3rd Pov.
Kynslee and Ayisha followed William Lennox and Sunstreaker's holoform as William escorted Private Harvey Smith to the medbay, and Kynslee felt her anxiety start to creep up her spine. 'Calm down.' Ayisha told her through their bond. 'What if Will forces us to leave because I hurt Harvey?' Kynslee asked, her anxiety increasing. 'Kynslee, if anything uncle is probably proud that you were able to stand up for yourself without breaking down halfway through. Sometimes your too shy for your own good.' Ayisha replies and laughs a little.
Once at the medbay, Harvey is laid on a table, and the medic transforms into a hummer with a green and white paint job that lets others know he's a medic. A human appears out of thin air beside Harvey and Kynslee guesses that was his holoform. Said holoform had silver hair with streaks of green here and there, looked to be about 25 years of age, was 6'3", had dark blue eyes, and wore a green medical outfit. "What in the name of Primus happened to him? Did he finally get taught a lesson for trying to hurt women??" he asked, a smirk placed proudly on his face. "Well..." Sunstreaker mutters, looking at Kynslee and Ayisha. It was then Kynslee actually got a good look at his holoform. Golden blonde hair, baby blue eyes, a bright yellow skin tight t- shirt underneath a black leather jacket, blue jeans, and combat boots, coming to a height of 6'4". Kynslee blushed out of embarrassment, and looked down at her own outfit. A black oversized T-shirt that said 'Sociopathic-Bitch' across the chest, a black and yellow skin tight long sleeve shirt with holes cut in the sleeves so she could stick her thumbs through them and hide her scars underneath, black shorts over a pair of fishnet tights, and a pair of black lace up combat boots that came up to her knees. Ayisha was practically the opposite of her twin, wearing a red hoodie/crop top, blue cut off jean shorts, hair up in a ponytail while Kynslee left her hair down, not caring if others stared at her exposed skin, while Kynslee dressed to hide herself. Ayisha wore low top converses and almost always had a smile on her face. Kynslee was very shy and hated being in public, Kynslee always wondered how she got blessed with a twin like Ayisha.
"This little thing did that to Harvey?" The medic, now known to the twins as Ratchet, gasped in shock. "Yeah.. I watched it with my own two eyes too." Sunstreaker says, smirking. "What's your names??" Ratchet asked the twins. "I'm Ayisha! I'm the more energetic twin!!" The hyperactive brunette answered. "I-I'm Kynslee. More shy than my twin." The dark haired girl says. She tugs on her sleeves, this movement instantly causes a red flag to go off in Ratchet's mind, but he says nothing of it, and goes back to treating Harvey.