Rick watched as silent green sparks lit up the night sky. It was the third time in under an hour.
“Man, what are ya thinkin'? Daryl kept his voice low to avoid attracting walkers or waking the rest of the camp. They were enjoying a rare night's sleep. They hadn't come across a walker in a day and a half. It was the longest they had gone since they had been forced to flee the prison.
More oddly silent green sparks shot up into the night, only this time they seemed larger and brighter. “They're getting closer,” Rick observed. “They're quiet because whoever's sending them up wants to get our attention but not the walkers.:
“Should we check it out?” Daryl had his crossbow at the ready.
“Nah,” Rick shook his head. “Whoever it is looks like they're comin' to us. Wake up Michonne, Carol, Glenn, and Maggie and have them ready to fight...just in case. I'll have Beth go and stay with Carl and Judith.”
The sparks continued to put on a show for another two hours before the rustling of leaves told Rick that their mystery visitors had finally arrived. “Announce yourselves,” he called.
“My name's Hermione Granger. I'm here with my friend, Professor Severus Snape. We mean you no harm.” The woman's voice was tiny but firm. It was also decidedly British.
“What do you want?”
“To help.”
“Granger, if they want to remain starving and in harm's way I say we let what the muggles call Darwinism take over.” The voice was deep, male, and also British. It was the first time that Rick had heard a human being sound bored and disinterested since the world had abruptly ended.
“Severus, be quiet if you don't feel like being helpful,” the woman hissed.
“Show yourselves now,” Rick ordered. “We're armed and we are prepared to fire.”
There was more rustling of leaves. Daryl, Glenn, Michonne, Maggie, and Carol all had their weapons at the ready. Tyreese, Sasha, and Bob stood guard over the tents where Beth waited with the children. The woman was the first one to emerge. She was of average height and a thin but healthy weight. She still had curves which struck Rick as unusual. No one was a healthy weight anymore. She had long, brown, very curly hair that was pulled back away from her face. She was dressed in jeans, a red flannel shirt, and hiking boots but she didn't look like she had been roughing it outdoors. She was way too neat. She had her hands raised in the air to show that she wasn't armed. “Severus, get out here,” she was annoyed with her companion.
Finally, the man came into view. He was tall, thin, and possessed black eyes and a long hooked nose. He was dressed oddly. He was wearing heavy black robes that Rick imagined the fictional Merlin might wear to a funeral. His hands weren't raised. They were crossed over his chest and he looked like he'd much rather be elsewhere.
“Who are you people and why are you here?” Rick was starting to get impatient.
“I'm Hermione,” the woman gestured to herself. “That's Severus,” she nodded towards the man in black. “I'm a witch, he's a wizard. Our world is offering safe refuge to non-magical people. We'd like your group to come home with us and help manage and train the survivors of this virus.”
What the holy hell was this insane woman talking about?