Summary: Set between 10x9 and 10x10, leaving off from the ending of 10x9. What happened to Tim? Will Tim be okay? Will they be found, or will they have to get home on their own?
It was a beautiful day, as Amy and Georgie heard the sound of hoofs against the ground and a horse. Then, when they saw the horse, Amy knew it was Spartan. Her dad wasn’t on him though and, knowing Spartan’s look all too well, she knew that something was wrong.
“Spartan,” Amy said.
Spartan went to stand in front of Amy.
Amy knew she didn’t have a choice but to ride. She had to get to her dad. She knew by feeling that her dad was hurt.
Amy took the rope and mounted, using the rope as reins.
“Amy, what are you doing?”
“Something’s wrong. My dad could be hurt. I have to find him. Stay here with the horse,” she told Georgie.
Georgie watched, as Amy clicked her tongue and rode off on Spartan to find Tim, Spartan cantering, probably knowing or sensing that Amy was pregnant.
About half an hour later, Spartan stopped on the road and looking to the grass, she spotted him laying on the grass.
“Dad!” She dismounted and rushed over to him. “Please be okay.”
She knelt by him.
For a few moments, she thought of what she should do. She couldn’t leave him here to ride for four hours back to Heartland. She didn’t want to leave Georgie behind either, but Georgie was staying with the frightened horse. Then she had an idea to get him on Spartan and lead Spartan back home to let them know what happened and get her dad taken care of. So that’s what she did. Besides, Georgie would be fine. She knew it.
A few hours later, Tim was tended to and would be okay. He just had a concussion from the crash. While he was tended to, the horse and Georgie were taken back to Heartland safe and sound, so everyone was okay.