 girlfriend in my 23 years of life. She would probably make fun of that too. I just type back,
[Me] Yes I have had a girlfriend. We just never got that far.
[Sierra Acosta] How far have you got?
I rub my face in frustration really not wanting to talk about my sex life with her or the lack thereof.
[Me] I really don't want to talk about this with you.
[Sierra Acosta] Whatever
I guess she finally got it through her head that I found this conversation uncomfortable. I could have phrased that last sentence a little more kindly. She begins typing something then erases it and does it again only to erase that one too. Then she finally asks,
[Sierra Acosta] So what was she like?
[Me] Who?
[Sierra Acosta] Your girlfriend.
Not sure if she is trying to catch me in a lie. Maybe she thinks I was lying about having a girlfriend.
[Me] Why?
[Sierra Acosta] Just curious... Like I said I am bored.
I debate on whether I should answer her or not. Like the virgin thing, this is a touchy subject for me also they pretty much run hand in hand. My relationship with my ex really hurt me a lot which is why I am too nervous to jump into another one.
[Me] She was a good friend of mine I knew since middle school. She was nice and very pretty. She also liked all the same stuff I did.
[Sierra Acosta] How long were you two together?
[Me] Over 3 years
[Sierra Acosta] 3 years and you 2 never did anything?
I sigh knowing it would come back to this
[Me] We did stuff just not sex. She said she wanted to wait till we were married.
Again she goes through the motions of typing stuff and erasing it a few times before she actually asks the question I was hoping she wouldn't
[Sierra Acosta] So what happened between you 2?
I almost pains me to write,
[Me] She ended up sleeping with my roommate while I was at work.
[Sierra Acosta] Wow that bitch
Seeing that comment actually makes me crack a smile and I just respond with,
[Me] It's whatever
[Sierra Acosta] Well you will find someone better I am sure. Want me to hook you up with someone?
That makes me chuckle. Like any of her friends would want to date someone like me. They are probably into the meathead jocks or the assholes who will treat them bad and end up cheating on them in the long run.
[Me] lol No thanks. Not really looking and I am not sure I am your friends' type anyways.
[Sierra Acosta] How do you know? You don't know my friends
[Me] lol I am pretty sure I am not if they are anything like you. You already made fun of me for being the geeky type.
[Sierra Acosta] Actually I think you being a geek is kind of cute.
That kind of catches me off guard I didn't expect her to say that. But then again I kind of feel she is just being nice to me to make me feel better about myself. Unsure how to really respond to that I just say,
[Me] Whatever
[Sierra Acosta] Fine send me a picture of you and I will tell you what I think.
Now what she just said really stunned me. She might make fun of me more if I send her a picture. She could even quit talking to me altogether. But what if she actually likes the way I look?I guess I took too long thinking about it and she ends up sending another message
[Sierra Acosta] Come on please
Still hesitant I just type back,
[Me] I don't know
[Sierra Acosta] How about I send you one of me?
Now that question actually wins me over. I have been wondering what she actually looks like. I wonder if she looks anything like I have pictured her? I have been picturing her as a blonde haired blue eyed preppy girl. She was probably homecoming queen or a cheerleader in high school. She is probably really hot and way out of my league. Again I fight with myself for a second about to type "I don't know" again but I end up erasing it and say,
[Me] Fine
[Sierra Acosta] Yay hold on, let me take one real quick.
The picture she sends me leaves me breathless but is also quite amusing at the same time. The one she sends is her lying on her back wearing nothing but a long grey sleeping shirt. She just barely lifted her shirt up showing off her pale skin and flat toned stomach. But not high enough to reveal her breasts to me. On the right side of her ribs traveling down just below her belly button is a tattoo of an hourglass with a dragon wrapped around it.
With her shirt raised, it also shows off her white and red polka-dotted panties and her and the tops of her smooth shaven thighs. There is also the hint of a tattoo down one of her thighs as well.The humorous part of the picture is she has a crazy sticker or whatever covering her face not allowing me to see what she looks like. I can barely make out from behind the sticker that she has red hair.
I guess I ended up taking too long to respond kind as I just stare at this sexy and totally surprising picture she sent me. She ends up texting me again
[Sierra Acosta] lol Are you there?
The buzzing of her message snaps me back to reality. I quickly save her picture thinking this is way too hot to let go of then text her,
[Me] Wow that is hot. I love the tattoos. So am I not allowed to see your face? lol
[Sierra Acosta] Nope lol
I chuckle shaking my head,
[Me] Whatever lol
[Sierra Acosta] Now send me yours
[Me] Fine hold on
I begin looking through my phone at the few pictures I took of myself when I was thinking of putting myself on a dating site at one point. Then I thought of something funny I could do. I began searching the web for "Hot selfies of Men". I find one of a muscle-bound guy wearing glasses showing off his body in his restroom. He kind of looks like Superman taking a selfie in the restroom and forgot to take off his Clark Kent glasses. I send her that one and laugh as I wait for her response. Her response is almost immediate as she says,
[Sierra Acosta] Haha lmao that is so not you.
Her comment makes me laugh again.
[Me] lol How do you know? I told you I wear glasses
[Sierra Acosta] Shut up lol
[Sierra Acosta] Come on send me a real one of you.
[Me] lol Fine hold on. I need to put a shirt on so I can take one.
I start to stand but her almost instant response makes me stop.
[Sierra Acosta] No wait!
[Sierra Acosta] Take it without the shirt on.
I smirk thinking she can't be serious. Also, I would feel weird doing it anyway.
[Me] lol Uh no
[Sierra Acosta] Chicken
Now my ego or what little one I have takes over. I can't let her get away with calling me a chicken. She wants me to take a picture like that I will. I mean, I guess my body is decent. My body is slim with a bit of muscle definition but not really rocking a full defined six pack but you can kinda see a hint of one there.
[Me] Okay fine hold on
[Sierra Acosta] lol
Again I try to be humorous with it and lie on my bed trying to mock the same position in. I use my arm to cover my chest hiding my nipples from her. Also, I edit my picture placing sticker covering my face just like hers. I guess I took too long and she messages me
[Sierra Acosta] Damn boy it's just a picture. You're looking up more pictures on the net aren't you?
I finally send the picture and say right after I send it,
[Me] Since you blocked your face out. I did mine too.
[Sierra Acosta] lol That's not you either.
[Me] No that's actually me
[Sierra Acosta] Really? Wow you have a nice body.
I smile actually seeing that. I think my ex was the last girl to actually see me without my shirt on. I am one of those people who like to go swimming with their shirt on.
[Me] lol Better than the guy in the first picture?
[Sierra Acosta] Actually yeah
Again I almost feel like she is just trying to be nice to me. Then she says,
[Sierra Acosta] I don't really like big muscles on a guy
[Sierra Acosta] You should really let me set you up with one of my friends
I chuckle again. It would be awesome to be in a relationship again. Being around my friends with their girlfriends made me really want one. But again I am too nervous about getting hurt again. I am too scared to put myself out there to end up getting rejected or worse.
[Me] I don't know I am not really looking for a relationship I am still not really over my last one.
[Sierra Acosta] Aw okay. I know they would probably like you though.
I smile and begin to thank her for suggesting it. But her next message comes in before I could hit send.
[Sierra Acosta] Wow that is a good picture. Totally saving that for later.
Again she makes me laugh as I understand what she means by that statement. I seriously doubt its true but again it makes me laugh.
[Me] lol
Now I try and play dumb acting like I don't know what she means. Maybe I can get her to tell me exactly what she would be using it for.
[Me] Saving it for what?
[Sierra Acosta] What do you think? Use your imagination if you have one. ;)
I chuckle at her imagination joke. She probably knew what I was trying to do and is trying to be coy now and teasing me some more.
[Me] lol I play D&D that's all about imagination. But I would rather hear it from you what you will be using it for.
Again I hope I will be able to draw it out of her. She has phone sex and talks dirty with a stranger. Maybe I could get her to do a bit of it with me. Again she shuts me down with,
[Sierra Acosta] Maybe some other night.
I realize she still doesn't see me like that. Or maybe she is just staying faithful to the man she already has. Either way, I decide to jab at her one last time saying,
[Me] Tease lol
She doesn't respond right away and I almost feel like maybe I did something wrong by asking her to do that. Just as I am about to say something one of my friends begins calling. I quickly text her,
[Me] Give me a bit one of my friends is calling.
[Sierra Acosta] Okay hurry up.
I smile and answer the phone. My friend begins going on about the Phi Delta party. He begins talking about how crazy it was. A fight even broke out between 4 or 5 people. The police ended up showing up to break up the party. They also found some underage kids there drinking getting drunk as well. Apparently, Sierra got quickly got bored waiting for me and texts,
[Sierra Acosta] Well I am taking a bath since you are ignoring me now.
I groan looking at her comment wishing I could tell my friend I need to go. The only problem is he won't stop talking for a second to get a word in. My friend just continues on talking about how lucky we are that we didn't show up. I figure she has already put the phone down and went to take her bath.
I decide my conversation with her is probably over now and join the other conversation now. We eventually get on to a different topic talking about a new game coming out for the PlayStation. I don't know how long we continued to talk for on the phone but it felt like quite a while. For some reason, as we continued talking my mind wanders away as I start thinking about her in the bathtub. It's almost like she was reading my mind as my phone buzzes with another message from her.
[Sierra Acosta] Well it's getting late I'm going to bed. I will just leave this with you to show you what you missed.
She ends up sending me a picture of her in the bath. It was a picture of the lower half of her body now. Her feet were propped up on the water faucet showing off her smooth toned legs and feet with nicely manicured toes. This allowed me a better view of the tattoo on her upper thigh. It was a mermaid with flowing purple hair wrapped around her body hiding her breasts all the way down to her fish-like tail. The bubbles in the bathtub pretty much hide any chance of Sierra revealing anything else to me.
[Sierra Acosta] Sweet dreams (of me) Alex
I groan again seeing that picture. Now I am more determined than ever to get off the phone. I quickly interrupt my friend talking saying I really need to go. He lets me go and I quickly begin texting her hoping she hasn't fallen asleep already.
[Me] Sorry about that he wouldn't shut up
Of course, she doesn't answer and I cuss myself for answering his phone call.