Each night, she would wait, sometimes basking in the moonlight, sometimes enjoying the wind ruffle her blond strands. He would appear, and then he wouldn’t, it was a gamble.
This night she awaited again while a rain poured down, saturating the soil, forming puddles. The sky was dark, moonlight absent since the moon failed to penetrate thick, grey, cloudy coat.
For her, that was the description of a relaxing night. Not this time, not in the least. She was feeling restless. She waited. Awaited him to show up. Why? She wasn’t sure. Maybe the loneliness was too much…and maybe…it is just plain old curiosity. She pondered that idea in her head, trying to understand herself, no matter how she put it, just enjoying the night should be enough as it always was. Maybe she was changing and that explained her newfound curiosity.
A few weeks passed since they interacted. A handful of nights she saw him in the distance, every time either he would be too far away to call out to him, or the weather wouldn’t let her be heard through a racket of the sounds it made.
Just as she had made up her mind – next time she sees him, she would go after him – she heard something. There he was, beyond the old oak, pulling the already familiar cart behind him. This was her chance. Not even the rain would stop her this time.
She struggled to withstand the heavy rain while running across the slippery mud. Drops ran freely over her drenched body but she didn’t stop.
“Hey, wait!” he turned towards her, his face as impassive as it could be. “Can I ask you a question?” she inquired when she stopped about 10 meters from him.
A slight shift in his eyes could be just part of her imagination. After long fifteen seconds of silence, he finally opened his mouth.
“Why?” he demanded coldly.
“I’m curious.”
“Curiosity killed the cat.” He deadpanned.
“This cat still has 8 lives left.” His eyebrows raised in disbelief and slight amusement. “So, what do you say? Answering a few questions shouldn’t be hard.” Her voice shook with excitement.
Oh, how he longed for company. Always alone, wandering aimlessly during the night. But it was too dicey. The beasts of the afterlife were after him. He shouldn’t stop. He shouldn’t answer her questions. And he certainly shouldn’t speak with someone who can see him without him having knowledge why is that even possible.
In all of his miserable existence, no one was able to see him. No one was able to hear his questions. No one was able to answer even though he was desperate for answers. And even though they couldn’t see them, no one managed to survive being touched by beasts of the afterlife. Even when he listed reasons why he shouldn’t, something wouldn’t let him.
“Hmm…” he started speaking, but then he heard a very familiar howl, meaning that he was being pursued. That was when he decided.
“Tomorrow, the same time as today.” He gave her another long look and turned to his original destination.
She was left standing in the rain, listening to the soothing sound of him moving away.
Pull. Stop. Pull. Stop…