"Wake up young prince!" The maid knocked on his door. There was a couple of moments before a response came.
"Coming.." He called from within the room
He pulled himself from his bed, sighing. He grabbed his hair brush and brushed his short hair, sitting on his floor for a few moments, working up the motivation to get dressed. Eventually he did, peeling off his pyjamas and pulling on his royal clothing, veiled in white with strips of gold. He slipped on his oxford shoes over white socks, leaving his room.
"Hey Maya." He smiled tiredly. "How're you?"
"I'm great!" She smiled back at him sweetly. "Tired, sir?"
He nodded. "Yeah... I best be on my way now. Can't leave my father waiting."
Maya nodded back. "That's true. I'll see you later, sir."
"Don't call me sir," He laughed. "See ya."
He arrived at the dining hall, taking his seat. "Good morning father, mother."
They nodded at him. "Good morning Noah." His mother spoke. Her voice was rich and smooth, relaxing to listen to.
"Yes, good morning." Now his father. His voice was much rougher, he sounded tougher, there was much more edge to it.
Noah's mother was beautiful, always draped in purples and blues and golds. She was majestic to say the least. The kingdom loved her; who wouldn't? She had long, thick brown hair that fell down to her waist. She always wore a long, thin, silky dress that flowed down to her ankles and black tights. This was matched with delicate blue or purple shoes. His father was a little different; He had short, curly black hair and a short beard. He wore black and brown cloth and leather clothing, and half knee length leather boots. He carried his sword with him at all times, always ready to fight for and protect his family and subjects.
Things were better before Noah had gotten older. They had fun. But now, everything was all royal duties. He wanted to go back, when he didn't have any responsibilities. He always wished he was born a commoner. He wished he had no responsibilities to the kingdom, to his family. To everyone. One wrong move, and everything would come crashing down. He would disappoint everyone within these walls.
Eventually the time reached 12 and his kingdomly duties were over. Noah ran up to his room, throwing off his royal clothes and pulling on normal ones, commoner clothing. He snuck out the castle, waving to Maya as he left. Every day around this time he snuck out, wanted to experience the life of any normal person.