"How did it go with fitting Old Bird with the newer tech?" Jamie asked, entering the Parts and Service room as Nora wiped some grease from her cheek.
"Not much progress," she grumbled, standing up as her spine popped "I can't do much with the arms, the endoskeleton is too outdated for some of these newer joints to be compatible."
Jamie shrugged. "These things are like from the 70's, you can't really do much without gutting all of them and replacing everything." he replied.
Nora nodded in agreement, handing over the wrench she had been using to her supervisor. "I'm passing the torch, I need a smoke break." she said simply, walking past him as he began to try to work out more of Chica's parts himself.
Nora walked past the hall of party rooms, taking notice that Balloon Boy was nowhere to be seen. It was well past noon, there was no doubt a party or two going on, by the sound of it. She shrugged on her jacket, and prepared to duck out of the way of an approaching Bonnie.
"I haven't seen anything suspicious today." it said in its cheerfully ignorant voice.
Nora stopped and simply stared, a little dumbfounded. "Run data scan zero-two-point-oh" she replied.
The blue bunny's jaw fell open a bit and began to rattle off a report.
"Mobility and joints - active...motion sense and safety - active...facial recognition - faulty."
"Ah shit, again?" Nora sighed, looking the thing up and down.
It did the same.
"Come on, let's get you fixed up." she said at last, beckoning it to follow her back to Parts and Service.
"Sure thing, Miss Nora!"
It followed, as Nora shuddered a bit. She might have been a technician for Freddy's for a few years, but the way these things acted almost human gave her chills.
"Jay, make a note in the logbook, I think the facial scanners might be on the fritz again." she said, leading Bonnie into the room and off to the corner to be worked on.
"New tech always does that. Who knows? It could save a life someday."
"A bit on the nose, isn't it?" she replied, as she powered down Bonnie.
"It's what the Corporate Overlords want, so that's what they get." Jamie chuckled.
Nora shrugged, once again heading out the door. "This time I'm really going on a smoke break."
Nora exited the room, and began to stroll towards the exit when a familiar voice caught her attention.
"Miss Nora?"
Balloon Boy.
Nora spun on her heels, spying him off to the left, near his usual spot.
"Yes..?" she asked hesitantly.
"Will my friend Bonnie be alright?" it asked.
Nora shivered again.
"He just needs to...lie down for a while, he'll be okay." she said (reassured?) it.
The humanoid animatronic nodded, then ran off to join the party in the other room.
She hurried her way out the door before anymore animatronics could stop and talk to her.