"Here we are," Seokjin pushes open the door to the cafe, still holding Jungkooks hand. "So, what are you thirsty for?" Seokjin leads Jungkook to the line. Letting go of Jungkooks hand to grab a tray. "Banana milk.." Jungkook mumbles rubbing his hand at the sudden loss of heat. "Did you say...banana milk?" Seokjin turns to face Jungkook. "Yeah, I-I did." Jungkook blushes. Seokjin laughs, "I've never met someone our age who would rather drink banana milk than soda." Seokjin grabs two cartons of banana milk and puts them on the tray. "What are you hungry for?" Seokjin walks along with Jungkook shortly behind. "I'm not really hungry, but I guess I could snack on something." Jungkook points to some chips. "Okay, we'll get those and some food for me." Seokjin grabs the rest of the items and they go sit down at a table to eat.
"So, I think it obvious Jin likes the little one." Yoongi blurts as the rest of the boys sit around the booth. "What makes you say that?" Hoseok adjusts his seat. Yoongi sighs. "I cannot be the only one who heard him verbally 'claim' Jungkook." He shakes his head. "Yeah, I think everyone heard that," Jimin speaks up. "Plus, they ran off without us, how rude," Taehyung mumbles as he flips the page of his book. Everyone looks at Namjoon. "What, why are you all staring?" He defensively puts his hands up. "You dated Seokjin the last year of Highschool all the way up to last year." Hoseok states. "Yeah, so? Doesn't mean anything." Namjoon crosses his arms. "Well, do you have anything to add to our conversation?" Yoongi taunts. Namjoon sighs. "I think we should wait and see. Don't assume unless we know facts." Yoongi looks at Jimin. "Remember when I said Jungkook was cute?" Jimin nods. "Was I the only one who saw Jin nod?" Yoongi looks around as the others their heads. "I agree with Namjoon," Jimin says. "We should wait until he admits it, not make it obvious we think he likes Jungkook." Yoongi nods. "I don't know if Jungkook likes or would even like him," Taehyung speaks up. "In high school, he dated one girl for like a week in freshman year. Then he never talked about relationships again." The booth falls silent. "Hi, are you Min Yoongi from Odyssey?" A boy and girl walk up to the booth, breaking the silence. "Yes, I am." Yoongi folds his hands over the table. Both the girl and guy blush. "H-Hi, my name is Shon Sung-hoo. I w-was wondering if I could audition for your band." He spits out. "Yeah, sure just fill out these forms. Auditions are this weekend in the band's room. CB117." Yoongi hands Sung-hoo papers. "A-Also, um Min Yoongi hyung, I know I'm not a boy, but if you need help with managing or hair and make-up. My name is Shi Kwan. I was wondering if I could maybe be some help." Kwan plays with her hair in her fingers. "I'm not going to say no, but I would need to check with Kim Seokjin." Yoongi pauses. "Here take my number, text me tomorrow afternoon. I should've talked to Jin by then." Yoongi hands Kwan a small sli[p of paper with his number on it. "T-Thanks hyung!" She squeals and both her and Sung-hoo run off into the crowds. "They 100% have a crush on you yoongles." Seokjin walks up to the booth with Jungkook behind him. "Jungkook! You left us here with these guys!" Hoseok jumps up. "Me and Jin hyung went to the cafe and drank banana milk." Jungkook pulls down the hood of Seokjin's sweatshirt. "What are you wearing Seokjin's sweatshirt?" Namjoon sits up. Jungkook lifts the sweatshirt up and over his head. "I let him wear it so people, like you guys, wouldn't recognize us sitting in the cafe. Got a problem with it?" Seokjin takes off his glasses and takes his sweatshirt back from Jungkook. "I just don't understand why you left us here with those two losers," Namjoon points at Taehyung and Hoseok. "Just to run off with a stupid first year you met this morning." Namjoon stands up. Yoongi jumps up, "Not now Namjoon..." He warns."Yes now, I want to know why he ditched us for a little brat like him." Namjoon points at Jungkook. Taehyung grabs Hoseok and they stand. Seokjin steps in between Namjoon and Jungkook. "This isn't about that is it Joon? You're just jealous. Why don't you sit your ass down and leave him alone." Seokjin gets in Namjoons face but doesn't raise his voice. "Come on Jungkook," Taehyung sneaks behind Jungkook and pats his back. Jungkook nods and takes Taehyung's hand. Hoseok, Jungkook, and Taehyung escape from the gym while Namjoon and Seokjin continue to argue.