According to the all scriptures ever written and ever found, and according to our wide and still growing knowledge, even those passed down from generations of old and according to how we had come to be, it was a very well known and clearly stated fact that the Earth belonged to us, it and everything in it. It had belonged to us even before we had the knowledge of power and authority which we carried inside of us, it was ours, humans, we alone ruled over the Earth and possessed everything in it and we had done so for as long as time could permit us to remember existing. We had taken full control and exercised our dominance proudly over every area of the Earth. Overall the lands that were kissed by the sun daily and over the portions of the seas we could discover and explore, but the sea was wide and it was deep and it was a mystery but still, we exercised dominance.
We were smart, we were powerful, we were wise, we were proud and we were becoming too much in population so we wanted more and in our arrogance, we thought we could have it all and truly we almost did, stretching our imaginations even into the three realms until we could not just feel it but as well see it and, well, touch it, and yes that was how and why the world which we had then, the world which we had asserted our full control over became like this; the world which we know as of now. The world in which we no longer owned.
Our insane craving for power tore up borders that were not supposed to be tampered with, releasing the abominations of all the realms, both the ones know and unknown to man. We watched as the myths came alive in a catastrophic union of unforeseen happenings, flooding humanity in a climatic uproar for the battle to dominate, to overtake, and to possess that, which from the beginning, belonged to us. It was a battle to dominate the Earth.
It was now a broken world ruled by a few corrupted Angels, whose craving for power and independence also drove them mad and crazy. It was now a broken world managed by the renegade Angels whose purpose still remained the same, to keep the humans safe for as long as they could and to try to maintain the balance that was dangerously tipping over. It was a broken world subordinated by sick demons who had grown tired of the darkness and wanted to explore other options which from the beginning of time had been a forbidden line to cross, they wanted to be free of the shackles binding them to the corners and to the underworld.
It was now a world where humans were overthrown, removed from that pinnacle of power that had seemed to be their only reason to live and the only thing that they had ever wanted and now they had crumbled to the bottom of the food chain, but this terrible fault was caused by the humans, it was their own doing for wanting so much and so fast. Now they were being hunted and they were being baited and almost nearly wiped clean off the face of the Earth, hunted so much so that soon they became rare commodities, almost going extinct like the wildlife animals they once poached and sent into extinction, like the endangered species, having been cut down too far less than the half of the original population. Humans became rare commodities and rare commodities always attracted fine money.
It had started slowly at first, little by little, and had slowly built up over the years. It had started with someone going missing, then it grew as the demons got bolder, a whole family, a large group of people, a small community, a small town until it blew up into a full, all-out war and it was humans against the supernatural. It was humans against the mythological creatures. It was humans against the consequences of their greed.
Humans were pushed into hiding, pushed out of civilization and into the open, pushed into the forest, pushed into the mountains and the demons took over the place. It was now their time to live in the open and time for the humans to understand how it felt having to stay hidden and in the dark. They were hunted down, if and when captured, they were sold to the highest bidder for a lot of money, a handsome and fair enough price just to own a human. One was either as a pet or as a slave for the Angels to use and control, to order about and to slave, or for the demons it would be for their blood to use in conjuring up some specific spells, their flesh for food or their soul for power, other times their bodies were used to house an entity for the demons. But no matter what, the human's survival in captivity all depended on who bought and who owned them, either way, it was much safer to be bought and owned by an Angel than to be bought and owned by a demon.
Chances are that one becomes a slave to the Angel and treated only as such, but with the demons, there was never such chances because demons never took human slaves, no, not when their bodies could house another demonic soul or when their blood could be used to conjurer a powerful potion or spell. But some might still ask out of curiosity as is natural to human knowledge; how did we get here?
We knew the war was coming, it had been inevitable since demons and demonic spirits were becoming bolder and bolder. The shadows were no longer enough hiding place for them, having to blend into the darkness and staying out of sight was getting to be a little bit too much to ask of them and they did not want to hide anymore and why should they, if they could move from being just a myth, if they could move from being just a folktale told to scare people, to proving their actual existence, taking it one step at a time, moving slowly but steadily, then possessing a human was the next step. A step they took speedily.
Demons were solids, meaning they had flesh and bones and blood and whatnots so they could not possess a human body as they could not be combined but the demonic spirits, the inhumane shadowy forms which only once upon a time, lurked in the wickedness of the dark could and were able to possess a human, and in time they too roamed freely, possessing the vulnerable and one could almost not be able to tell who was an actual human being still in his or her right senses from who was a possessed one except when the demonic spirits in them manifested which they often did and oh, how they loved to show off.
But soon, even that grew boring for them as the demons did not want to just stay cooped up in the dark awaiting only be summoned by humans who had taken interest in the dark and evil arts, no they did not have the patience for that and so they began stealing souls and taking full possession of the bodies which they had previously rendered empty. This went on and on as most people would suddenly just slump down and literally "die" only for the body to rise again but with a demonic soul now in control, but there was no way in which the demon's souls in the human bodies could be hidden for so long as it was nature's way of exposing them.
The human body was not built to house such revenging and restless souls and eventually, the body would evolve to growing of horns and or tails, fangs, or having odd scaly skin. You would think this would deter them but no, they only got bolder and even bolder. It was at that time that the Angels showed up. Nature was being affected badly.
Having to fight off so many demons who revealed themselves so openly to the humans also put these Angels in danger of getting exposed as most of these demons had to be fought physically. They carried out the operations in the dead of night when the demons were mostly active and for a couple of years the Angels remained hidden until technology exposed them. It had started with a picture but then it was nothing new, fake news was the norm, then videos dropped in, witnesses followed up on the story until a broken angel was "found". Soon then it was no myth; demons and Angels were as real as humans.
At first the government, in their bid to salvage the whole thing, announced it as Earth being under alien attack, and truth be told, in a way they really were not far from the truth, these creatures were indeed some sort of aliens to us. They were supposed to remain hidden, unseen, and untouched but the balance in nature had been tampered with dangerously and the tilt was way off the scale. It only took a couple of years but it still happened, nature totally flipped over.
Soon every human knew, every human claimed to have seen and encountered one of these mythical creatures and most of these humans were just as dumb as they could have been smart. Books began to pop up everywhere; "The art of demonology". "Summoning your inner demon". "To control a Spiritual being."
You would think that after this end-time exposure they would turn to the safe place, turn to the light, but no, instead they capitalized on it, humans were curious, and curiosity always killed the cat. In this case, curiosity killed the humans, nearly eliminating them.
Daredevil teenagers summoned demons to possess them, summoning the Charlie demon to ask questions and some tried to bind themselves with a demon in their bid to "own" one but no one ever makes a clean deal with the devil. The guy would never just play fair. Scientists tried to catch a demon and an Angel to study them, their anatomy, what made them tick, what made then special, what made them super, their mechanisms, and all that.
One time they did succeed in capturing one of each creature and to celebrate the victory, they had several experiments conducted; merging human and demon DNA, demon and Angel, Angel and human, but then everything fun always had to come to an end. If you think the exposure of demons and Angels was like strapping a time bomb to the Earth, then consider the work of the scientist merging and tampering with their DNA’s as speeding up the timer. The results were far more catastrophic than insightful.
Now every human had a guardian Angel to watch over them, and so with each human that summoned a demon, an angel was most likely to be exposed but most times there was little or nothing the guardian angels could do to stop their human from summoning a demon, I mean it is not like Angel Raphael could knock out his human with a bat, tie him up and then stuff him into his closet. It was the gift of free will.
Demons operated on a simple and straight principle; knock, invite and enter. Demons do not just possess a person without there being an open channel for possession so they either had to be invited, invoked, or betrothed sometimes they worked on the principle of the mind; corrupt a person long enough to gain easy entrance. But mostly they didn't need this principle to steal a soul and only high-ranking demons could do that.
Demons became bolder and the fight became fiercer. By the time the humans realized what they had brought upon themselves, it was late. The war had broken out and somehow it was more of the hatred Angels had for demons and returning them to the shadows and below than just protecting their humans. And it was during this war that the corruption was infused, it started.
Some Angels switched sides, those ones who became the devil's angels but then they could not exactly be called or still remained "angels" so they underwent a transformation. From the earliest times, these transformations were not or rather, could not be fully carried out perfectly so the transformed Angels turned out to be weird creatures that we had only heard about in stories and as myths.
Some other angels who switched did not support the demons but they did not protect the humans either. They thirsted for power and what greater power was there than to be worshiped, feared, and revered by humans. Other Angels wanted to be like a god, leaving only a handful of Angels still loyal and faithful to their actual purpose but some were sent to earth to protect and prevent the abominable from happening but then if a man's heart could be corrupted then so could an Angel's.