Scott and Elysif entered Iscariot’s home upon his request. The walls of Iscariot’s home were covered in papers and strings that connected in a fashion that most wouldn’t be able to identify. Various papers were adorned with mathematical equations along with overhead mappings of Whitechapel. To add to the weirdness, Iscariot’s home wasn’t just the usual single room but rather, was made of several rooms, some of which contained rare stones, while others held vials of many different colours, and each had their own unique lighting style to fit the mood of the room.
“So what was this amazing discovery you found? We’re a little busy trying to find Lou as well as a serial killer,” Scott asked Iscariot, who was sitting at his desk with a wide grin on his face.
“I have found out how the changeling has been able to kill without being seen as well as escape. I would think that this could be useful to you?” Iscariot replied in his normal raspy pubescent voice.
“How?” Elysif asked eagerly.
“Well, I was trying to figure out how anyone would be able to avoid your familiars when we had so many at large. Then it hit me. What if they distorted space? So, after testing the area in which both bodies were found, I discovered that this was the case,” Iscariot explained.
“But I thought you were the only one who knew how to use and control that kind of magic? The only reason that all the Table holding cells have them is because you designed them,” Scott asked with a confused look.
“It is true that my ability to manipulate space is far too difficult for most to use, but there are other forms that are quite easy to master. For example, if one wanted to make a copy of the space they were to be in, they could easily create a false space that seemed like an empty area to anyone who happened by. In other words, you’ll be invisible. However, with this kind of spatial effect, if someone were to enter the false space other than those already inside it, then it would disappear. The same could be said if the creator left the space,” Iscariot explained as he pointed at some of the documents on the walls.
“I see, but that still doesn’t explain how they could have escaped,” Elysif said.
“That one is a bit more difficult to do, but it is still an easy possibility. Do you know how our eyes see by reflecting light?”
““Yes!”” they both answered.
“Well, if one were to manipulate the space directly around their bodies, then they could make it so that the light passes around their bodies except for their eyes. If they did that, then they would be blind. From there, they could escape with ease as the familiars are on the lookout for a person, not a pair of floating eyes,” Iscariot theorized like a madman.
“That’s helpful, but how are we going to catch them if we can’t see them?” Scott asked. Elysif, on the other hand, was thinking this theory over because it didn’t make any logical sense to her.
“I’m not sure yet,” Iscariot said with a disheartened look.
“That’s not exactly reassuring,” Elysif replied with a roll of her eyes.
“What do you want? I just told you how it’s committing the murders and you expect me to magically know how to prevent it?” Iscariot asked.
““Yes!”” they both replied in unison.
“You both are bastards,” Iscariot stated with absolute disgust.
“Well, yes. We are both in fact by definition, bastards,” Scott replied in a strangely proud way.
“I didn’t mean—Don’t be smart-alecks,” Iscariot replied with a shake of his head.
“Hooray, we're bastard siblings,” Scott and Elysif sang as if celebrating, before locking arms and spinning in a very mocking dance.
“I hate you both,” said Iscariot with another shake of his head.
“Well, have you found anything else?” Scott asked, changing the subject and returning to standing still.
“Not on that subject, but I may have a way to track young Barrett.”
“Really?” Elysif questioned, surprised by Iscariot's success despite being well, Iscariot. He ignored her sassy remark, and continued explaining.
“I figured that since Lou was from the future, he may have a different effect on space than the rest of the population. Excluding myself and perhaps a few other sorcerers with my capabilities, Lou is the only one whose body naturally distorts space. He vibrates on a scale not too far off than you or I, but that difference is just enough to possibly track him,” Iscariot explained as he pointed at a drawing of Lou shaking next to a drawing of a random person who wasn’t shaking.
“Well then, get to it!” Scott demanded, excited by this news.
“It’s not as simple as I explained. What I told you is a theory. Actually creating something to prove the theory could take days to several days here. For you, that would be a month to a year. I would tell you to speak with the College about this, but they wouldn’t be able to track Lou due to his natural distortion of space,” Iscariot said as he lowered his head in a bit of shame.
“Then attempt it out here, where time is normal,” Elysif stated as it made logical sense.
“I could, but I would need help moving the equipment to your home.”
“Can’t you just teleport it there with your, oh-so-great spatial magic?” Elysif argued as she started to get angrier and angrier on Lou’s behalf.
“No. A lot of the materials need to be taken carefully. The two of you need to do some real work from time to time. Scott, you are starting to grow a beer gut and Elysif, you are becoming slothful.” They both gave him an angry stare in return. Though he wasn’t wrong. In fact, it wouldn’t hurt for Scott to lose a few pounds, and Elysif could pitch in a bit more.
“Hey Scott, because I’m so slothful, I think I’ll just go home. He can easily do it himself,” Elysif said, as she turned to scott in an overly dramatic fashion.
“That’s fine, Elysif. With my beer-belly growing, I don’t think I can carry all this stuff anyways, so I’ll join you,” Scott replied in the same dramatic fashion, but with a swig of his flask, before they both headed for the door
“No, please, wait.” Iscariot pleaded… but they had already left. Because of this, he shook his head with a sigh and began writing out the equation for transporting things between his place and Scott’s temporarily. He wasn’t going to argue with them, especially since he just didn’t want to go through the trouble of doing it himself. They simply called his bluff.
The thick butcher's blade slid across my arm with clean precision. A sliver of blood started to run out of the cut, but within a matter of seconds, it returned to the wound and healed completely. I had screamed in agony when this first began. Before, every cut was agonizing, but now everything was numb. There was no pain to feel, but there was no bliss either. My eyes had grown cold and distant in the process. To think that I had reached a point of mental nonexistence. The only sliver of hope I had left was drifting away with every second. The last bit of mental and physical strength I had left in this body was going to be used to annoy the shit out of this asshole, whether I lived or died.
I tilted my head to the side and stared at the masked one. Even though I couldn’t see his face, I could tell he was exhausted. “Do you really wish to continue? There isn’t even any point to this, now that I can’t even feel it,” I asked in the sassiest way I could muster beneath my weak expression.
He stopped the blade with a defeated slump before gracelessly pulling the knife to his side. “Have you forgotten that I still need you to go back in time? I will hurt you anyway I can and make you wish you weren’t even alive,” the masked figure replied with a tired but determined voice. He was ready to see this through. no matter what. Part of me felt as if he too was pointlessly grasping at any sliver of hope he could find.
“I don’t want to live anymore. I feel as if nothing matters now that my hope of escaping here has disappeared. I just want it to end,” I said honestly, but I kept my sassiness just to annoy him more if I could.
“If that’s the case then what if I torture your friends?” he said as he began to perk up with the new idea.
“How would that help you?” I asked, dropping the sassy tone as I realized it was probably just making things worse.
“Maybe it will make you more compliant?” the masked figure said aloud, but I wasn’t sure if he was talking to me or himself.
“Why don’t you just kill me now?” I asked, hoping he would give in.
“Because that would only benefit you. I will capture the witch and the Table agent. Then I will make you watch as I tear them apart, limb from limb,” he answered sadistically with a sudden increase in energy.
“Don’t do it. It won’t make it easier for me to time travel,” I stated while my head fell back against the wood headrest of the barber's chair from exhaustion
“Oh, but it will. You see, when you told me that the one I wanted to save would die no matter what, I thought about it, and I came to an easy solution that helps all of us. Why don’t I have you take me to a time before their death so that I can be with them?” the masked figure asked with an opportunistic glare that I felt piercing my soul through the mask.
“I might be able to do that, but I still don’t know how to do it yet,” I replied tiredly. If it were possible, then I could drop him off and never see him again. Though I can’t even use my ability yet.
“Then you shall learn, or I will do whatever I deem necessary to your friends in order to force you.”
“We’ve been over this many times already over the past two weeks, and nothing has come of it. My power is dead set on watching me suffer at your hand. Just let me go home,” I begged with a sleepless and tired expression.
“No!” the Masked man exclaimed, bringing the knife down on my wrist and severing my hand. I didn’t even flinch, as blood dripped from the newly formed stub. The stub then started producing bones, covering them with flesh and veins, followed by several layers of skin and my fingernails perfectly trimmed. My old hand, which had been cleaved off, dissipated like water under the hot sun.
“Did that calm you down some?” I asked with the same sassy tone as before. My lack of reaction made him even more annoyed than before.
“Why, yes it did. Now go to sleep and demand that power of yours to take me back in time,” the masked figure said, before storming away in a huff.
“Sure thing, dickweed,” I said, happily closing my eyes and hoping to see the Realm of Stars.
“He’s rather impatient,” I heard from behind me. It was Sela, who had decided that my back was good to rest against. The stars around us, like every other time, hadn’t shifted, but now it seemed like there were more of them.
“You can say that again?” I replied as I admired the scenery. The beauty of the night sky all around us was just calming enough to take away my mental anguish for a bit of time.
“Well, if you’re going to be here for a while, would you like to play a game?” Sela asked.
“Sure, but can what that masked man offered even be done?”
“In theory, yes, but do you really want to do what he said? He has tortured you for a while and him going back could cause problems for the earlier version of himself. Even if you could do it, would you try?” Sela answered as if it wasn’t too keen on the idea. Both Sela and I turned around to face each other.
“Of course not,” I replied adamantly.
“Then you should escape soon. He’ll kill you otherwise.” Sela warned. The expression the being held seemed to show a caring side, but I knew that any form of consideration for me was absent from the deity's mind.
“Well, how do I escape, then? He isn’t likely to just chop off some limbs above the bindings now that he knows I can just grow them back,” I asked, impatient but calmly. Sela bobbed a bit back and forth before holding up one finger.
“I’ll give you a single hint,” Sela said with a grin that was either smug or sinister. I couldn’t tell. Either way, it seemed like they were messing with me.
“Okay?” I replied warily.
“Your watch. Why has it not been touched even though he has had plenty of times to destroy it or cut it from your wrist? He cut off the hand that the watch wasn’t on and subconsciously avoided it. Why?” Sela asked as if the answer was obvious.
“So basically, it’s the catalyst for my abilities? Why didn’t you say anything before?” I asked in annoyance. All Sela did was sit there with a proud and poorly produced innocent smile.
“You suck, you know that?” I spoke.
“Yep! So, want to play rummy or backgammon?” Sela asked, changing the subject. I didn’t really care so I let out a defeated sigh.
“I guess rummy for now,” I replied, giving the child-like demon a bored look.
“You seem down. Is everything okay?” Sela asked in a surprisingly caring tone compared to every other conversation we’ve had. It made me start to think that maybe Sela actually did care about my well-being to an extent. Though the question itself set me off. After asking me this, Sela raised a small table with a deck of cards from the pool between us.
“Is that some sort of joke? Take a look at everything that has happened over the past few weeks and think about why I might be down,” I asked, annoyed but mesmerized by the cards Sela was shuffling and dealing out.
“No, I get that you would be a practical husk of a man, but you seem down in a different way,” Sela noted with genuine concern. It was as if this being was trying to understand me. Just what was going on inside its head?
“And why do you say that?” I asked.
“Well, like most people that I have been with while they were tortured, you freaked out and got mad at me... but after that, you just started brooding. That was something very few of them did, and those that did usually died very soon after,” Sela explained, not as if they were people to reminisce over, but as if they were toys that it had lost interest in.
“So, what you’re saying is, that I’m racing towards my death?” I summarized, hoping that Sela would give me some kind of straightforward answer.
“Not exactly. Even though you started brooding, you haven’t stayed that way. Instead, you are thinking about how things might play out, despite going through severe tortures and trauma that might affect you for the rest of your life. It isn’t normal. At least, compared to those I’ve watched in the past.” Even though Sela seemed to be in control, there was a sense of the unknown. If I was considered an outlier then what did that mean for my future? Could Sela be planning something worse for me? I didn’t want to think about it.
“Is that why you gave me that hint?” I wondered aloud. Perhaps, Sela would help me out after all.
“Yep. If I just let you idle to your death while you’re still trying to avoid it then what kind of god would I be?”
“You are already a terrible god. I don’t want to know what other impression you were trying to give me,” I said like a smartass.
“Despite all the trauma that was just inflicted upon you, you’ve somehow become incredibly sassy,” Sela said with a smug look as the being took their turn.
“Was I not sassy before?” I asked, knowing that I have always been pretty sassy.
“No, you were sassy. You just weren’t blatantly sassy like you are now… Gin!” Sela exclaimed as she threw her hand down to show me.
“We’re playing rummy,” I replied, unamused.
“Oh, then I would like to be kinged,” Sela corrected poorly as if they didn’t realize.
“Checkmate!” Sela exclaimed. By this point, I knew they were fucking with me.
“Did you get a concussion when no one was looking?” I asked in a louder voice than before.
“Can I just wake up now? To be honest, the torture would be more relaxing than having to deal with you,” I asked as I was starting to get annoyed with Sela. I now knew what needed to be done thanks to this pint-sized being, but I was getting sick of their attitude.
“That’s rude,” Sela replied, taken aback.
“Yeah, coming from the demon child,” I snapped.
“You’re the one who subconsciously imagined me this way.”
“I refuse to believe that my mind decided that I would like to be harassed by some lonely, sassy, demon child,” I stated with a scoff. Sela rapidly stood up, nearly flipping the table.
“I am not lonely!” Sela exclaimed. Really? That was what got to them? Wow.
“Then why do you keep asking me to play games when I am obviously not in the mood?” I asked like a smartass.
“You weren’t nearly as mean before all this,” Sela said with a pouting face.
“Maybe you should have helped then, you little shit!” I exclaimed, standing up. Suddenly the stars around us began fading and Sela stared at me with their right eye glowing red and the left glowing blue. It became pitch black and behind time was a creature beyond the pitch black darkness. I couldn’t see much except its outline but it wasn’t a humanoid. Its eyes glowed in the same fashion as Sela did but on the opposite sides. I couldn’t even quake out of terror but for some reason, I didn’t feel afraid, just frozen.
“”Do you really think we can’t destroy you in an instant? We brought you here, and although you have suffered, you will also experience great things. Humour us and you shall be rewarded. So do not question us!”” Sela and the creature declared in unison. It was Sela's young voice mixed with that of a demonic being, shaking the whole of the world we were in. When they had finished yelling, the creature’s voice disappeared and the stars returned to their bright and elegant display. I was in shock while Sela just stood there, pouting even more like a child than I thought was possible. Just who the hell was this kid really?