Sleeping in a small tent by myself was a cold experience, and the small mattress we had was very hard. Despite that and the way I felt, I did manage to get some sleep. This was disturbed as the sun showed its face, and this trumpet was playing and the camp staff was shouting that we had 15 minuted to get up, brush our teeth and get washed and get our jumpsuits on.
Harry threw a jumpsuit in front of me. It was orange. I remember the general telling us that orange jumpsuits were for them that was very bad. Harry must have seen this, as he said that the General has a special interest in me. He always had one child that he thought deserved his methods of salvation. I did not say a word. I was beginning to hate the world. I hated my mom and hated the camp.
After we had to do morning exercises. This was quite hard as I was still half asleep and mad at the world. I also hurt all over because I was sunburned. This must have been because I was forced to lay in the sand for ages and being baked. Despite the pain, I did what the General told us to do. I did not let him hear me moan and complain. I put on my brave face.
After the exercise, I raised my hand and told the general that I was sunburned and my face felt like it was on fire. I asked if the camp had any lotion that would help me. This made him laugh and asked did I think I was on a holiday camp.
We had breakfast and once again I sat next to Noah. He had a similar story than mine and he was not happy that he was back again. He told me that he tried doing everything the General wanted and when he was allowed to go home, he was much better. He did not hang around with anyone that would get him in trouble. Even at home, he was polite to his mom and helped her do things. Noah was sure that she did not love him, as one day two men came, put him in handcuffs and dragged him back to camp. I felt sorry for him, and it reminded me that all the children here had a similar story.
It was time to go on a hike again. Today we would be walking several miles up a steep hill. We were not allowed to talk. It was not like we had a lot of energy to talk, as we were still tired from the last hike. Our legs were so heavy and it took a lot of effort just to put one in front of the other. They were like logs of stone! Some of the other children were moaning and some even crying. They complained that this was torture and they wanted a rest. The General just told them to continue.
It was torture and I did not want to complain or do anything else bad. General Cody picked me out as being a bad apple, and this is why I was already wearing an orange suit. Mom thought I was bad and now this camp thought I was. They thought there was no hope. They wanted to bring me down by humiliation and torture. Then they wanted me to build me up again as the girl that they wanted.
This was not going to happen!
I knew that I was not a bad girl. I knew that I was not evil. Sure I was no saint, but this did not justify me being seen to this camp. I would bite my lips, play the sweet girl that they wanted and thus get the points. I would let them believe that their strange program works. In the end, I would have the last word. I would never forgive or trust mom again and I doubt I would ever love her. As far as I was concerned, she was no longer a mother that I could use. As for the camp, I would tell the whole world about it.
The problem was that going up a hill was hard, especially when we were getting towards the top. Stones were in the way and we had to crawl over some big rocks. Everyone was in pain except the general. I tried to forget the pain and struggles by looking at the nature around me. Every time the general looked at me, I did not complain and smiled back at him. To be honest, I think that this annoyed him. It is good that he could not see the agony my body was in.
After the hike, we were advised to sit in some quiet place and think about our lives. We were told that a staff member would come after a while and give us chores. I sat under the tree. I tried to think if there was any reason I was here. The fact is that I was not as bad as any other one my age. I did shoplift once and I did sniff glue. I would never shoplift again. I learned my lesson there. I could say no to sniffing glue. This still did not make me bad!
It could be that they just wanted me to be obedient to mom. They wanted me to allow her to decide what I liked and how I looked. The problem is that this was not working. There was no way in the world that I would ever forgive my mom! I no longer trusted her and she was the evil one for bringing me here. She was probably sitting home laughing at the way we were treated here.
I saw the other children doing chores. Some were washing dishes, other carrying rubbish and some scrubbing floors.
Harry found me and told me that he was my personal staff member. He took out some lotion and told me that this would help the sunburn. I gave him one of my famous smiles and said thanks.
"I am not like the general." he said, " You are not a bad girl. Like so many here, you should be at some summer camp where they have fun."
He told me he had a special chore for me. He led me to a garden behind the kitchen. He showed me the herbs and vegetables that they planted there. He told me that I could help keep the weeds away and keep the place alive. Harry was smiling, saying that it could be my garden, for as long as I was here. I weakly smiled back. I didn't know what to say. At least it was better than scrubbing floors.
The rest of the weekend was the same. We exercised, hiked, done chores, listened to long speeches and slept in the small tents. Some children broke down and cried so hard and this seemed to please the general. As for me, I tried to make the best of things. I would smile and give polite answers. If I was in pain I would try and concentrate on something like nature or someone who was in more pain than me.
Our parents were coming to take us home. The general gave us a speech before they came, " I hope you all have learned something while you were here. Some of you now know the wrong path you were on. You have got the 60 points that you needed. Others will need to stay for a week more! We never give up hope. I do have one warning for you all. What you have experienced here at RAD stays here. You are not to tell anyone about the punishments that you have seen. If you do, you will not like the consequences!"
I had to smile at this, Why would he not want us to tell about the punishments and torture? The police would have questions if they knew.
Mom came and was full of smiles. The first thing she said was that she noticed I got some sun. I felt like telling her how, but the General was close by. Then she gave me a hug and told me how much she missed me. Again I bit my lips so I wouldn't say anything.
Mom took a picnic with her, and it was the food I liked. She talked and talked about how her week went. She had a good time. She went to a spa, went shopping, went to a hairdresser and visited old friends. While she was doing all this, she said she missed me. I smiled at that, but to tell you the truth, I did not believe in anything she said.
I looked over at Noah. He was having some picnic with him. I do not think that he enjoyed it. I could see him eating a sandwich, while his mom was waving her finger at him. She was obviously mad at something. I felt sorry for Noah, as at least my mom was trying her best.
The big question is what was worse, Noah's mom being honest or my mom saying she loved me and missed me.
Mom must have been reading my thoughts, as she asked did I still hate her?
It was good that the General stood there and said it was time to read the children's names and points. He told us that those that had 60 points could go home. Those that did not enough points had to say goodbye to their parents.
The General started reading names and points...
Joseph 64 Clarence 72 Julie 69 Ryan 82
and on and on he went
Noah 52. I looked at Noah and I felt sorry for him. I could see him bury his head in his hands. I knew he was crying and I could understand this. He was so close to 60 and now had to stay here for a full week! It was like being a prisoner. I would also bet that his mom did not want to take him home.
I looked around and seen a few other children that were under 60. They were in a panic, crying and begging. I was wondering how parents could not see the pain and fear in their children.
Then he read my name and I held my breath. It was like the world fell on me when he said 52! I could see that smile on his face. I looked at mom and gave her a hug and told her its good she missed me, so I could go home. Mom just smiled and said that I was nearly 60 points. She thought another week would be good for me.
I asked how she knew as she was walking towards the car. She tried giving me a hug but I pushed her away. I shouted that she should try a camp for parents that was like this one and I still hated her... even more.
Mom just sat in the car with tears in her eyes. I stood next to Noah as he was also looking at his mom drive away
I was full of emotions at this stage