I woke up to the sound of moaning outside my door. I stared up at the ceiling for a couple seconds before I decided to push myself to sit up. I then rubbed my eyes a little bit and tried to remember the dream I had last night. It was really weird and felt very realistic. Most dreams you would have tend to feel like they are real, but when you wake up, you realize it's just a dream and start to feel a bit disappointed that it was just a dream. Depending on what the dream is of course.
I sighed as I swung my legs over to the side of my bed and sat there. I stared at the floor below me for a minute or two before I reached over to my nightstand table and picked up my large framed hipster glasses. I put them on my face then looked at clock on my nightstand table. It's currently five twenty-eight. I literately didn't think that I would've slept for so long. I must've been so tired last night. What did I do last night anyways? I leaned my head back then closed my eyes and tried to remember what happen last night. As the memories started to flood back into my mind, I chuckled.
"Oh yeah. That's right. I went out with some college friends and we all got drunk then I came back home, or should I say stumbled back home and I went to bed." I recalled.
I sighed and dropped my head.
It's all coming back now.
I snapped my head up, eyes widen. "There it goes again..."
I wasn't sure where i'm hearing these moaning sounds from but they sound just like zombie moans. Pfft. Yeah right. Zombies don't exist. Only in movies. I must be hearing things now. I am a bit hungover after all. I pushed myself up from the bed then started to make my way out of my bedroom and through my apartment. I yawned quietly as I scratched my butt then walked over to the window in the living room. I live in an apartment but with the way the apartments are made, they put the window in the living room so it's possible for you to open up the blinds and look out into the hallway. It's helpful because the front door doesn't have that little peephole like most doors would have.
I carefully pushed up one blind and peeped out into the hallway. That's when my heart literately stops. I stood still as I watched an unusual person walk past my apartment. It's skin still looked human but I could tell that it was starting to turn gray. The person's neck looked like it's been chewed off, with the big bloody gash and everything. I was even able to see the muscles popping out. There was also blood dripping down from the neck and it started to stain their clothing.
That's not all, though. I've seen enough zombie movies to know how a zombie walks and this person was walking slow just like a zombie. They were gently swaying from left to right and their eyes were red and yellow. No. This can't be happening. Zombies don't exist. They don't.
Once the zombie safely walked past my apartment, I dropped down to my knees and sat on my butt, pushing my back against the wall. I took a couple deep breaths to calm my nerves, but I could already feel my hands shaking.
"Pull yourself together, Jaime. There has to be a reasonable explanation for that guy to look like a zombie." I told myself. I was trying to reassure myself that everything will be fine and that there are dozens of explanations for what I saw, but I wasn't sure if I could keep telling myself that everything will be fine.
Once I was able to calm myself down and stop the shaking of my hands, the first thing that popped into my mind was to check the News channel for any information. I got to my feet and started to rush over to my room, practically stumbling before I was able to catch myself and keep running. When I got to my room, I quickly turned on the News channel. There was a news woman standing out in the open and behind her showed a couple people gnawing at somebody that was on the ground, dead.
"I'm not sure what is happening but apparently there are people out here eating other people. I can see people right now, running from their houses and getting into their cars. Frank just told me that the military are trying to gather people and put them in a safe house. Nobody is sure how this started and when it's going to end, but it seems to be that this might indeed become a Zombie Outbreak." She announced.
The woman then touched her ear before looking back at the camera. "This just in. I have word from-"
"Look out!" The cameraman shouted but the news woman turned around too late.
My eyes widen as a zombie that was just walking towards the news woman is now pulling out her neck and eating her. The woman collapsed onto the ground and the cameraman that was holding onto the camera, dropped it. After that, the screen fizzed then went blank.
"Wow." I breathed.
I walked over to my bed and sat down on it. I then closed my eyes and tried to gather my thoughts. This is really happening. I'm not sure how, but it's really happening. Just last night, everything was peachy keen, but now, a zombie outbreak is happening in just a matter of minutes. I'm not even sure what to do. I hadn't exactly planned what I would be doing if an apocalypse happen. I'm so unprepared. That's when something hit me.
I got up from my bed and grabbed my cell phone. I looked for my mom's number and dialed it then pressed my phone to my ear and listened to the dial tone.
"Please pick up. Please pick up." I chanted nervously.
"The number you have reached-"
I sighed and hung up. There was no answer from my mom which is weird because she always answers her phone. Now I know something has happen to her. I glanced at the clock then searched for my dad's number and dialed it. My dad should be getting off of work right about now. I hope he'll pick up. I need to know that both my parents are alright.
The dial tone went on for a few minutes before the same message came on. My dad didn't pick up. I pressed my hand to my chest and tried to take a couple deep breaths. I don't need to freak out right now.
"Okay. I need to come up with a plan. First, I need to find my parents which will be difficult since they live in a couple cities away from me." I started then tossed my cell phone onto my bed and ran out of my bedroom.
"Next, I need to check to see if I have any non-perishable foods to take with me."
I looked through my pantry and found a few cans of fruit that I can take with me. I even found a couple cans of soup. Soup needs to be heated up first before eating it but that's not a problem. I can just set up camp and start a fire. Then, I found that I had a huge package of water bottles I can take with me.
"Sadly, I can probably only take five since I need to save room for other stuff."
After I picked out all the canned foods and drinks I can take with me, I searched through my apartment for a decent size backpack. I looked through my closet and found a decent size black backpack. I barely used it even though I brought it to camp sometimes with a couple buddies.
I ran back to the kitchen and started to fill the backpack up with the stuff I pulled out. Once I put everything in the bag, I set it on top of the counter.
"What else do I need...?"
Weapons. I quickly searched my kitchen for some weapons. That's when I remembered I had a pocket knife. I opened up my tool drawer and took out the pocket knife then set it down on the counter next to the backpack.
"What else? What else?"
I searched for a working flashlight and some batteries then placed them in the backpack. I tried to rack my brain for other stuff I need.
"First aid kit, cell phone, charger." I listed then ran back to my room and gathered the stuff. Luckily, the first aid kit I have is small enough to fit in my bag. What else, though?
"Maybe clothes?"
I searched my closet for a couple pairs of everything. Two t-shirts, two pairs of pants, two boxers, ect. Once I put the clothes in my bag, I slipped on some black pants and my socks and shoes. I didn't need to throw on a shirt since I can just wear the shirt I wore to bed last night.
"Okay. What else?"
Then, my stomach grumbled.
"I guess I should eat before I start my adventure."
I went into the kitchen and grabbed some bagels with cream cheese. I quickly ate that up then downed the last of my orange juice. I wiped my mouth off with the back of my hand then sighed.
"That might actually be the last time I get to drink juice..."
I zipped my bag up and hoisted it over my shoulder then grabbed my pocket knife and shoved it into my pocket along with my cell phone. I quickly went over all the things I had in my head and determined that I didn't need anything else. I walked through my apartment and over to the front door then grabbed the handle.
"Let's hope that once I step out of here, I won't get eaten."
I sighed then opened up the door and walked out. Five seconds later, I walked back into my apartment. I quickly grabbed some notebook paper and pen.
"Just in case." I said then walked out of my apartment for the final time.