Bobby and I entered the cafe and sat down in a booth.
Bobby looked up at me and said "I'm sorry that your boyfriend just broke up with you Nicole. I also had a girlfriend but she was a jerk and took away all my chances of having fun and told me to never see her again!!!"
"It's OK. I knew that idiot was hiding something! I just can't believe that he was dating another woman! Did your ex girlfriend really do that? I feel bad for you." I said.
"Uh never mind..." Bobby said pretty sheepishly.
"So how old are you and what is your life like Nicole?" He asked.
I wasn't sure whether or not I should tell Bobby the more detailed things that have happened in my life since we just met, but I thought "Oh well. I guess it's OK to tell him...".
"Are you OK?" Bobby asked.
"Oh! Yeah! I'm fine. Sorry but I was just lost in thought I guess. Speaking of my life I am 25 years old and it is sure crazy!" I said.
"Really? What happened?" Bobby asked.
"It all started when I was around 5. My parents got divorced and then I was mostly living with my mom. Then a few years later I started to have seizures, but luckily they went away when I had a fifth brain surgery a few months ago..."
All of a sudden Bobby's jaw dropped in shock and said "WHAT?! You've had 5 BRAIN SURGERIES?!
"That was really brave of you." He said blushing a little.
"Thanks. A few years ago I finally moved out of my mom's house and I was probably going to move in with Alex soon but NOT anymore!!! What I do for work is read books to disabled kids with Down syndrome and teach them art projects. I also design beautiful wedding dresses." I said.
"Awesome! What I do for work is teach kids at camps archery and I also teach a fencing class. They love it!" Bobby said.
"Cool." I said.
"I also used to live on a tiny island that's pretty far away from here but I had to leave and I found a place even further away!" Bobby said, but suddenly I looked at my watch and noticed that the time had sure flown by.
"I'm sorry Bobby but I got to get home to feed my cat Luna!" I said.
"OK. Do you want me to help you find your way home?" Bobby asked.
"Sure. Thanks!" I said, and then we left.
As soon as we got to my house Bobby asked for my phone number and I gave it to him.