The team of animal conservationists in Wakkanai Park are astonished when they a portal appear and out of it step one of the leading actors in Japanese motion pictures Narsus and one of the most famous artists and sculpture in history, Gabriel.
Mrs Takahashi Misaki walks over to great them, "Ohayōgozaimasu," she says, perming a deep bow. "Arigato for coming so quickly."
The Annihilation Deity's expression turns to one of curiosity and he declares, "We just had to come and see for ourselves your little mystery. Is that not so uncle?"
The famous actor covers his mouth to hide his yawn and nods.
"So, where exactly are these bear prints?" Gabriel asks all keen, whilst he looks around.
The lady bows and answers, "This way gentlemen."
They all make their way over to the Observatory, a large building which they are currently using as a base of operations. As they make their way around the back, Takahashi San informs them, "They have been seen on the other side of this forest and creature was seen making its way across the frozen lake."
Narsus clears his throat and questions, "It has not tried to make contact or play with anyone?"
The lady shakes her head, she glances over her shoulder and answers, "No. It just seems to play in the field and then disappears."
"Fascinating... Then the question is, what is a Spirit Bear... That if it is indeed one doing here?"
"Now that is a very good question, dear uncle, for they live in the hills to the north," explains Gabriel, gesturing his hand in that direction.
"Quite so my boy," remarks Narsus, with a few nods.
Around an hour later they arrive on the other side of the forest to see a group are taking measurements of the large paw prints and are shock to see who have arrived. The group are keen to show them their finding when the famous actor crouches down to survey the print.
"Gabe, check it out, it is a baby," he says, pointing his gloved had at it.
The Annihilation Deity smiles and chuckles, "I take your word for it, uncle."
Narsus emits a soft laugh as he rises and gives Josh's brother a pat on the arm. "That is why it appears to be dancing and playing. Its, in a way, learning about its environment."
Gabriel nods in agreement and queries, "Uncle, is there a Forest God here?"
"I like you thinking son," remarks the famous actor, looking to the forest which lies on the other side of the lake. "If I recall, he is in there. what was his name.. It was something moon?" Narsus takes a moment to think, he clapped his gloved hands and quickly calls, "Yuèliàng huā, nǐ zài ma? (Moon flower, are you there?)"
A flock of birds fly out of the forest as a huge head with long horns and long light green hair, come pocking out the tops of the trees. The mortals back away in fear when more of the face appears. It has a pale green competition, leaf shaped eyes that look down at them.
"Yǒngyuǎn, shénme dài nín jìnrù zhèxiē hánlěng dì dìqū? (Forever and always, what brings you into these cold regions?)" he questions.
The group are surprised to hear such a soft silvery voice come from the huge creature.
Narsus goes on to tell him all about the Spirit Bear which makes the Forest God's calm expression turn to one of concern.
"Yī wèi niánqīng de xióng líng? Wèishéme zài zhèlǐ? (A young Spirit bear? Why are you here?)"
The famous actor nods and continues in Chinese, "That is what we need to find out. It has been spotted entering the forest behind me. Is there any way we can persuade it to show itself?"
Yuèliàng huā's head tilts slightly to the left, his huge eyes scan the landscape as he thinks. "Yes, there is one thing they like honey and sweet berries."
Gabriel passes this information on to the group in Japanese, they all nod and begin to come with a way they could get enough of either to this remote spot.
"Airlift," cheers, one of the men.
Takahashi San smiles and questions, "We will have to see if the local coastguard are willing to help? Excuse me gentlemen, I need to make some phone calls."
Both the famous actor and Annihilation Deity give her a nod and smile.
The lady is just about to enter the forest when a huge hand appears in front of her, decorated with rings.
"Bù, zàoyīn huì xià dào jīngshén xióng. Wǒ yǒu yīgè gèng hǎo de jiějué fāng'àn."
Narsus translates, "He said, 'No, the noise will scare the Spirit bear. I have a better solution'. Nǐ yǒu? (You have?)"
The Forest God takes his hand away, he sits back down and informs them, "Wǒ de háizimen jiāng yòng zài zhè piàn sēnlín zhōng shēngzhǎng de tiánmì huāmì jiāng qí yǐnchū."
"He said, 'My children will use the sweet nectar that grows in this forest to draw it out.' That is a great idea," expresses Gabriel, all excited.
Yuèliàng huā nods and gives the command, "Hin da gu ta mun sa lin."
Thousands of beautiful glowing flowers start come out of the trees, they float against the ice cold breeze across the frozen lake to reach the other forest and disappear inside.
A few minutes pass before they are seen again come shooting out as a large white paw emerges from the line of trees.
Narsus and Gabriel quickly tell the group of mortals to remain silent, for any loud noise will make the Spirit Bear disappear once more.
They all nod and watch in amazement the creature come trotting out of the forest chasing some of the little Spirits. It is as white as snow and seems to faze in and out.
"Little one, why are you here?" Yuèliàng huā asks.
The Spirit bear stops to scratch its head, then it bounces around on the spot.
"Little one," sings the Forest God, giving it a stroke.
Gabriel and the mortals are stunned to see the bear starts to play bite the fingers, making Yuèliàng huā laugh, "Now, now stop that and focus little one. Why are you here?"
"Play!" commands the Spirit Bear, patting the hand with its front paws.
"We can play in a bit, little one. Where is your family?"
"Home... I came hereon my own. want to see dancing lights."
Narsus looks up at them and repeats, "Dancing lights?"
The Forest God looks at him all baffled and utters, "I have no idea."
Gabriel gives the large bear's leg a stroke, this brings its wet black noes level with his face. He gives the chin a good scratch and asks, "Where have you seen these dancing lights?"
The Spirit Bear points its left paw up at the sky and replies, "They cross the sky nearly every night. I had to come see what they were. Now here I did not see them... They are gone."
Yuèliàng huā does a throaty chuckle and explains, "Of course where he is up in those high hills my forest would appear at night as dancing lights, because my children asleep in the tops of the trees."
Narsus and Gabriel shake their heads and remark, "So simple."
"Yes, thankfully," declares the Forest God, going on to explain to the child.
The Spirit Bear seems to be all disappointed, its ears drupe and he sighs.
"Sorry little one. Come, let's get you home," offers Yuèliàng huā, holding out his hand.
But the little creature pushes it away and starts to walk north.
The Annihilation Deity places a hand to his chest and says with sympathy, "Poor thing is all sad to discover it is not what it thought it would be."
"I know. we cannot let the little one go home like this. I know."
Gabriel watches his uncle rummage in the inside pocket of his coat to bring out a folded piece of off white paper. "What are you going to unleash?" he asks, full of intrigue.
Narsus sets it down on the snow and sings, "Wait and see."
Everyone watches him unfold it to see a beautiful butterfly has been done entirely in ink. The famous actor places two fingers near his mouth whistle his right hand hover over the paper. He chance an incantation which brings the butterfly alive and it takes off for the forest that lies on the other side of the lake. The Spirit Bear is happy to follow it.
"Nice one, Yǒngyuǎn," congratulates Yuèliàng huā, using the little finger of his right hand to give the top of his head a stroke.
"You're welcome. It will last for quite some time, unless it gets wet, after all it just ink," explains the famous actor, patting the side of the finger.
"I understand. Right, I will make sure the little one gets home," announces the Forest God.
The mortals watch the huge creature rises out of the forest. He is dressed in a hit of green Hanfu that has autumn leaves blowing across it. They are expecting the ground to shake when he takes a huge step, but nothing happens the ground remains still.
"Amazing! How is that possible?" Takahashi san questions, all astounded.
Gabriel and Narsus look to each other as the ponder weather or not to tell; for there they know all too well a lot of mortals do not believe there are two realms, that coexist with one another.
One of the men in the group takes a guess, "It is because they are not entirely in this realm, right?"
"You are correct son," replies the famous actor, give a nod and smile.
They all continue to watch the the huge creature make his way silently across the land to the northern hills.
Gabriel has a stretch and declares, "Mystery solved. Shame it was so short."
"Now you are the one who sounding all disappointed and I am fresh out of butterflies," informs Narsus, giving him a hug.
"At least it was easy," stats Takahashi san, all happy.
"That's that," agrees the famous actor, nodding. "Plus it was nice not have to be out in the cold for too long... as I am beginning to freeze."
"Come uncle let's head back to the hotel," responds the Annihilation Deity, opening a portal.
Narsus nods, they go on to give the mortals a wave and tell them do not hesitate to contact them again if the little Spirit Bear returns.
The group wave back as they nod and watch with fascination as they disappear in to the rippling up right puddle. The moment it seems to fold in on itself until it is nothing more than a black circle it releases a rumble of thunder and fades away.
Gabriel and Narsus continue enjoy their stay in northern Japan for another week to few all the ice sculptures before returning to their home in Kyoto. There is not another sighting of a Spirit Bear in Wakkanai. To mark the accusation the people decide to make a shrine dedicated to it and the Forest God.
The end.