Frank knew where Danny lived. He knew the route he took home and the backup streets when he thought he was about to get beat up.
But Frank always caught up to him eventually.
This time, though, Frank didn’t have to search for Danny. Instead, he walked straight out of school and down the street, pretending that he didn’t know that Frank, Sam, and Artur were trailing him just a few dozen feet behind.
“He has to know we’re going to get him,“ Sam commented.
Danny didn’t run when he turned the corner. After that, he didn’t walk any faster, and when he turned another corner, he still didn’t run.
Frank looked around. There were no other kids nearby on the quiet suburban street.
“Maybe we should catch up.”
Artur giggled, loving the idea.
“HEY DANNY! CLOWN BOY!” Frank shouted.
He was about to start running, but Danny stopped abruptly and turned around to face them.
They were still half a block away, but Frank and his friends stopped, too.
“What’s he doing?” Sam asked.
Frank shrugged.
Danny gestured, inviting him to come close.
“I’M GOING TO DO IT!” Frank warned.
“He’s trying to be tough,” Artur guessed.
“Let’s go,” Frank told his friends, and they walked up the street to Danny, who waited calmly with his hands on his hips.
“What? You waiting to fight me?” Frank asked Danny.
Danny shrugged, “I don’t have to.”
“You don’t have to?” Frank couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
Danny shook his head.
“And why is that?” Artur asked.
Danny smiled confidently, “I have a secret weapon that will keep you away.”
Frank laughed, “No, you don’t!”
Danny shrugged, “Try.”
With a nod from Frank, Sam and Artur grabbed Danny by his arms and held him for Frank’s first punch in the stomach.
Just like every other time.
Frank never really beat Danny. The truth was, he didn’t like blood all that much. So punching Danny in the stomach was enough.
But he loved it just the same.
“You ready?” he asked Danny.
Asking Danny if he was ready to be punched was part of the fun. Of course, he never knew how to answer, which gave Frank a good laugh.
This time, though, Danny smiled, asking cheerfully, “Are you ready?”
Frank hesitated.
“For what?” Frank asked, forcing a laugh.
Danny stared at him and smiled, then looked at Sam.
“Are you ready?”
He turned to Artur.
“Are you ready?”
Danny looked at Frank again and grinned widely.
Frank was about to take his punch, but Sam and Artur abruptly let go of Danny and stepped back.
“That’s GROSS!” Sam cried.
“Why did you let go?” Frank demanded.
Danny still grinned.
Frank looked at Sam, who shook his head and covered his mouth and nose with his hands.
Artur did the same.
“What’s going on?” Frank asked, but Sam and Artur wouldn’t answer.
And then it hit Frank like an invisible wall of stink, and he had to step back too.
He used both his hands to cover his mouth and his nose.
Danny, meanwhile, stood his ground.
And kept grinning.