Logan woke up in her bed, she raised her hand to wipe the sleep from her eyes, finding herself chained to her bathroom door at the wrist. 'Shit.' Logan thought, sitting up and fidgeting with the long, silver chain.
She sighed, before getting up and going to her closet. She opened it, finding everything gone. "What. The. Fuck?" she says, anger quickly replacing confusion. She walked over to the wall closest to her uncle's room, and kicks the wall as hard as she can whilst ignoring the brutal pain in her right foot.
A few moments later the door to her bedroom swings open, and the six foot two figure known as Eyeless Jack strolls in, mask strapped firmly to his face. "What?" his deep voice rumbled from under the mask, and he folded his arm over his chest. "Where are my clothes?" Logan asks, trying not to sound too irritated, although irritated didn't cover what she felt. "Confiscated. I'm not risking your escape or suicide." He says curtly.
"That's why you monitor my actions, not take away my ability to shower and feel comfortable in the confinement of my own bedroom. Also, if I'm not going to be allowed to leave my room let alone this house, then I'm going to need my phone, internet box, and headphones back. Social media included." Logan states dominantly. "Fine," he snarls, stalking over to her like a wolf getting ready to pounce on his prey.
He unhooks the thick metal cuff on her right wrist, before grabbing her and dragging her out to the living room. "Grab your shit, put it in your room, and then get some food and some drinks to last you until six o'clock. Then sit in your room and wait for me to return your shit." He snarls, pushing her into the counter. She catches herself before she got hurt, but turned and glared at him as he turned and stalked into her uncles bedroom, and slammed the door shut.
Logan looked up from her bed, swallowing the last bit of a PB&J sandwich as Eyeless Jack strolled into her room, dropping all her belongings by her bathroom door, before stalking back over to her. "Anything else?" he snapped. "No." She said, looking back down at her phone. He walked back over to her bedroom door. He opened her door and exited. "Hey EJ?" She spoke up. "Yes?" he sighed irritably. "Thank you." she says, looking at him. "I-.. Your welcome." He grumbled. He walked back over to her, picked up the thick metal cuff and clasped it back onto her right wrist, this time a little looser. He then walks out of her room, leaving the black oak door wide open. She looks back down at her phone for a moment, before getting up and putting her things back together.
After an hour of cleaning and putting her room back together, Logan grabbed some clothes and walked into her bathroom, stripping her clothes off and stepping into the steaming hot water.
After showering, Logan steps out and dries off, and dresses in a green and black long sleeved crewneck shirt, black ripped jeans, and her old worn down combat boots. She watched as droplets of water rolled down her dark brown hair, she sighed before drying her hair and pulling it up into a messy bun.
Logan was sitting on her bed watching some scary videos on YouTube when Eyeless Jack strolled in, holding five leashes. “Just how many fucking dogs do you have?” He asked. “Five. We did have six but my uncle decided he wanted to be a dick and made me kill it.” Logan says nonchalantly. “Your not crazy at all.” He says sarcastically. “Come on.” He demands and she stands up, tossing her phone onto her bed and grabbing her leather jacket. “Where we going?” Logan asks. “Your coming with me to walk the dogs.” He says curtly, unhooking her wrist from the chains.