As we jumped in,I closed my eyes, and held my breath, expecting to feel ice cold water (It was winter) but instead, it was dry... and my feet hit solid ground, I opened my eyes, we were in some library room. "What the frick is going on?!" I yelled, Mason looked worried. "I'm sorry I had to drag you into this.. its a long story, and hard to explain.." He put his hand on the back of his neck. "I have time." I said, crossing my arms. "wait isn't your family going to be wondering where you are?" Mason asked me, I looked down. "About that... um... I actually ran away from home." I said, Mason looked shocked. "Oh... well you should probably stick with me.. I'm not going to tell you everything, but all you need to know, is I'm on the run too, from some bad people, and they saw you with me so.. you just might be running from them too..." Mason said, he walked over to a book shelf, and pulled on one of the books and a secret door was revealed. "Come on." Mason grabbed my arm and pulled me through the door. "What is this, some nancy drew movie?" I mumbled to myself. On the other side of the door was a little room, with a bed, a closet,and a littlel kitchen. "Welcome to my home." Mason said, he closed the secret door behind him. "Ok.. this is a first..." I said, well I guess jumping into a lake and ending up in a library is a first too, but whatever. "Yeah, this is my hide out, luckily they havent found out about it yet." Mason said, I was so confused at this point. "Who is they?" I asked, he turned to me. "People you dont want to meet, the bad guys." He said, telling me somthing without telling me. "Ok.. but why, are people chasing you, and now probably me, why are you running, why-" I was talking, but Mason cut me off. "Look, I cant tell you for your own safty...." He said, I crossed my eyes. "So, some random people who I have no idea who they are, are probably chasing me, I have no idea who they are, and you think it would be unsafe to tell me what the heck is going on?!" I yelled at him, he sighed. "Sammy.... you just have to trust me." He said, putting his hands on my shoulders. (To be continued)