One night, Adrianne was walking on the beach, she heard someone singing a very
nice melody. (going off of the description I read,.) it was coming from the water, so she walked over to the water and a head comes out from under the water. (from description: it's a woman with beautiful pale jade skin, slightly pointed ears, and warm gold elfin eyes, blonde green-tinged braids floated atop the water around her. She introduced herself as: Jendayi, Queen of The Seas) Jendayi holds out an hand, asking Adrianne to come with her.
Adrianne takes Jendayi's hand and she pulls her under the water, Jendayi is helping Adrianne breathe under water since she's still human right now "We have to go over to the place that makes you an permanent mermaid." Adrianne nods while Jendayi is holding her hand, leading Adrianne to the 'mermaid place'. A couple of minutes later they get to the place Jendayi looks at Adrianna asking for permission to put her under neath an rock, about 4 minutes later Adrianne wakes up from a deep sleep.
"eh? what happened-?" Jendayi was reading a book "Oh, good morning! you were turned into a mermaid." Adrianne is confused "Can you explain more please?" Jendayi sighs. "Okay so, you have a tail and it's colorful, you can return to land anytime you want but the humans do not know about us yet. So when you go to land please make
sure your legs do not touch and kind of liquid, your legs will turn into your mermaid tail, so when you take a bath or a shower please make sure that you locked the door and close any kind of window near you." Adrianne understood a little more. "So when I touch any liquid even ice my legs will become my mermaid tail?" Jendayi nodded "Yes ma'am."