Welcome! Sorry for the long break but let's get going. We have many episodes to get through with more on the way!
To start off, we get to see a familiar face but in human form: Sassy Saddles who is less than happy with how her job position is being treated by the higher ups. Those being Rarity and Coco.
Looking up abruptly, the young looking executive adjusted her pair of glasses before letting them hang by her neck, focusing her eyes on Sassy. “Can I help you, Sassy?” she said, crossing her arms and leaning back in her chair. Sassy slammed the letter on the desk.
“Yes, Miss Pommel, you can. You can start by telling me why my department’s budget is cut by thirty percent while the Botanical department gets a forty-five percent increase!” she said in a huff to Pommel “You've crippled my research, the new line of products I'm working on will be a game changer in the hair care industry!”
“Your research shows little progress based on the reports your staff are turning in. I don't think at this time focusing on a revamp of an old product can benefit the company as a whole” she said.”You may continue your--” Pommel continued looking up at Sassy, a stern look attached to her face, only to be interrupted.
“So that's it? All the time and all effort I put into this new line, the new formulas, all the hours after I've stayed, all the sacrifices I've made mean nothing to you, do they?” Sassy asked, as she slammed her palm on the letter.
Next we have a sweet moment between Twilight and Spike while she tests a bit of tech, learning something about herself.
“Good thing you didn't try to crack your knuckles.” S.P.I.K.E said, a small chuckle following, a nearby monitor displayed his face, the dragon she remembered, although digitized.
“Safety first, Spike” She smiled, not turning away from her work. “Did you read what I told you to?” she asked setting down and exchanging tiny tools.
“I did but I'm only up to the founding of Equestrian City as a small town several centuries ago. I want to learn more but every time I try to move faster I end up getting slower.” Spike answered a sad expression on his electronic face.
“I think a lot of that is due to hardware limitations, Spike. I don't have a lot of resources devoted to you now because of the projects I'm running.” Twilight said as she pulled open a section of the armor from the gauntlet and soldered a few areas carefully. “Once I get the Propulsion formulas compiled I should be able to give you more processing power.” A small tendrils of smoke rose from the board she was working on.
“The ECPD should be happy with what you're working on. It'll be a major upgrade to their, well, flimsy armor they have now. “ Spike transferred himself to a closer monitor and continued. “You adding the ability to lift a car over their head is just icing on the cake.”
“Mmhmm.” Twilight absently acknowledged her new electronic assistant as she closed the area she was working on.
Next up we get to see a glimpse of Trixie in jail before seeing how Sunset, aka Becky, is doing at her job and we get to meet Nightwatch again after his encounter with Pinkie, aka Splitsecond.
Sunset smiled and turned down the set. “The usual, officer? Perhaps a hero sandwich?” she smirked.
“Don't you start too…” he rubbed his face. “I happen to be at a lot of meta issues and suddenly I'm the department’s spokesperson. I didn't ask for that. I'm just a cop”
“Just a cop right I know you always say that, officer” she poured him a cup of coffee and set down three sweeteners and a cream packet. “You know the heroes could do worse. You consider it?” Sunset put a slip in the order window and rang the bell “Earl! ORDER!” she cleared her throat and put on a pleasant face again. “So, Split-Second hmm? She's a fast one.”
“Oh yeah, fast and quick to leave. I got a villain in lock up and a small puzzle to figure out thanks to her. “ he opened his packets and poured them in one at a time. “would be nice if she'd stay and collaborate...no one does”
Sunset leaned back on the counter and folded her arms as she stared back at the grey officer. “Maybe if you took the job, they’d be more inclined to get with you. I know you’d be more connected to help get things done, I'd work with you in a second.”
Nightwatch raised an eyebrow as he sipped his coffee, his eyes wandering to her name tag and back up to her. The coffee wasn’t all that good, but he didn’t mind the company, half the reason he came there wasn’t for the food. Despite the fact she’d only worked there for a few months, he had actually grown to appreciate her rather uncharacteristic wisdom of a diner waitress.
We return later to spy on a sneaking around Sassy who gets caught by both Phoenix and ECPD, leading to an unfortunate event.
Dodging the vials, Sunset closed the gap between the two and grabbed the back of Sassy’s collar with a firm grip. “Uh uh, not so fast.” Sunset said, before a wild swing from Sassy’s crowbar connected to the hero’s forearm, saving her face. Sending the weapon flying from Sassy’s hands with a quick wrist slap, she used her own weight to restrain her against the wall, pulling out a set of handcuffs.
Sassy cried out in pain as she felt her air get knocked out from the blow, but instinct sent a back kick into Sunset’s knee, easing the restraining hold she had and letting her out the door, the handcuffs hurdling to the floor. She made her way clumsily towards the exit, the catwalks clanking under her as she ran, the boots she wore not the best suited for a factory lattice. She rounded the corner of the platform only to see a set of ECPD running up, guns drawn. Feeling cornered, she turned on her heel and ran back the way she came, still clutching one of the chemical vials she’d grabbed from the table in a desperate attempt as a weapon.
“FREEZE! ECPD!” a voice yelled, a set of flashlight beams shining on her, making her duck out of the way behind the corner, towards Sunset Shimmer, she was partially obscured by the small mist that the vats below were generating.
“You heard the man.” Sunset remarked, startling Sassy as she backed into the hero’s figure, cloaked by the shadows. Turning to react, her designer boot heel stuck inside the catwalk and sent her reeling backwards into the railing behind her.
Sassy grabbed at anything, but her momentum was too much with her own weight being her enemy. The railing gave way behind her and sent her plummeting into the vats below, her screams cut short by the splash she made in the yellow chemicals.
Rarity gets a visit from Nightwatch and they exchange information as Nightwatch tries to figure out what Sassy was after inside the building. Rarity also gets an update from Twilight about the suit in production.
Rarity pulled out her glasses and adjusted them on her nose, staring at the picture. “Could be a number of things, that office is where they store the formulas and the secret ingredients to our products. I can’t tell you what's in it for sure. The inventory list for the office can no doubt tell you, Pommel will get you a copy if you wish?”
“That would be most helpful.” Nightwatch nodded, turning the tablet back and standing up. “Thats everything I had for the moment, but we may call on you lovely ladies again, if that's alright?” he put his hand under his arm.
“Any assistance we can give you, we’d like this taken care of quickly and quietly.” Spoon said from behind the other two, standing to walk him out with them.
As she and Pommel made their way to the door, Rarity took another drink as they left, watching them leave. All of them stopped when the doors opened by themselves, and Twilight Sparkle walked in.
“Twilight, Rarity’s a little pressed for--” Pommel began to say, quickly cut off by Rarity’s glass hitting the counter loudly enough to make her stop, a look from her telling her to let her in.
“Darling, do come in, this is Officer Nightwatch. He was just leaving, officer this is Twilight.” Rarity began to explain.
“Sparkle, yes. I’m familiar with you, ma’am. You and another girl are stuck here after the explosion, if I recall the story correctly.” he nodded, smiling. “Though I wasn’t aware you worked here, both of you seemed to disappear off the grid after the attention died down.”598Please respect copyright.PENANAGtS2hqP4IW
In closing we get to see a newly transformed Sassy starting to come to terms with what she has become, as well as meeting a very familiar face that has an offer Sassy just can't refuse.
“You keep referring to someone, who?” Sassy asked, the occasional giggle coming from her. She’d been unable to control it, finding herself still amused by the situation that had befallen her. “I’d love to meet this fashion king!”
“More like a 'god'” a deep male voice said from above her. A light turning on above the source and allowing her to see his figure, but little else about him. “Welcome, Sassy. I understand you had a bit of an accident.”
“Who might you be? I only just came into myself, though your little girlfriend here was quick to arrive with an open hand.” The tendrils on her head moved frantically, extending to the ground and lifting her up towards the voice. “Maybe I should just bite the hand that tries to feed me? Hmm?”
A pair of purple eyes lit up on the figure, and at the same moment an invisible force pushed the recently mutated super villain to the floor. “Don’t. You’ll find it quite unhealthy to do so.” his tone remained level and unemotional. “I didn’t ask you here to just kill you. Though I could. I need someone like you.”
“I don’t even know who I am, how can you?” she chuckled at the thought, her hair flailing under his telekinetic hold, the fabric contorting as if a giant hand was pushing on her.
“I know you’d do anything to get back at Rarity. Even in your current mental state you must remember, how much you hated her.” his eyes dimmed and disappeared, letting her fall with a thud.
Sassy stopped short of trying to attack again when he mentioned Rarity, the memories of what was in her broken mind coming together again. The hatred for her old employer and former friend rekindled in her and her expression turned to a scowl. “You’d win that bet.”
“Yes. Yes I would.” he sounded delighted at her new anger. “Now I can help you get her, but you need to do me some favors too.” his tone changed again. “Unless it’s not worth it, going after Rarity?” 598Please respect copyright.PENANAInrULiXT0B
Hate filled her again, imagining the thought of losing her revenge. The tendrils on her head snapped straight and then curled around her head in anger as she seethed. At the same time, the eyes from the shadow began to glow a steel blue, bright like a star, accompanied by Arai’s gem lighting up red, both taking in the anger and hatred she was producing.
“Good. I sense we have a deal then?” he chuckled.
This concludes the snippet cap for Episode 2! I hope you all will follow the links below and check out the full episode on FiM Fiction. Don't forget to leave a thumbs up and a comment below the episode with your thoughts!
> Check out Episode 2 - Old Wounds, New Problems
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> If Equestrian City and Side Streets aren't your thing, and you're more into Fallout, then why not check out Total Wasteland . You'll meet familiar names and faces but in a new light!