Anastasia looked at who she presumed to be the prince, noticing his glare pointing at the direction of Phillip. She turned her gaze back to the king when the middle aged man stood up.
“In light of recent rumors surrounding my son, your room shall be stationed across from the prince until everything is settled,” Arsenoff said, his short brown hair falling in front of his right eye due to a shift from the golden crown in which he wore.
“Of course your majesty, we all want the prince to be safe,” Ana answered before turning to Phillip, who stood once the king sat and became uninterested with the assassin.
She turned back to the door and proceeded to walk out, Phillip, and a servant girl following her. The servant could be no older than 20, wore a white blouse, a ragged layered green skirt, and she had mid-length brown hair, her eyes were hazel.
“My name is Tyra Incrav, I will be your servant and seamstress during your stay,” The girl explained.
“Fancy Anastasia I didn’t know- Phillip started to say, before being cut off.
“Anastasia Damarcus, a pleasure, I’m Prince Endrid though you should know that already,” A young man that looked identical to his father, except for his blue eyes as his father’s were brown.
“Your majesty, it is an honor to serve you,” Anastasia said, faking a smile as she gave a quick curtsy.
“Right well, I can show her to her room so you 2 can go do something else like, Caddell, why don’t you go get a wife, and you peasant girl can go back to sewing dresses,” Endrid said, walking up right next to Ana.
Anastasia's eyes shot open wide. She looked from Endrid to Tyra to Phillip then back to Endrid. Endrid seemed serious, Tyra was surprised but had looked down, and Phillip looked annoyed.
“Of course, your majesty,” Phillip, and Tyra replied at the same time, Phillip had said it in a more annoyed tone while Tyra responded in a solemn, submissive tone.
“I don’t believe that is necessary, your majesty, perhaps they could bring Miss Damarcus to her room. Unless it would be more beneficial of course for you to bring her to her rooms,” A white haired man, with a half face mask, said walking up to Endrid.
Anastasia looked at the man, trying to figure out his emotion. His mask gave her limited view of his facial expression, but she could infer from the shaking of his hands that he was quite nervous.
“Yes, it is in fact beneficial to me to bring my protector to her room. We would be spending much time together so I should know her a little as well. Right, Atlas Hawke?” The prince replied, in a malicious tone, surprising Anastasia.
Ana looked at where Phillip was, but he and Tyra were no longer in the hallway. She sighed and looked at the exchange between the prince, and Atlas.
“Right, my prince, shall I accompany you and Miss Damarcus to her room? That way I could help explain some proper rules, as well as help give information on the assassination attempt,” Atlas answered.
Endrid rolled his eyes and began to walk, Anastasia and Atlas followed. The 2 men pointed out rooms, like the library and ball room, and Atlas gave information about the assassination rumors.
“I see, this isn’t a trained assassin then,” Anastasia said, after Atlas had informed her about a rumor that the assassin is instead 2 assassins.
“What do you mean?” Endrid asked, stopping and turning to her.
“Well, firstly, no trained assassin willingly has a partner, secondly the first thing assassins are taught is to not let people know they are on a mission. So, your assassins are your enemies instead of employees of your enemies,” Anastasia answered, nonchalantly.
The men stared at her in shock, before Endrid started walking again, muttering something inaudible. She quickly followed, while Atlas went by her side as they walked.
“Nice thinking, I thought assassins only were taught to kill,” He whispered to her.
Anastasia looked at him, before giving a small smile. She nodded her head and faced forward, seeing 2 blonde women coming out of a door. One looked about 40 the other her own age, the older one wore a tight ornate green dress while the younger wore a flowy light pink dress.
“Mother, Amira, good to see you,” Endrid said, as the women walked out.
“Thank you younger brother, it’s a pleasure to see you as well,” The one her age, Amira, replied in a sweet tone, but her eyes showed hatred, which is to be expected from the rumors surrounding Endrid’s personality.
Atlas bowed, quickly followed by Anastasia curtsying. The two royal females nodded to them and they rose. Ana made sure to take notes on how they spoke, and looked at Endrid. It’s highly unlikely they would want to assassinate him, but one should never completely rule out someone.
“Let’s continue,” Endrid said, turning away from the women.
Anastasia and Atlas followed Endrid to the other side of the hall. The three stopped in front of a medium-sized wooden door, which was carved with weird symbols.
“It’s the royal language,” Atlas said, noticing her confused face.
“Oh! I’ve heard of that! What does it say?” Ana asked.
“It says heir’s lover,” Endrid answered, turning around with a smirk.
“You were given it because it’s directly across from Prince Endrid’s room,” Atlas cut in.
Anastasia nodded and walked inside, the room was painted a dark red. She gaped at the large room, the bed larger than anything she could ever imagine. Ana walked around the room, absentmindedly touching the silky red bed. Atlas and Endrid hung by the door, watching the assassin with curiosity.
“I’ll be needing lessons on the royal language, as it isn’t unlikely that the people wanting the throne are your assassins,” Anastasia said, suddenly turning around to the men.
“I can set up lessons with Lady Percius, she’s the most fluent of the royals,” Atlas said, more so to Endrid than to Anastasia.
The prince nodded in agreement, but his face showed annoyance. Anastasia shrugged it off, she was supposed to study the people around Endrid not the prince himself.
“Shall we go meet Lady Percius?” Ana asked, playing with the ends of her dress.