“Wait wait! No please don’t leave! I thought you loved me! Don’t leave me here all alone!” I screamed at him, on my knees begging for him to stay. “You knew I wasn’t capable of love,” is his reply before walking out the door. He left me there on the ground sobbing, begging, and pleading for him to come back and change his mind. “Not again not agin…” I mutter curling up into a ball, rocking back and forth on the floor.
Then the phone rings. I check the caller but it’s an unknown number. Wiping the tears off my face I pick up. “Hello? Who is this?” I ask through sniffles. “Is this Ms. Perry Ryders?” A man’s voice asks in reply. “Yes? Uhm is there something you could need?” I reply trying my best to pull myself together. “Yes it seems your daughter Lillian has gotten into some mischief,” The man answers. Lillian what could you have done! Wait this doesn’t sound like the school receptionist and Lillian was at her grandfather’s so who the hell is this? “First of all who are you? Second of all where is my daughter? Lastly what the hell happened?” I ask completely forgetting the events that happened just 10 minutes ago or was it an hour? Who could know anymore. “To answer your questions ma’am I’m Larson Patricks a police officer, your daughter is at the station, and she almost killed a kid today,” the man, Larson, answers. Lillian almost killed somebody?! What! “I will be right there,” is all I can answer with as I drag myself up from the floor and grab my keys. I hang up before he can say anything else. Shouldn’t I care more? I mean this is my kid my 13 year old daughter, and she almost killed someone.
I pull into the police station after 10 minutes of driving well more like speeding. Turning off the car I quickly get out and run to the entrance. I get inside and look around for the reception. The walls are a pale gray and the chairs are foldable. Spotting the front desk I quickly walk over to it. The receptionist looks up and stares in shock. Shit! I forgot to take off my running mascara. “Hello… ma’am how can I help you?” She asked after regaining her composure. “I got a call about my daughter Lillian Ryders I was told she almost killed somebody,” I reply fiddling with my thumbs. She nods types something on her computer and looks back up. “Right can I have your ID please?” The woman asks. I nod and pull my wallet out my back pocket. Slipping out my ID from its pocket in the wallet and give it to her. She scans it and nods, hands me my ID and a visitor sticker. I hear something click and a door open which I walk through.
I’m met with a sitting area and instead of foldable chairs they look cushioned… slightly. I take a seat, there is nobody around seeing as it’s like the middle of the night. Hearing a door open I look up to see a man couldn’t be older than 30 walking up to me. “Are you Ms. Perry Ryders?” He asks me as I stand up. “Yes officer,” I reply a feeling of anxiety randomly spiking in my voice. He just nods and motions for me to follow him. I quickly follow him as he brings through a long hallway to a cell room. Lillian is sitting in a cell, in a red hoodie splattered with blood and jeans. Her brown hair is undone. I run up to the cell door. “Lillian what happened I talked to an officer on the phone he said you almost killed somebody?” I ask my hands on the cell bars. Lillian just bursts out crying putting her head on the bars. “It’s okay sweetie tell me what happened,” I say rubbing her head.
“Dad called and said he was leaving, I wanted him to stay so I tried to do what he does,” she blurts out crying harder. I stare at my poor daughter in shock. She knew? I pat her head and turn to the officer. He stares in shock at what he just heard and turns to me. That’s when I finally see his name tag which has the name Larson Patricks. “You’re the guy I talked to on the phone,” I state. He nods and beckons for me to walk out the hallway. “No no mom stay with me please!” Lillian yells grabbing my hand. I turn to her and nod slightly as I unwrap my hand from hers. I follow Larson out to the hallway. Turning to him I wait for him to say something. That’s when I finally take in his looks. He has messy blonde hair, deep blue eyes, and average lips. Nothing as attractive as Lillian’s father but he has a certain charm.
He clears his throat and I get out of my daze. “She said something about doing what her father does?” He asks me. I nod and look up trying to force tears to not fall. “Who is her father and why does he kill people?” He asks calmly. I chuckle slightly. “Her father’s name is Lucifer Dawning, and he kills for fun,” I reply looking back at him. He looks at me in shock probably because I just told him the father of my child’s name. I feel his stare and notice he’s looking at my eyes. I blush from embarrassment as he is probably wondering why I have mascara all over my eyes. “He made you cry didn’t he?” Larson randomly asks. I look at him wide eyes and slowly nod. I look at his eyes and it seems like he is considering something. “I’ll tell my sister to drop the charges,” he says simply. I blink a few times unsure of what I just heard. “Thank you so much you don’t know how grateful I am!” I reply hugging him. I feel him tense under my touch and quickly pull back feeling my face heat up. He coughs for a second nods my way and goes back to the cell room. I follow quickly behind and head over to my daughter, who is currently sleeping on the floor.
“Miss Ryders wake up,” a deep seductive voice says shaking me lightly. Wait a minute. That’s not Lucifer’s voice. I awake looking around. I’m in a cell room? Oh yeah everything that happened in what I was hoping was a dream is actually real. Great. Larson is kneeling next to me looking at me weirdly. “Uhm sir are you okay?” I ask quite embarrassed at how he is looking at me. He leans a little closer and oh my god is going to kiss me! “You talk in your sleep,” he says whispering in my ear. I stare at him in shock. What could I have said?!?! He smirks slightly and stands up reaching his hand down to help me up. I cautiously accept his hand and stand up.
Someone behind me coughs making their presence known. Oh right my daughter! I turn around as Larson opens the cell door and Lillian speed walks over to me. She gives me the tightest hug in the world and I match it. My poor little girl. I look up at Larson and mouth a thank you which as a reply he nods. I grab my bag and usher Lillian out the room. Feeling something slip into my back pocket I turn around wide eyed but nobody is there. I shake my head and walk out the door. “So? You got the hots for the police officer?” Lillian asks trying to defuse the tension. I stare at her wide eyed at how easily she just said that. Though I slowly nod a yes and continue walking. I hear her footsteps follow closely behind as we go to the receptionist and sign out. We get to the car and she gets in as I decide to check my back pocket. Low and behold I find a paper with a phone number on it under the number it says ‘Call me - Larson’ oh my god I’m going to faint.
I step in the car shoving the note in my back pocket again and quickly drive to my house. Lillian doesn’t say a word and just sleeps. As we get to our dull colored 2 story house I park and go over to Lillian’s side of the car. I open the door and unbuckle her seatbelt. She is passed out so I pick her up and bring her inside. I try not to look around at the pictures of him but he seems to be everywhere and I shed a small tear. Walking to her room I start to think of what it would be like to not be with Lucifer and instead with Larson. Though I shrug the thought off. I manage to open the door despite carrying a 13 year-old in my arms. Somehow I manage to set her on her bed and put blankets on her without waking her, a true feat if I do say so myself.
Once I walk out Lillian’s room and upstairs to my room I finally pull the note back out. I grab my phone like I’m some 6th grader who just got her crushes phone number, but in a sense I kind of am. Wait. Did I really just think of Larson as my crush?!?! Ugh I really am thinking like a 6th grader! I shrug my silly thoughts and decide to text the number. ‘Hey is this Larson? It’s Perry by the way.’ That seems like a good text, and sent no going back now.
Ding! He texted back! Oh my god Perry you are 30 calm down! ‘Yep it’s Larson also no need for the punctuation’ Ok that doesn’t seem so harmless I’m just overreacting. ‘Oh ok well is there anything you need help with for finding Lucifer ofc’ I send back with a slight pang in my chest. Ugh I need to stop caring about Lucifer, I knew it would end like this. Ding! He texted again! I am done trying to reason with myself at this point so enough waiting around what did he text! ‘Lucifer’s case isn’t for me it’s for a lead detective but I wouldn’t mind you coming along to find him’ Is this like some secret date? No it’s not, strictly finding Lucifer and putting him behind bars. Right?
Ok so the game plan is to drop Lillian off at the camp she has to go to instead of jail. Then we meet up at the abandoned warehouse near the river. It’s a spot Lucifer always met me at for money. I was told to wear something I always wore when I tried to impress him. Personally I think Larson wants me to wear something interesting but he’s too afraid to ask.
So naturally I threw on some tight black leggings, black bra, and a half unzipped leather jacket. The jacket was cropped of course. I paired it with black combat boots as well. Good thing Lillian was too tired to notice my outfit and if she did she probably thought I was trying to get Lucifer back. I park a few streets down as we agreed and walked to the warehouse.
Hearing a cough coming from behind me I turn around to find a beet red Larson. I as well turn red rethinking my outfit choices. Then I see what he is wearing. He decided to wear black suit pants, half undone white buttoned shirt, and a suit jacket. Before this encounter I wouldn’t think there is a shade redder than a blush but oh boy was I wrong because my face was showing that red.
“So I was thinking that maybe it should look like we are going to do something so if he is there it takes him by surprise,” Larson says walking up to me. “Well well well if I didn’t know any better I would think you sir are trying to hook up with me,” I reply weirdly feeling confident and running my hand down his jacket sleeve. He leans down towards me almost kissing me then swiftly moving to my ear. I can quite literally hear my heart beating in my chest. “Maybe I am,” Larson replies grabbing my wrist and pulling me into the warehouse.
Let’s just say our mission was not a success but some desires have been temporarily satisfied. I would like to call it a success though. We left the warehouse after a few hours with no information sadly but he said that the detective got a breakthrough and wants help investigating it.
We will be heading out soon and I’m still in the same outfit as before. My hair is a bit knotted so I am brushing it and braiding as we speak. Well think to be exact. Larson is dropped off his police cruiser at the station so he is driving my black SUV.
He won’t even look at me even though his face is bright red. This is giving serious Twilight vibes. I’m Edward seeing as I’m confused and very attractive. Larson is Bella because he’s just so easy to fluster and it’s hard to get a read off him sometimes. Right now is one of those times. He’s just so perfect the blonde hair, the blue eyes, and of course who could forget the muscles. I thought I was in love with Lucifer but oh my god Larson is just perfect for me.
“Might wanna take a picture it lasts longer,” Larson finally says breaking his gaze on the road. It’s my turn to blush. “I might take you up on that offer,” I reply taking out my phone and snapping a picture.
He rolls his eyes and turns the radio up. The way he starts yelling the words makes me forget what we were doing. I wish this happiness could last forever but he eventually parks and grabs his gun. Sighing I get out the car and walk up to the doors of an abandoned dark grey hotel. Definitely not something Lucifer would sleep in, unless the circumstances were dire like I suppose they are now. Oh how I wish me and Larson didn’t have to do this.
Larson opens the door and we step inside. Immediately I plug my nose because the smell is like rotting bodies. You think he would use some air freshener and not sleep in the same building as the bodies of the people he kills. Larson nods to me and we split up. I wish we didn’t split up I really do because I could spend the rest of the dream with him. Wait dream? Why did I think dream?
Is this a dream? No it can’t be. I am not sleeping right now. Everything I feel is real. Right? Let me test this. I pinch myself but no pain courses through my arm. I’m dreaming… No I can’t be please. Larson is real right?
Then I look down and see blood coming from an open wound in my stomach. What is happening. Wake up! Then voices start. “We’re losing her the blood loss is too much!” Someone yells. I look around but see nobody. There are many voices happening in my head right now. Am I dying? I look around again and see only darkness and a small light. It’s so luring.
Wait no think about Larson. A pang goes through my heart. Larson isn’t real. Thinking that finally starts the tears. I know what the light is now and maybe Larson could be on the other side. Finally I remember where I saw Larson. Lucifer killed him. That’s when I start running towards to light while I vaguely hear someone yell to get the defibrillators. Sorry docs I need to get to Larson.
The light finally engulfs me and I feel all the pain I’ve felt from before but there’s someone picking me up from the ground. When did I fall? Who is picking me up. Larson? No. Mom? She died? “It’s time my child and I’m sorry that he doesn’t feel the same,” Mother says. Doesn’t feel the same? “Don’t worry about Lillian she will be alright,” Mother says again pulling me away from the darkness. Lillian? Lillian! My daughter! My baby I left her. For someone who doesn’t feel the same…