Jimmy was so excited to go trick or treating! He was finally six years old so his parents couldn't keep him from doing it any longer. He slipped on his werewolf costume and put on the mask. He looked in the mirror and growled at his reflection. He giggled and ran out towards the front door with his jack o lantern candy bucket swinging in his hand.
"Jimmy! Jimmy!" his mother called, running after him before he could get out the door.
"Mommy, I wanna go!" he huffed, stomping his foot.
"You have to wait until Robert and his mom gets here then you can go with them." his mother told him.
"Fineeee" Jimmy groaned, stomping over to the window. He waited for what seemed like ages for Robert to show up. Robert was his best friends but he wished he'd come faster.
Finally he saw Robert show up dressed like Superman. He seemed just as excited to go trick or treating as Jimmy was. Jimmy raced to the front door and threw it open just as Robert was about to ring the doorbell.
"Wow that's a cool costume." Robert said.
"Thanks." Jimmy said quickly then he turned to look at his mother who had entered the room again.
"He's here so can we go?" he asked her.
"Yes, yes you can go." his mother said with a sigh.
Jimmy eagerly ran out the door and out to the street with Robert at his heels. "Where should we go first?" Robert asked.
"Ummm.....that one!" Jimmy exclaimed, pointing to a house covered in spider-webs. The two little boys quickly ran over to the house and knocked on the door.
When it opened they both said "Trick or Treat!" The woman who answered the door gave each of them a handful of candy.
They ran to more and more houses with Robert's mother continuously telling them to slow down and wait for her. Neither of them listened so they didn't notice when they couldn't hear her anymore. Their buckets were about halfway full now and both of them were still full of energy.
They went down a few more streets until finally the decorations became slightly more scary with every new street. Their pace slowed as they cautiously made their way from house to house. There were a bunch of older kids too and they were all wearing creepy costumes. "Um, Jimmy. I don't see my mom." Robert said, looking around in panic.
"She's talking to someone. You know how are mommy's are." Jimmy replied though he was a little worried too.
Suddenly a teenager walked up to them. "Hey there's two little babies here!" he called. A few teenagers close by snickered.
"We aren't babies!" Jimmy protested. Suddenly something grabbed his shoulder and he screamed. A teen wearing a skeleton costume appeared laughing with the others at his reaction. Jimmy crossed his arms. Robert was standing behind him obviously terrified.
"Well if you want to prove you're not babies then you have to go in there." one of the teens said pointing to an old house covered in terrifying decorations. It was the neighborhood's scariest haunted house.
Jimmy heard Robert gulp. "I-In there?" Jimmy asked his voice shaking a bit. "Aw look at em they're shaking in their shoes!" one girl exclaimed, laughing.
Jimmy pushed out his chin defiantly. "Come on, Robert, we're going in." he said loudly. The teens seemed shocked by his decision.
"N-No. You've heard of that house." Robert whispered, fearfully.
"Doesn't matter. We aren't babies so we're going inside it." Jimmy replied, starting to drag him toward the house. Robert tried to protest but Jimmy wouldn't let him. He knew they had to do this. They went up to the door where a spooky clown greeted them with a creepy smile.
"Welcome, welcome. Now you will enter this house of horrors." the clown said excitedly as he ushered them inside the door not leaving anytime for second thoughts. It was nearly pitch black and the floorboards creaked beneath their feet.
"J-Jimmy this was a bad idea." Robert said, trembling. Before Jimmy could respond a clown jumped out from the darkness. Both the boys screamed and ran away from it and deeper into the haunted house. Lights were flashing and gruesome pictures lined the walls. Jimmy caught a glimpse in a mirror beside him and suddenly a hand reached out of it and grabbed him.
"AHHHHH!!!!" Jimmy exclaimed yanking his arm away. Robert ran ahead of him and out of sight. Jimmy ran after him calling his name but he couldn't see him. This had been a really bad idea. Then he was in a room with a walkway lined with curtains. All of the sudden the lights flashed red and things were jumping out at him from all sides. He ran forward screaming as the tried to grab him.
It didn't seem like it would end and he turned around a corner. A headless man was waiting for him. "Time to meet your doom!" its voice boomed as it reached for him. Jimmy backed away his heart pounding in his chest. When the headless man came closer, Jimmy kicked him hard in the leg and ran past. He felt tears run down his face as he ran through just trying to get out and find Robert.
Then there was a room full of graves. He ran down the pathway as quickly as he could but something reached out from a grave and grabbed his ankle. He fell forward and barely managed to get his hands in front of him to slow the fall.
"Let go of me!" he yelled, trying to get his ankle free. The thing didn't let go and as he continued to try to get free the lights went out. He felt more hands grab him and hold him down.
He jerked around screaming for help but they weren't letting go. Then the dim lights turned back on and he looked around. There was nothing there. He scrambled to his feet and sprinted out of the room praying it was the end.
Now he was in a room full of cobwebs. It looked like this place hadn't been lived in for centuries. He walked forward his lip trembling. He shouldn't have gone in here. He just wanted to find Robert and go home. He was about halfway through when a ghost appeared. It reached toward him wailing loudly. Jimmy jumped back, dropping his bucket of candy. He closed his eyes and ran blindly forward. When he opened his eyes again......he was outside.
He'd made it out! It was over! He looked around and he saw Robert run up to him. "You got out! I was so scared." he said. "I know. That was a bad idea. L-Let's just find your mom and go home." Jimmy said quietly. "Yeah. It's just a good thing that it wasn't real." Robert replied. As the two of them walked off in search of Robert's mother, a ghost rose up from the roof cackling. "Not real indeed." he murmured with an nasty grin.480Please respect copyright.PENANAbtoClyidXG