The next day at lunch, I was yet again eating with Lizzie. This time, Lizzie was wearing a blue hoodie with an anime cat on it, blue skinny jeans and low rise blue converse. As I was eating lunch, I looked around the courtyard. I started to wonder if Walt eats with his friends in the cafeteria. Then, I shook my head. No. He couldn't. The cafeteria seems WAY out of his league. But maybe Lizzie would know where Walt eats with his friends.
"Hey, where does Walt eat everyday?" I asked.
"He doesn't really 'eat' at lunch. He normally hangs out with his friends during lunch." She replied then took a bite out of her sandwich.
"Well, where does he hang out at lunch? I know it can't be the cafeteria because it's..."
"Out of his league? You guessed right. You're starting to get Walt everyday. Walt hangs out with his friends in the back of the library where nobody can find them." She swallowed her food.
I nodded then finished eating before standing up.
"Hey. Where are you going? You're not going looking for Walt are you?"
I shrugged. "Maybe I am. I'll be back." I said then started to walk inside the school.
I walked all the way to the library and went inside. I looked around the library and saw a few students doing their homework/assignments. I didn't pay much attention to them and started to walk to the back of the library like Lizzie said. As I walked closer and closer to the back, I heard male voices. I quickly hid behind a bookshelf so they wouldn't see me. I wasn't really sure why I was hiding in the first place.
As I stood there, I started to smell the scent of cigarettes. I felt like I was about to cough so I quickly placed my hand over my mouth and silently coughed into my hand so they wouldn't hear me.
"What do you guys think of that noobie?" Walt asked.
"What noobie?" A guy asked.
"He's talking about that noob in our science class. What's his name?" The voice came from Walt's friend who's in my science class.
"It's Luis or whatever." Walt said.
"Oh him. I see him around school. He's sorta weird."
"I can't believe you have to sit with him, Walt." Walt's friend said.
I started to feel myself cough again and when I tried to hide it, it caused my body to jump back. My back hit the bookshelf and the book that sat on the shelf above me fell off and landed on my head.
"Ow!" I cried out.
I collapsed to my knees and started to rub my head then I picked up the book that hit me. Walt got up from his group and walked up to me.
"What are you doing here?"
I quickly looked at Walt. "Oh...uh..." I wasn't sure how to answer his question.
"I was just...seeing what you were guys doing. Heh." I said.
"Walt, who is it?"
"It's the Brat I was telling you guys about." He said.
I emerged from the bookshelf and stood in front of everybody. Walt's friends were all sitting in a circle on different colored bean bag chairs. They all were smoking. Walt then walked back over to his spot and sat down.
"Were you spying on us?" Walt's friend that was in our science class said.
"Uh...of course not! I was looking for a book!" I continued to look around the group. They were all just staring at me. Especially Walt. I watched Walt as he puffed on the cig and blew it out of his mouth, all while staring at me. He looked so cool doing that. Normally it's dumb for people to smoke to look cool but when Walt does it, he looks like a sex God.
"You know, you're not supposed to be smoking indoors..."
"What? Are you going to rat on us?" One of Walt's friends asked.
"N-no! I just...nevermind." I stood there, feeling awkward.
"Well, I gotta get back to my friend." I said.
"You've only been here for two days and you already have a friend?" Walt's friend with the beanie asked.
"Yeah. Who's your friend?" Walt's friend with the light facial hair asked.
"Lizzie. I'm not sure what her last name is..."
Walt's friend from our science class started to snicker. He had plugs in his ears. "Lizzie's really weird." He said.
"Yeah. If you know what's good for you, you would avoid her." Beanie guy said.
"She's not weird." I objected.
"Yeah. For now." Facial hair guy said.
I sighed. I didn't appreciate them making fun of Lizzie.
"Look, whatever your name is,"
"It's Luis."
"Yeah. Whatever. Anyways, you've only been here for two days." Beanie guy said.
"So? What does that have to do with anything? Besides, I thought you guys didn't care about anyone but yourself?" I remarked. It was weird for THESE guys to all of a sudden care about me. Of course, Walt wasn't getting into this. He just keeps smoking and staring at me.
"We DON'T care about anyone and we especially DON'T care about you." Beanie guy said.
Wow. These guys are HUGE jerks. I didn't think anybody could ever be this jerky. Still, I wonder why Walt isn't jumping in and insulting me. Granted, he DID call me a Brat earlier but still. I didn't think I could stand being around these guys anymore so I decided to take an exit. I started to walk away from the group when I realized that I was still holding onto the book that dropped on my head. I looked over the cover. It was called MY HEART POUNDS FOR YOU. I decided to take it up to the librarian so she can put it back. I went up to the desk and handed it to her but before I could leave, she said, "Checking out?" I stood there and glanced at the book then at her. "Yeah. Sure." I wasn't sure why I was checking the book out but I felt like I needed it.
"It's due back in two weeks." She said.
She handed me to receipt and the book. I then left the library and headed back to the courtyard. I glanced at my watch to see that there was still five minutes left before lunch is over. I hadn't even realized I've been with Walt's group for that long. Once I got back to the courtyard, I plopped down in my seat and set the book on the table.
"Hey. How did it go and I didn't know you were checking out a book. Is that why you went?" Lizzie asked.
Lizzie picked up the book and looked it over. "Seems interesting."
I nodded and took the book back from her then looked the book over again. VERY interesting.
I left the school later than I wanted. My last period teacher held me back to talk to me about something. Once the discussion was over, I quickly headed out of the school and walked home. When I got there, I went inside and tossed my bag into my room then picked up my sketchbook to do a little doodling.
"I'm going to the beach!" I called out into the house then walked down the stairs and out the back door to go down to the beach.
I looked around and took in my surroundings when I saw Walt next door on the porch. He was smoking again. I watched him for a minute. He looked so cool as he smoked and was just standing there. He looked so laid back and looked like he didn't care about the world. I smiled and decided to approach him.
"Hey, Walt." I walked onto his porch.
"What are you doing here?" He didn't look happy to see me.
"I live next door. Is this your house?"
He nodded as he took a puff. I smiled brightly.
"Great! So we're neighbors!"
He let out the smoke. "Yeah. I guess so." He then looked down at my hands. "You draw?"
I nodded. "A little." I smiled softly.
Walt took another puff then dropped the cig butt onto the ground and stomped on it. He then looked at me and as cool as he can be, he let it out. Granted, the smoke hit my face and I had to swat the smoke away but the way Walt looked while smoking is just Then, without a word, he turned his back and walked inside the house. But before he did, he said, "Smell ya." I blinked my eyes, watching him. Smell ya? What did that mean? I sighed then looked over at the beach and smiled. I started to make my way down to the beach and I didn't even notice that when I turned my back, Walt peeked through the blinds at me. I was just too excited to go down the beach and start doodling.
When I got to the beach, I sat down and set the sketchbook on my lap and got out my pencil. I wasn't sure what I wanted to doodle and that's when an idea came to mind. Visions of Walt came to me and I knew I found my inspiration. I started to sketch out Walt in my book. I wanted to sketch him looking so cool while smoking on his cig. Then maybe later when I have time, I can paint the sketch on my new canvas. As I sketched out Walt and thought about how he looked in my head, I felt my heart starting to pound against my chest. I stopped sketching and pressed my hand against my chest as I looked at the ocean. I wasn't sure what this feeling was but it felt kinda nice.