During Constantino’s reign he organized the alliance effort against the Ottoman Empire from his camp in occupied western Tripoli. But as Genoa didn’t do much to secure their land which was being occupied by Crimea. Barbarini didn’t have a tactic other than continuing to face the Ottoman navy and blockading their ports. But his arguing military advisers knew that a land war against the Ottoman state would surely be a failure. With over forty thousand troops the Ottoman Sultan could crush any land army invading his land. The war that started 1466 had entered the third year and soon the fourth, as it appeared the heretics would win.
Prince Constantino’s dream of a North African Empire had been crushed and left behind by the new Prince. Barbarini was abandoning almost every part of the Tuscanese Republics international interests to chase his own wealth as Tuscan sailors died fighting Ottomans for Genoan interests they themselves didn’t fight for.
As the fourth year began neither side had either won of lost.
Catarina Sforza was hired as the first Tuscan female commandant for her abilities and knowledge in warfare. The high nobility protested heavily over Barbarini’s decision. In the 20th December 1468 Catarina managed to gather enough support to send a military force to the Ottoman province of Teke as the northern parts of the state was falling to large rebel armies. Thinking this was the right moment to act 7,000 mercenaries was sent to a southern province in central Turkey.
The EU4 game file this was based on was corrupted and had to be deleted, therefor ending the story here.