I woke up the next morning with a massive headache. I didn’t think one little drink could do all this, but apparently, I was really intolerant to alcohol or something. I groaned as I got up. The world didn’t spin anymore, but it had left behind a very enthusiastic drum group who really wanted to keep the volume up. I held my head in my hands, groaned again, and looked at the bedside clock. 7 am. Huh. I could have sworn that I would sleep longer.
I contemplated getting back to bed, but then I remembered I had a guest. Last night was a kind of hazy memory, but I was pretty sure I insisted Kat spend a night here. I rose and looked at myself in the mirror. Ah, fuck. Now I remember.
I still had that dress (or what was left of it) on me, along with the traces of my makeup. My hair was a mess, my face was a mess, so it was kinda appropriate that I was dressed in a mess. I undressed and threw the dress on my bed - I’d check later if it could be saved.
I looked in the mirror. Even in this condition, I didn’t look half bad, I had to admit to myself. My body proportions were nowhere near as prominent as Kat’s, but they weren’t bad. With a push-up bra and a dress that accentuated my hips, it was good. (Well, good enough to have worked to capture the eye of a couple of men in the past, at least.) Without thinking that much more, I stepped outside of my room and made my way to the bathroom.
I glanced into the living room while going past the walkway and noted Kat was still sleeping, her back towards me. She slept in her underwear, and her blanket had fallen onto the floor. She looked stunning. Her curves were something else!
I felt a twinge of jealousy but buried it immediately.
She turned around in her sleep. This let me see the whole glory of her front side. I felt my breath get caught in my throat and my heart sped up. The way her bra cupped her breasts, the way her panties hid just enough but revealed a lot...
My finger went to my lips without me noticing. I had to force myself to turn and walk away. Something about last night kept pinging in my mind and whatever it was, I wanted to forget about it.
I entered the bathroom and closed the door behind me and leaned on it, trying to catch my breath. Why am I acting like this? Why does my body get so excited from seeing a naked woman? Alright, she’s beautiful, so what? She’s a woman like me! This shouldn’t happen! I’ve never felt like this when looking at naked guys. I mean I don’t hate the sight, it’s just that it doesn’t do anything! I thought that was how it was supposed to be, but clearly, my body disagreed with me. I kept imagining her breasts and hips, and felt a drip moving down my inner thigh.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake!” I said aloud, and threw my underwear into the dirty laundry basket.
I stepped into the shower and turned it to ‘cold’. I really, really needed a cold shower right now. Maybe it’d fix my brain? I could not come out of here while I was feeling like this. Not when she was sleeping on my couch.
I almost screamed when the cold water hit me, but I thought I’d take it like a woman. I took my time in the shower and washed myself thoroughly. I took a towel and wrapped it around myself, and a smaller one, and wrapped it around my head. I stepped out of the bathroom and the smell of coffee and something fried filled my nose. Oh, my goddess, I didn’t even realize how hungry I was! My stomach growled like a really angry bear that someone had kept hungry for months.
I walked to the doorway to the living room and glanced towards the kitchen. Kat was frying something, probably chicken. And she had made a couple of sandwiches and there was coffee in the machine. I briefly thought how wonderful it would be to wake up to something like this normally. I shook my head to dismiss the thought and then Kat spotted me.
She was wearing one of my t-shirts and a pair of my baggy pants. Kat was bigger in every proportion, so the effect was quite noticeable. My t-shirt on her looked more like a slightly too-tight midriff and my pants looked like capris on her. I swallowed hard.
“Good morning, sleepy face,” she said, and smiled at me. She looked me up and down and then grinned. “You look better like that,” she said. She spread her hands wide and looked down at herself. “I hope you don’t mind…I borrowed some clothes from you. Mine were so drenched I didn’t want to wear them.”
I shook my head. “No,” I said weakly. “I’m sorry I didn’t suggest it in the first place. Of course, you’re welcome to use them,” I said, then added - again, without thinking much, “They just seem to be a tad too small for you…”
She grinned at me and looked at her chest. “Yeah," she said and laughed. “This does highlight my boobs quite a bit.” She looked at me and grinned. “Not that you seemed to mind earlier…” she said and laughed warmly.
Her laugh sent tingles through my body, and I didn’t understand why. But it was a nice feeling, they were not bad tingles. I felt... happy(?) when she laughed.
Oh, my goddess, what?! She was awake? She saw me staring at her! In her underwear! And me in mine! Oh please, can the ground just swallow me up, like, right now?
I felt my cheeks getting flushed and my ears felt hot. I lowered my gaze and fiddled nervously with my towel. She just laughed that vivid and wonderful laugh of hers, and I already felt better. I raised my gaze and saw she was laughing warmly, her eyes and her lips. It wasn’t a demeaning, humiliating laugh. It was a kind and friendly laugh that makes the world slightly better.
“Don’t worry about it, darling,” she said. “There’s nothing to worry about; it’s perfectly natural. You can’t help it,” she said, looked at me for a few seconds, then added, “And anyway, that just makes us even— ," she said, stopped midway in the sentence and blushed wildly. “You know what, never mind. Please forget what I said,” she said quietly and turned back to her cooking.
Even? For what? What did she mean by that? I had absolutely no clue.
I almost asked for a clarification, but then I looked at her. Her cheeks were completely flushed, and she looked so nervous. The effect of that and her clothing made her look absolutely stunningly cute to me. I almost squealed aloud. I didn’t know why, but she looked so marvelously cute my heart ached.
“Go get dressed and come eat breakfast,” she said. “It was the least I could do for you since you let me sleep here. I hope you enjoy slightly fried, thin slices of chicken on your bread. And coffee.”
I looked at her with my mouth open. I thought I was the only one who wanted to fry the cold cuts of chicken. I blinked a couple of times, nodded at her, and made my way to the bedroom.
I threw the towel on the bed, sat down, and let myself fall onto the bed completely. I sighed deeply and closed my eyes. I should get up, get dressed, and go eat breakfast. But she saw me staring at her boobs! I’m going to die from embarrassment. And from not knowing why I feel like this. Why does she look so cute to me? Why does my body react to her in the way it does? I don’t understand anything. I feel like I need to talk to someone about this, but not her. Definitely not her! Maybe a doctor? Am I broken? Is there something wrong with me?
“Coffee’s getting cold!” Kat yelled from the hallway.
I opened my eyes, sighed again, and stood up. I threw on something that was fast to put on: underwear, a pretty pink t-shirt, and a black knee-length skirt. I combed my hair quickly — I’ll do that later more properly, but for now, it’s good enough. I swallowed, opened the door, and went to have breakfast. With Kat.