There were people shouting, and most of them came from my mind. When I came to, my body was restrained and my mouth was gagged. I felt my heart drop. I…I survived?
Thanks to me; Min-jun sneered.
Why?! I hollered in my mind.
I’m not really sure how you keep forgetting this, but we are feeding off of your life-force; Kanan stated bluntly.
What does that have to do with not letting me die? I asked venomously.
You are the only creature in existence that is able to feed us and sustain yourself; Daemion said tiredly.
Exactly. And there’s no telling if someone like you will ever come around again, so none of us are going to let you go; Gabriel explained.
So, what you’re trying to say is that you won’t let me die? That’s going to be pretty hard to do in a world that’s rigged against me. I mentally sighed.
Of course, we could have just gone to another host. Or rather hosts, since no creature would be able to hold us the way you can; Xiaosheng mused.
But that would mean host hopping, since if we stick to one person for too long, it kills them; Marco snickered in my mind.
That’s why we’re so keen on keeping you; Nikolai said.
You can sustain all of us long term, meaning that not only will we no longer be lonely, we also get to keep the host! Sai proudly exclaimed.
I shut the thirteen assholes out of my mind. Each of my lives were different. But this was just bizarre. I thought I saw everything when the female lead (Fl) turned male and turned the male leads (Ml(s) gay, or when the Mls were lesbian females, or even when the Fl and Mls switched genders entirely, but this was something completely different.
I heard a door open and footsteps followed. People were whispering, speaking in hushed tones. I growled to let them know I was awake. My head was hurting, and so was my back and shoulders.
“I…had no idea you felt that strongly…” John said slowly.
The Headmaster shook his head. “I would like to give you a chance to explain yourself, but I’m afraid you may try to harm yourself. If I take the cloth out, can I trust you not to try again?”
I nodded slightly. The old man took the piece of fabric out of my mouth. I took a deep breath and groaned out loud.
“I don’t want to go to that wretched school. You all wouldn’t understand the pressure us lower class citizens go through, the abuse, or the prejudice,” I seethed.
“I had no idea…” The Headmaster murmured. John looked guiltily at the Headmaster.
“That’s what I was trying to tell you at the meeting, but Cerius and Margaret didn’t let me get a word in.”
“Don’t make excuses,” I snarled. “This shit has been going on for years, and you aren’t able to change anything because you couldn’t get your word in at a meeting?! Don’t make me laugh.”
“I…see. Well, either way, I have an offer for you. You can either join the class in practical magic use, or you can tell me how you healed your own tongue when you nearly bit it off entirely. Or you can tell us what you’re talking to in your head,” the Headmaster said.
“...” I don’t think that it’d be a good choice to tell them about my thirteen parasites. “But I’m not very good at using my magic,” I tried.
“Actually, you’re fairly advanced. You definitely know how to use your magic in a practical way. You took down the security team in silence, which we found in the closet tied up, you turned off the lasers, and you broke both the cameras and the glass case with magic. I’d say you definitely got the practicality part down,” John laughed heartily. “I'm not sure how you learned those moves, but I’m very impressed.”
Like I care. Guess I’ve only got one option.
“Can you untie me? I’m going to be sitting for a while on the way to that damn school.”
So this is the school? They really spared no expense in building it; Calen let out a whistle. Not that anyone else could hear, other than me.
John led me around the school, earning a few confused glances and some condescending ones. Finally, we stopped by my dorm. The one I had to share.
“This is where you’ll be sleeping. You’ll be sharing a dorm with Cassian Swift, Alexander Caedis, and Christopher Bellulus.”
Oh no. I have to share a dorm with two male leads and a minor antagonist?! The gods really hate me. I grimaced, but otherwise said nothing. John left me in the, thankfully empty, dorm. I walked into my room and closed the door behind me. I had very few belongings, so unpacking took me about five minutes.
I heard the door slam and voices talking. I sat on my bed and listened while brushing my hair.
“I can’t believe I have to share a dorm with a low-life criminal!” Sounds like Christopher.
“He’s super weird too. I’m not sure how well we’ll be able to get along.” Cassian sounded aggravated,
“He? I thought that he was a she,” confusion painted Alexander’s tone.
“Well, I don’t actually know. It’s hard to tell,” Cassian admitted.
Christopher scoffed. “It’s not that hard to tell whether someone is a guy or a girl.”
“Oh yeah? Go look at your new neighbor and you tell us what their gender is,” Alexander snorted.
“Fine, I will.” A few moments later, there was knocking on my door.
“Go away,” I politely shouted.
“Wha- excuse me-”
“You’re excused.”
“I only wanted to meet my new roommate, but it seems that you’re too self absorbed to come out and say hello-”
“Yup. I’m so selfish, I don’t let anyone see my face, for it would truly stun you,” I deadpanned, refusing to be baited. “You can see me tomorrow in class. I’m tired now, so I bid you all a good evening.”
“You-” I heard Christopher stomp off.
I layed down on my bed and closed my eyes, weary of what was to come.
I couldn’t sleep. It’s like I took a nap at eight p.m, and woke up at midnight. Then again, I never really slept for longer than three or four hours anyway due to the nightmares. Those godforsaken nightmares…
I snuck, er, walked around the school. I totally didn’t check out the vents, or the area above the ceiling tiles that could work as a secret hideaway. Nope, not- not at all. Ehe…
I explored as much of the school as I could in six hours. Meaning that it was now six in the morning. I had mapped out a few good hidey-holes and etc. Since I had a metal band with a tracking chip in it on my wrist, it would notify the staff if I left the school's property. However, this meant that I could freely move around the school as I wished, so I suppose now would be a nice time for a little morning training. I took a nice run around the school, silently jumping off the walls and practicing my parkour.
Next up was fist fighting and martial arts. I found an isolated place and started working on my stretches and high kicks, since my high kicks and speed dodging were my specialties. I suppose my punches weren’t bad either, but I’m better at utilizing them as claws. Wait what?!
Since when the hell have I been able to fight this well?! And claws?! My brain felt muddled and dizzy. I shook my head to clear my thoughts, but my hands were shaking. What am I? Who am I really? Why can’t I remember so much of my own life? It’s not like I reincarnated at the age of eighteen. I start when I’m four. I have to face my ‘mother’s’ death every time I wake up from my previous death. So, I really should have all my memories intact. But in reality, they cut off a few months after I turned eight and they ‘turned back on’ about six months after I turned sixteen. Everything in between that time is a big ol’ black hole.
Calm down…breathe…focus… I took a deep breath and put my focus toward training. Get strong now, existential crisis and amnesia later.
Y’know, most people would probably be having a mental breakdown; Xiaosheng said sarcastically.
Shut up. I simply have other priorities. I grumbled back in my head.
Like…? Xiaosheng asked.
Like training my fighting skills.
The fighting skills that you weren’t able to use earlier? You know, the ones that could have helped you against the water mage and demon user? And, well, maybe not against the claymore/hammer user, but it would have helped greatly; Xiaosheng pointed out.
Thanks for pointing out the obvious. I rolled my eyes and went back to practicing.
Not my fault you’re a 笨蛋; Xiaosheng scoffed.
A what? I actually stopped moving my fists. Xiaosheng appeared in front of me, floating lazily, his two tails slowly moving in the air.
“A bèndàn. You know, an idiot.”
Huh. I thought to myself. I’m guessing on Earth, he would be Chinese. I wonder what the others would be… I’d say that Kanan and Sai would be Indian, Leon would be African-American, Nikolai would be Russian (fun fact, that’s also my heritage), Min-jun would be Korean, Akito, and Kaito would be Japanese, Marco would be Hispanic, specifically Mexican, and I’m pretty sure Gabriel is also a Latino of sorts. Daemion is Caucasian, maybe with some Russian hints, and I have a feeling Nyx is an odd mix of Egyptian and Greek, Calen is probably Greek too. Or maybe Roman? I should quiz him later. Nyx’s skin is honey colored, but his facial features seem to add up-
Suddenly, the world flipped upside down. I landed on my back roughly, knocking the air out of me. I coughed and haggardly sat up. I saw Xiaosheng crouch in front of me and flick my forehead. “Ow!” I whisper-shouted. “What was that for?” I wheezed.
“You need to pay attention. You could have easily been attacked right now.”
“Asshole,” I muttered, earning myself another flick.
“While you may have a good amount of skill and incredible potential and talent, your body is doing this purely off of muscle memory, so your movements are shaky and uncertain.”
“Tch, so? I’m a thief, not a hit for hire. This is just enough to defend myself. And stop touching me!” I smacked his hand away when he tried to flick me for a third time.
“If you can fight properly, then you can escape faster,” Xiaosheng explained, obviously irritated.
I sighed and looked down. “What’s the point? No matter what I do, I’ll end up here and I’ll be killed. I’m going to die here, I know it.” My voice broke at the end, and I was on the brink of tears. But I steeled my nerves and got back up.
“This time, you have us. And we’re not about to let you die again.”
Again? I shook my head. Of course again, it’s not like I’ve only had one life. I continued my movements, but this time Xiaosheng helped me. I’m not really sure why I let him, but if it makes me a better fighter, why not?
“I found Aeryn! Over here, Alex!”
Someone roughly grabbed my arm. I awoke quickly and pulled back, pinning that very same hand behind that person’s back before realizing what I was doing.
“Whoops, uh, sorry?” I laughed sheepishly.
“Get off of me!” Cassian shouted.
I let go of him and stood up, yawning.
Alex stomped over, absolutely fuming. “Where the hell were you?! I’m late to class because I had to look for you! And HOW did you get in here? This area is supposed to be locked for first years!”
“I just walked in…”
“...After picking the lock.”
Alex and Cassian looked at each other warily. “You picked a magic lock?” Cassian said disbelievingly.
“Was it magic? No wonder it took forever. I like this training ground though. It’s kind of broken down, but it nice and quiet-”
“Come on!” Alex grabbed my arm and started dragging me somewhere. Probably to the classroom I was supposed to be in thirty minutes ago. I just let him drag me, rubbing my eyes and trying not to nod off again while walking.
Let’s see, it’s eight thirty now, and I think I fell asleep roughly thirty minutes ago…
Which gives me a grand total of…
Four hours and thirty minutes of sleep!
“Hmm, what? Sorry, I was calculating how many hours of sleep I got.”
Alex rolled his eyes, but looked at Cassian to continue. The pink eyed boy in question cleared his throat and I’m pretty sure I saw a light bush dust his cheeks. In fact, Alex’s ears were a little red as well.
“I- well, w-we were wondering, um, about your…uh, about what gender you are…” Cassian trailed off, his face a healthy shade of hot pink.
“Oh? Why don’t you make a guess and I’ll say ‘yes’ or ‘no.’”
At the same time…
“Yes. Oh look, we’re here.” I left both boys bewildered behind me and snickered. Min-jun appeared next to me.
“Hey, so I know you’re about to start your first day at this school or whatever, but just out of curiosity, what’s up with the tattoo?”
I always kept my mask on, so no one could tell my mouth was moving, and I spoke under my breath when speaking to the Spirits. Min-jun was talking about the small tattoo under my right eye. A small tattoo consisting of two numbers. 00.
I ignored Min-jun all the same. Mostly because when I think about certain things, it makes my head hurt like hell. Even more than usual. And just like that, a hot flash of pain jolted down my back. I winced slightly, but sat down in the back. Professor John William gave me an odd look, one that seemed worried and relieved at the same time. He didn’t bother making me introduce myself, knowing that people would find out about me anyway due to the school’s insane gossiping.
Not even five minutes later…
“Professor, I think that there’s a rat in the classroom!” Celeste Bellulas, Christopher’s twin sister, whined. Like her brother, she had blonde hair and green eyes, but while her brother’s hair was thick and short, her’s was long and curly.
“Really?” Professor John sounded like he was gonna snap.
“Yes, it’s right-”
“Then you should get out,” I said while skimming the textbook.
The classroom went silent…aside from Min-jun’s cackling. No one said anything. You could hear a pin drop, and probably stab the tension with said needle. The sound of a chair being pushed back screeched through the air.
“What. Did. You. Say?” Celeste asked, red in the face.
“Did you not hear me through the hair gel?” I asked, flipping past page seventy four.
“Teacheeerrrr! The new kid is being mean to me!” Celeste whined.
“Sit down, Miss Bellulas. You’re disrupting class time.”
“Yes, sir…” Celeste gave me a death glare, but proceeded to sit down.
“Now, as I was saying. This class is about practical magic use, or PMU for short. Magic, as in mana. We are going to learn about how to utilize it in everyday scenarios. Such as if you need to break mana imbued glass to get to a priceless grimoire used for necromancy,” Professor John smiled warmly at me, causing everyone else to look at me.
“Wow, he really did that.” Min-jun howled in laughter.
“Did you really have to call me out like that John?” I asked irritably.
“WHAT?!” About half the class shrieked.
“Did you seriously try to steal a faux grimoire meant to raise the dead? Even commoners know that thing can’t bring someone back to life,” said a brunette chick.
“No, but it can reanimate bodies and do other scary things. That thing may not be able to bring someone back to life completely, but it is powerful all the same,” I replied, rolling my eyes at her ignorance.
Celeste stood up abruptly. “I don’t want to share a class with a criminal!”
“And a national one, at that.” I winked at her, pointing little finger guns105Please respect copyright.PENANANtwP5QCoRR