As I was travelling to the place where we met I find myself staring at the slowly disappearing sunset on the horizon, as I remember the times when we were still together, as children we were inseparable you wouldn't find me without you nearby and vice versa as teenagers most would assume we were in a relationship and cheer us on, but we would deny it at every time it was mentioned, but the day came when you went away I felt like a piece of my heart shattered and disappeared, I didn't know at the time what that was but with every passing day it grew stronger and stronger until I couldn't feel it anymore, after a few years have passed you came back we were practically adults by then but when I saw you I felt renewed like something came back and that's when I knew that I loved you, as soon as I could I rushed to greet you and catch up but when I approached, I saw the look of unfamiliarity in your eyes as I slowly greeted with a hello, but you didn't respond you just looked at me like you didn't know who I was like I was a complete stranger to you, you simply turned around to call your parents that their is someone at the door, after about a minute or so your mother appeared looking a bit distraught "sweetie go inside for a bit" she said to her daughter, slowly she nodded the went inside, the mother faced me with a sad look on her as I slowly ask " why didn't she greet me or say anything for a matter of fact? " the mother slowly tears up while looking into my eyes saying "its not like she doesn't know you but she can't, when we went away there was an accident she got hit in the head hard that's why she didn't greet you, its because she didn't know who you were" as I let her words slowly sink in I asked if there was anything I could do to help her, and the mother said that their was.
After a few days to get to know her again I slowly tell her what we were and what we used to do as days turn into months, and months into years we slowly got our bond back, and now here I am in front of the altar looking at her at the end of the aisle as she slowly walks towards me, as she arrives in front of the altar I walk up to her and hugged her as I slowly gave her hand to her husband to be, I went back to my spot with tears in my eyes from both the joy of seeing my best friend marry her love and sadness that I wasn't the one saying I do, but if she's happy then I would learn to be happy even if she wasn't here by my side.
As I slowly open my eyes I saw that I was at my destination I picked up my things and slowly but surely walked to the hill of flowers were we first met, after a while I had finally reached the hill but over the years a few things have changed such as the tree where we used to play has grown bigger, the wooden bench were we would relax or sleep on has withered away, and the lone grave on top of the hill as I slowly approach it, with tearful eyes and a faint smile I shakily said "happy birthday best friend" as I lit some candles and put a slice of cake on your gravestone and said "eat up its not everyday I could come and visit you since you went ahead and kicked the bucket" I found myself laying on a small patch of grass near the tombstone staring at the night sky saying outloud with a shaky voice"you know I, I really was a coward, that I couldn't bring myself to confess to you that, that I loved you more than anything, but before I could do that someone already swept you away, but rather than fight for your affection, I decided that I would support you with your happiness that even though it would hurt I would give my support no matter what" I ended as I slowly looked up the night sky as I reflect everything I did in my short time on this mortal plane, I slowly remembered all the relationships I have formed, lives I helped improve, and families that I brought together as I reminisce, I suddenly remember a line from a movie I watched it was "I guide others to a treasure I cannot possess" I slightly laugh at that as it is how my life turned out, it seems my time has come I must go and rest for now as I slowly close my eyes and begin an endless dream.
The end...
The guide chapter End....