"You may be right", I said shrugging.
People all the time ask me isn't this stuff on your conscience. I mean it is but if do it long enough then you'll get used to it. I looked around the somewhat lit basement and then back down to Ryan. He's on his knees like that's going to stop me.
"You don't want to do this Lia", Ryan said
"I do and I am"
"Please I have a little brother to take of our mother died last year. He only has me left", Ryan said starting to cry.
I rolled my eyes I hate when they do this shit. I have a kid, my mom is in the hospital or my little sister will wonder where I am. That's not my problem I don't care about your personal life.
"Tell your mom I said hi", I said pulling the trigger.
His lifeless body fell forwards onto the cold concrete floor I jumped back. I took my bag off and tossed the gun in it. I put it back on and rolled Ryan over. I stood there for a while looking at the blood pour out his head onto the floor. Then turned around and walked out the house. That's one job done. I took off my leather gloves and stuffed them in my backpocket.
Sadly I don't have a car. I walked for 20 minutes to my house. It's not that big it's just average size. That's what she said. I chuckled walking up the sidewalk to the door. The lights reflected off my dark blue house. I unlocked the door and set my keys on the table near the door.
I locked the door behind me and walked to the right into the living room. I dropped my bag on the floor and hopped over the couch. I closed my eyes and sighed.
"Finally", I said opening my eyes.
I reached over and turned on the t.v. I turned it to Snorks and kicked off my shoes. I sat up and went into the kitchen scratching my head. I turned on the lights and made waffles. I connected my phone to the speaker and played Facetime (21 Savage). I ate them and washed the dishes. I went upstairs through the kitchen and undressed in the hallway down into my underwear and shirt. I walked through second living room and to the left into my bedroom.
That's the best part of having your own place. You get to do whatever you want. I went to my bed and laid flat out. I turned on my speaker next to my bed and got under the covers. I turned over and stared up at the ceiling until I fell asleep.
The next morning I woke up to hearing Catch Me Outside (Ski Mask The Slump God) and my phone buzzing. I groan and rub my hands over my face. I climb out of bed and walk over to the window. I check my phone and I had texts from Dexter and Kurt. I open the blinds and Dexter and Vanessa's car was parked outside in the driveway. I ran into the bathroom and took a quick shower washing my body and hair.
I put on a black nike jacket, blue jeans ripped at the knee, white hightop Nike forces and a black nike hat. I brushed my hair and put it in a ponytail with the hat. I brushed my hair and stuff before I ran downstairs. I opened the door and Dexter, Cylde, Manny, Kurt and Vanessa was standing there.
"What took your ass so long", Vanessa said walking past me into the house.
"Well come in then"
They all came in and we sat in the living room downstairs.
"Where your speaker", Kurt said
"When are you going to change these depressing walls", Vanessa said
I looked around at the grey walls and the three pictures hanging on them. I shrugged and sat back.
"Don't know"
Kurt got up and Dexter pulled out a bong from his bag. We all sat around the coffee table with Kurt on the floor between Venessa and Clyde. I sunk the glass bong and put it on the coffee table as I blew the smoke out. I felt my body tingle and heat up. Then Clyde took it off the table and passed it to Vanessa.
"This some good shit", Clyde said coughing.
We all started laughing because Clyde hasn't smoked as much as we have. I put the bong to my mouth and put the lighter while putting it to the cone piece. I started to breath in slowly till I noticed the weed starting to light up, I sunk the cone and held in the smoke as I passed the bong to Dexter.
"Bruh y'all got school in a few minutes", Dexter said
I grabbed my phone from Vanessa and checked the time. Shit it's almost nine o'clock. There's nothing wrong with being a little late.
"Your step brother going to be pissed", Kurt said laughing.
"Who gives a shit about him"
Kurt shook his head, as I packed my second cone piece.
"This your third time smoking before school", Kurt said
"I'll be fine but don't you got school"
"Nope just work", Vanessa said blowing out smoke.
It went on like this for hours. We just passed the bong smoking up every bit of weed we had. I checked the time again and it was 12:25. I guess it's for me to get to school. I passed the bong to Clyde, once I again blew out the smoke in my lungs. I feel high and happh as fuck nothing can ruin this high.
"Lock up when you leave", I said standing up.
I tried to climb over the couch but ended up falling. I jumped up and ran upstairs. I grabbed my school bag off the floor and ran back downstairs. I grabbed my keychain off the table and connected it to my belt loop. I locked the door behind me and walked to school which isn't that far away. I walked into the front office and signed in.
"Hello Ms Riley", the lady at the desk said
"Yeah, yeah"
I continued walking now the empty hall and went to my social studies class. I opened the door and everybody turned to look at me.
"Fuck you looking at", I yelled stumbling a little to the only empty desk next to Kendall.
"Glad you could join us at the last 10 minutes of class Lia", Mr Hopkins said
"Good for you"
He went on with his lesson but it was so hard to focus. I kept zoning in and out.
"Lia what is wrong with you", Kendall said confused and I turned to look at him.
He braided his brown hair back and is wearing joggers, slides and a hoodie. I leaned forwards and squinted my eyes at him in the eyes.
"Are you fucking high", Kendall said
"No", I said sloching in the desk.
"Wait until Romeo finds out", Kendall said
"He has no control over me plus he'll never find out"
"How your eyes are blood shot red", Kendall said when the bell rang.
"No they're not", I said standing up.
I left Kendall and stumbled down the hall bumping into random people going to the cafeteria. I got a bag of chips from the vending machine and sat in the back where nobody sits so I could sleep. I leaned back onto the wall and plugged in my earbuds. I blasted Codeine Dreaming (Kodak Black) and closed my eyes.
My eyes weren't even closed that long before my earbuds were snatched out my ears. I opened my eyes and glared at Romeo. He's leaning over the table and his buddies are seated around him.
"Fuck you want", I said taking my earbuds from him.
He sat down and he friends were just looking at me.
"Hey Lia", Craig said smiling at me.
"Why are your eyes red", Romeo said
"None of your business"
"You've been smoking haven't you", Romeo said
"I told you to stop hanging out with those potheads", Romeo said
"You don't control me"
"I don't want you to be a pothead", Romeo said
He acting like I smoke everyday like Vanessa but I rarely smoke. This is like my 5th time smoking.
"Your not even my real brother shut the fuck up"
He ignored what I said and kept going.
"Dad is going to be so mad when he finds out", Romeo said
"Mad for what? I don't live with him anymore"
"Because we're all going to the cabins", Romeo said
Why does he keep saying we? I don't stay there I can careless about where they go.
"Why are you going to the cabins"
"For spring break in two week", Romeo said eating his burger.
"And you're telling me this because..."
"Because dad wants you there", Romeo said
"I don't care what he wants I'm not going"
I put my earbuds back in and laid my head back. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.
I felt someone shake my shoulders. I open my eyes rubbing my face and looked around. The cafeteria was fucking empty I must have slept through the last two classes. I turned around and saw Craig sitting besides me. I took out my earbuds and waited for him to talk.
"You know your dad waiting for you in the office", Craig said
"Ok", I groaned, stretching.
I stood up and Craig followed me out the cafeteria. I walked past the principal's office which I know dad and Romeo are waiting.
"Where you going their in here", Craig said stopping.
I kept walking out the school and back home feeling my high starting to fade away. I saw Dexter's car was still parked outside so I knocked on the door and some boy opened the door. He was had a small blond curly fro and small mustache.
"Who is you", I said looking up at him.
"Kaden and you are", the boy said
"The owner of this house. Why are you here?", I said pushing past him inside the house.
The whole room smelt like weed and I walked into the living room and Dexter passed out.
"So what's your name", Kaden said walking passed me into the kitchen.
"Lia", I said searching through Dexter's pockets.
I took his car keys and tossed it to Kaden when he came in.
"What do you want me to do with these", Karen said
"Take him home"
I walked past him and grabbed the orange juice. I drank it walking back into the living room.
"You going to help me", Kaden said trying to put Dexter on his back.
I set my juice down on the table and grabbed Dexter's feet while he got his hands. We carried him outside and laid him across the backseat. I closed the car door and knocked on the passenger's side window. Kaden rolled down the window and I looked inside.
"You know where he stay right"
"No", Kaden said
"Give me your number and I'll text you"
"It's 678-353-9659", Kaden said
I pulled out my phone and texted him his address.
"It's apartment 6B on the second floor"
"Alright", Kaden said and I stepped back so he could leave.
I walked back inside the house and locked the door. Got the place back to myself. I turned off the speaker and t.v. I grabbed my orange juice and went upstairs. I dropped my bag on the door on top of my clothes from yesterday. I locked off my shoes and laid back on the couch. I unconnected my keys and threw them on the table. I turned on the speaker and played New Freezer (Rich The Kid). I gotta go to work tomorrow to get my money.