' Hey, are you okay?' An obnoxiously loud voice spoke right into my sensitive ears. A young boy with blond hair and large clear blue eyes.
' no need to yell! I am right here. I am fine.' I say a bit too aggressively.
' Oh sorry!' He speaks rubbing the back of his head, sheepishly. 'Ummm... hi my names Naruto Uzamaki, I am going to be the future hokage!" Holding out his hand to me.
' Again, I am right here! Anyway, nice to meet you Naruto.' I brought my hand out to shake his. ' My name is Hikari-' I was so very rudely cut off by my dear, Mr Emo Brother.
'Hikari, get back home right now! I told you not to go wondering off. I can't risk you being taken from me as well!' Wow the most words spoken by my great Uchiha brother.
' You know when the time comes, I might as well leave, with you having this attitude. I AM a person, so quit ordering me around, Sasuke.' Immediately regretting what I had said. I like, loved him to hell and back, but for some reason could never show it to him. 'Hey Naruto nice to meet you, see you around sometime?'
'Hell yeah, tomorrow afternoon?'
' For sure', I replied having not seen the future events. I turn my back to my brother and Naruto bickering. I took the long way home, which included almost every nook and cranny before the apartment. If only I had listened to my brother and went straight home, or at least stayed by his side.
Swirls began to appear in the sky, a guy with a swirly mask wearing a red clouded cloak. Who is this? Never seen him in my life. But upon seeing my older brother, reality truly hit.
...The Akatsuki...
An organisation I learned I would either have to join or die for.
' Ahh~ dear, what have we here! Hikari Uchiha!-' It must really run in the bloodline cause, damn my older brother just cut him off. Twice in one day, well who knew.
' Now to buiseness, Hikari by order of our leader you will join Akatsuki or die by my very hand. The choice is entirely yours to make.' He said it so calmly, almost as if he wasn't handing his sister a death warrant. My eyes softened, I knew very well this was an act. One he would play for all the years he lived. No one had to tell me the truth to know. After all being undetectable and spying were my middle names.
' So I have no choice huh. You do realise, of what you are going to do to our brother right?'
' Of course, you are simply in the way of his path of revenge. If I let you around him, I am afraid, he will remain as weak as he is now.' I couldn't contain my anger any longer. Yes he had his reasons but to torment Sasuke like that. It was hardly fair.' I am afraid your time is up. Two Jonin ranked ninja are headed this way. Look at me.' and of course like a complete idiot I looked. I saw the between beautiful kekkai genkai of our bloodline. I was out like a light.
That was the last time anyone heard of the name Hikari Uchiha.
People only ever heard of, ' The Vanquished Light' in the bingo book. You wouldn't recognise her if you saw her, or me. I knew the akatsuki was going to change me, but I didn't even know who the old me was anymore. But for all I know I would meet Sasuke one day, feeling no regret for leaving him behind.
Though for some reason a memory of that blond idiot I had once met, remained forever until now, unchanged.