That's when I'll meet my soul mate. I didn't believe as a kid that a computer could actually map out everything in your life, all of the important events. So when I was offered a chance to know what was in my future, I asked with utmost snark:
"When will I meet my soulmate?"
"May 12th, 2038 at...3:27pm," the guy in the lapcoat replied after looking over the numbers for a minute. I laughed at the time. Not only did I not believe in the numbers but I didn't believe in soul mates.
Now that the time has come though, I can't find a single thing to laugh about, not after a lifetime of watching these numbers come out right. I never asked for other details like others have. I'm allowed to; I'm just scared to know. Some people even know when they're going to die! Isn't that crazy?
I almost wish that I had asked for that information instead.
I look at my phone, checking the time for the millionth time today.
"Oh're not one of those Time Watchers are you?" I look up, startled by the mocking nickname. A dark haired man looks down at me, a copy of The Theory of Everything tucked under his arm.
"No, I do not count down to every event of my life...just this one thing," I answer feeling stupid and pathetic.
"Oh yeah? Are you supposed to kick the bucket soon or something?" he asks sitting down in the empty seat across the table from me.
I can't believe this guy! I glare daggers at him, hoping whoever I'm supposed to meet shows up quickly so I can get on with blissfull ignorance to my future.
Looking down at the clock on my phone I see 3:28pm.
"What time is it," I demand from the stranger sitting across from me.
"Please sir. May I have the time?" He's taunting me. "You have a phone. Check the time yourself. Seriously though, you're not actually gonna die are you? I was only joking."
He looks a little freaked out but it can't possibly be as bad as I feel right now. This asshat that sits down to mock people he doesn't even know is my---
I can't even think about it. So instead, I'm just going make him regret his unkind words. So I ask him:
"If a clock could count down to the moment you meet your soul mate, would you want to know?"