The pain, it was still pulsating. My brain was throbbing, making my entire mind a wreck. I looked at my hands, my vision was blurred. The pain, it was searing, like hot wax slowly streaming onto my skull. I tried to close my eyes. It only made thing worse, I saw her once again and the pain intensified like a sharp dagger twisting its way through my eye sockets to get to my brains. I couldn’t take it anymore, with trembling hands, I jabbed the needle in my arm and squeezed the plunger. Slowly, the pain started to numb off. I could not hear screaming anymore, I could not see her anymore. As my eyelids started drooping, my head became lighter as I quickly fell into a deep slumber.
I saw her again. She was smiling now, waving at me. I looked behind me to make sure she wasn't waving to anyone behind me before waving back. I heard laughter for the first time in a long time. That laughter to my ears was like music to a caveman. I saw her mouth something but couldn't make it out. I cupped my ears to signify that she was too soft. I heard her giggling again, it was extremely soft but still audible. She tried to say something again, and once more, not a single word could be heard. And then I heard screaming
Loud, piercing screams. Worse than a banshee's wail, it haunted me. No matter how hard I tried, no matter how tight I shut my ears, no matter how much I cried for it stop, it shrieked on. Taunting me, tormenting me, the screams never stopped.
My eyes shot open. The pain slowly returned, so did the screaming, softer but always there at the back of my mind. I turn to my right and I saw her again, pale but still beautiful. I knew she was not real but the sight of those brown locks resting on her petite shoulders seemed alive. Her smile was warmer than anything else in the room. I knew she was the one thing in the room that was definitely not real, yet she was the one thing that was more real than anything else in the entire room.
"Come with me, be with me..." her voice was still as angelic as I remembered as she lifted her hand and invited me to a world of happiness, a world where neither of us will be alone anymore.
I knew what she truly meant, and maybe, just maybe it was time to listen to her.
"I will deny you no more," I whispered as I took out some pills from my drawer. Cyanide, I'll be with her instantly if I wished to. I looked up once again to see that smile, that ever-welcoming smile. I popped it in my mouth.