He growled as he paced the mouth of the cave. He could smell prey, but he could also catch the scent of other wolves. He had been cast out of his own pack less than a year ago, and he had only grown stronger since, but an entire pack was more than even he could take on. Still, a meal was a meal, and he hadn’t eaten in a week.
Greed beats fear every time, he thought, lip curling in a wolfish grin. Leaping to the top of a boulder, he turned up his nose and sniffed the air. Yes, there was a pack nearby, but they smelled strong and protected. The Alpha was who he could smell most. He knew he was in the pack’s territory. A plan forming in his mind, he jumped down and ran through the woods at breakneck speed, through the underbrush, grazing trees, bounding over streams. He stopped short when he spotted the unfamiliar pack in a clearing ahead. It seemed that the Alpha, a black-as-midnight wolf, was fighting a chocolate-brown wolf, the rest of the pack looking on. Crouching in the huckleberry bushes ringing the clearing, he watched the Alpha dig his fangs into the lesser wolf’s jugular. Judging by the smaller wolf’s aggression and the fact that the fight was happening at all, he suspected that the brown wolf was the Omega, attempting to kill the Alpha and take his position.
Unfortunately, the black wolf snapped the lesser's neck, and released him, dropping him to the ground, whimpering. The dark wolf turned and he and the rest of the pack stalked off into the forest opposite him. Emboldened, he crept into the clearing. The fatally bitten wolf howled when he saw him, a deep mournful sound. Please, put me out of my misery! Instead, he walked off into the woods, following the new pack.
Though he thought he was keeping a respectful distance, the Alpha stopped and bounded at him. He crouched and tucked his tail between his legs, his chest rumbling with a submissive growl. The Alpha stopped in front of him, chest puffed out, head held high. He snarled at him. Why should I not kill you now?
He whimpered in response. I submit to you. I have been without an Alpha for a year and am too weak to become one myself. I only ask to be integrated into your hierarchy and prove myself to you. He dared to glance up at the proud Alpha, who tilted his head down to look at him.
I am Alpha Raven, the wolf barked, and as long as you are under my protection, you will listen to me. Do you understand?
I am Beta Frost, and I only live to serve you, my Alpha. Raven smiled down at him.
You will be a very valuable asset, Beta Frost. Come, it is time for the hunt. He howled, the others following suit, but none howled as proudly as Frost, the newest member of the strongest pack in Yellowstone National Park.