When I wake up I look around I’m in some sort of house the villains house I realize tensing up. I’m in a comfortable chair in front of a warm fire. I look over the back of the chair and see its a one room house with a kitchen small table with a chair fireplace small bookshelf and a bed. In the kitchen the villain is hunched over the stove cooking something. I sniff the air and inhale a foreign scent. It doesn’t small bad but I’ve never smelled anything like it. My stomach grumbles and I turn back toward the fire wrapping one arm around my middle squeezing my eyes shut and trying to remember the last time I ate. It was lunch yesterday I wasn’t aloud to have dinner or breakfast because I had forgotten to polish all the shoes yesterday morning. I try not to but I remember how eagle yelled and how he was going to hit me but we got a call and had to go get a villain. When we got back he said there was no reason I had to eat. I probably would have been able to sneak something out of the kitchen tonight but now I might become dinner. Are the stories of villains eating naughty children true. I sure hope not. “Oh you’re awake.” I open my eyes and see the villain in front of me. “AHHHH!” I scream and try to scoot back but being in a chair I only tip it over. I fall with the chair and accidentally do a backward somersault landing on my back. I sit up and scoot away as fast and as far as I can. I end up with my back pressed up against a wall. I screw my eyes shut and put my hands in front of my face to try to protect myself. But can I do anything to stop him? My breathing quickens as I anticipate the blows, its not as though I’ve never been hit before but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to brace myself. When it doesn’t come I open my eyes in confusion. I see the villain picked up the chair and a table I must have knocked over, but on the floor is a shattered vase which the villain is picking up carefully handling the glass so he doesn’t cut himself. I sit there waiting and making sure I’m not hurt. My plain black leggings are fine and so is my knee length dark blue skirt and my white shirt looks fine along with by black leather jacket. I sigh softly and fidget with my skirt all the while watching the villain. He finishes picking up the glass and walks over to a trashcan and brushes the peices into it. Then he starts walking to me and he crouches down in front of me and strokes my cheek softly and I can barely breath. “He beat you, didn’t he.” He doesn’t say it as a fact, and I don’t correct him. I couldn’t answer him if I wanted to, I’m frozen. He stops stroking my cheek and grabs my hand. I stay completely still. He looks intently at my hand his face suddenly twisting in confusion. He looks up at my eyes which I’m sure are full of fear. His black eyes look dull like an unpolished stone. “Are you… scared of me?” He asks. I open my shaking jaw but no words come out of it so I close it again. I don’t want him to hurt me but I know he will. A tear pricks the corner of my eye, it falls down and lands on his hand. He jumps up as if he has been burned and walks away from me rubbing his hand on his forehead dragging it through his short but curly chestnut hair while pacing alongside the fire keeping distance between us. I watch him as he paces and mumbles to himself. Walk right, turn around, walk left. A cycle he repeats mumbling all the while. My stomach growls louder this time and I grab my stomach as if I could shut it up. The villain stops pacing and looks up. “Are you hungry?” He asks. This question I can answer its an easy one, I nod. He nods back and walks carefully toward me. For every step he walks toward me I scoot to the right. I finally realize he isn’t coming for me and is trying o reach the fridge I watch him silently with interest. He opens the fridge and takes out some sort of fruit and instead of handing it to me he places it on the ground in front of me. He turns back to the kitchen stirring whatever was on the stove. I pick up the fruit. Its red and yellow. I dig my nail into the skin and peel it back to reveal the yellowish fruit. I take a tiny bite and flavor explodes in my mouth as I chew the soft fruit. I bite it again and again peeling away the skin and eating the fruit. I eat until I reach the hard middle. I then slowly stand up and walk quickly over to where the villain had put the pieces of the broken vase earlier and drop the skin and hard middle in the trash can. I then creep back to my spot where the villain gave me the fruit. I sit down as he continues making whatever delicious things are in the pot. I’ve never smelled anything like it but it smells similar to some of the ingredients in the bakery. “DONE!” He exclaims happily. I jump at the sound and watch as he turns to me. “Sorry.” He whispers before turning back to the stove and scooping the things from the pot onto a plate. He turns the stove off and carries the plate to the small table and sets it down. He looks so happy I cant help it , my mouth twitches up in a sort of half smile. “Come here.” His voice isn’t commanding like eagles its soft like a marshmallow. I stand up and start walking slowly to the small table. I look down at the things on the table confused they’re small doughy things. “They’re dumplings, with apple pie filling inside.” The villain says quietly from the other side of the table. “You can try them if you want.” He says carefully. “Are you just fattening me up like a pig, what do you want from me!” I didn’t mean to yell but I cant stand the suspense he seems so sincere but hes a villain. I feel pain in my hands and see they’re curled up my nails digging into my palms. “I’m not going to hurt you, I want to help you. Eagle was awful to you I want you to know what its like to be cared for.” He looks at me with his dark eyes they show so much he really wants to help me. I relax my hands and completely snap. Tears start streaming down my face and I start to wipe them off but the villain’s there holding me in his arms he strokes my hair softly while whispering in my ear. “Its OK. everything’s going to be OK now. I’ve got you.”
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