I tread water before the mighty beast curled admist the rocks along the ocean floor. His scales were a shimmering opal white, his eyes practically glowed a bright blue as he stared at me without moving, his features unreadable. Two curved horns spiraled from the top of his head, in the middle a spiked fin ran from head to tufted tail. Pointed ears behind more fins along his jaw. "What the hell are you?" The current moved as the mighty dragon spoke harsh words. I didn't reply. Of course he wouldn't want me as his sacrifice. No one wanted me, the abomination of the mervillage. I was only ever met with contempt and was used to it...but for the first time I felt this response might be a good thing. Still, I did not react, floating in front of the dragon. "I asked for a beautiful mermaid, a strange..." He paused to breath in the water, discerning just what I was, "hybrid like you should go home. I do not want you."
Fear froze my chest at the thought of returning to that awful village that was my home. "I can't go back." I finally said in a weak voice, condemned to my fate. I'd do anything to get away from them...even if it meant being a sacrifice to an enraged sea dragon.
"Go back. Send a mermaid." The dragon demanded in a warning tone that sifted the currents yet again.
"The mermaids have fled, sent away by their spouses. They sent me instead. Because you have settled in this land and claim it as yours, the merfolk have offered up a sacrifice as a symbol of peace. I was chosen to be that sacrifice. Please have mercy on them." The dragon displayed his sharp fangs as he grimaced. I shivered in the cold depths of the ocean as he studied me. Finally he moved, slowly unwinding himself to come closer...and my shaking intensified. What was going to happen to me? Why did I even care? My life had been nothing but banishment by the villagers, someone to throw rocks at when they saw. I was an ugly mermaid hybrid. No tail at all, just legs that made me slower than all the others. My hair was a rich red, that stood out in the ocean and brought unwanted and dangerous attention to me. My eyes, one dark blue, the other foggy from where a well-aimed rock had permanently ruined it.
"So the mermaids have all ran away you say?" The dragon grumbled, the sound vibrating the water around us and pulling me out of my reverie. "I understand." He finally said, his tone shifting as he circled me, causing my stomach to tense with nerves. "So they sent you as a scapegoat."
"Would you like me to undress?" I asked. I was dressed in a cloth wrapped around my chest and shorts I had stolen from shipwrecks along the sea floor. I assumed if he ate me he wouldn't want to eat my dirty cloths as well. I did cut my hair as short as I could before I came so he wouldn't be inconvenienced by that.
"Hm? For what? It must be cold for you, go inside the cave." He said irritably, flicking his tufted tail toward the cliff behind him.
Sure enough there was a pitch black opening in it, but I hesitated. "U-um..." I tried to get my voice to work properly.
"What is it?" He snarled, causing me to shake more, but I pushed on.
"Aren't you going to eat me now?" He hesitated then smirked. He opened his jaw wide, displaying all his curved fangs and lunged at me. I squeaked in surprise and squeezed my eyes shut tight, ready, body tense. His jaws were around me but he didn't bite down, instead using the momentum to toss me into the cave.
His head came in after me. "I won't eat you. I just wanted someone to talk to. What's your name?"
"Na-" I paused to suck in a breath of water and calm myself before continuing. "Nad'a."
"Nad'a." He repeated, then turned to look out at the sea, his long body curling into the cave with me and generating some much needed heat. "Then first, tell me how long it's been winter here...."
And so, my life started anew. It was a new experience for me to have someone to talk to and listen to what I had to say. I told him all I could about the environment and anything else he asked about. We hunted together and I ate new foods I was never able to catch by myself. The new beginning I had been craving for really did happen when I became the sacrifice to a sea dragon. Time passed like that, seasons, months...
"I wanted to thank you." I said one day. I had taken him to see the whirlpools. "Ever since I came to be your sacrifice, I've had a lot of fun. My life has completely changed for the better. Donnyr? Donnyr are you listening?"
"Hm?" He said preoccupied.
I relaxed and smiled, leaning into him as we watched the water swirl from afar. He often got lost in his own thoughts, this dragon of mine. "I never liked them, but I hope the merfolk can find peace too, so that I can let go of the past."
More time passed. I was out scavenging for food, and must have wandered too close to the village. I wasn't paying attention, I had gotten used to not always looking over my shoulder for danger. The thrown bucket clipped me in the head, stunning me and they took the chance to surround me. Throwing punches and rocks. It was like a sport for them. I protected myself the best I could...but the pain was so much sharper then what it used to be... Then the currents changed and a roar caused the very water to shudder in fear. "Nad'a! I won't forgive them! Merfolk!" I'd never seen him so enraged before, he was having trouble forming words.
"Donnyr, wait." I came closer, raising a hand to lay on his side but he roared, the current throwing me back.
"Don't touch me! Is this the village you wanted to prosper? Even if they beat you? Who touched her? Who? Who was it? Nad'a! Naaaddd'aaaa!" The mermen who had attacked me were huddled together too terrified of the raving dragon to move.
"Yes." I said calmly, coming closer and resting a hand on his shoulder, the scales smooth under my touch. "Donnyr calm down. Don't hurt them."
Donnyr stared at me and I saw his eyes gradually clear. "Fine." He said, sounding more himself and I heaved a sigh of relief. "I understand. But do not lay a hand on Nad'a again!" He snarled at the mermen, who quaked where they treaded. The dragon turned toward me, "Let's go back."
"Yeah." I said as warmth filled my chest. "Okay." A smile worked it's way onto my face. I'd never had anyone care for me before, or felt like I had a home to go back to. We were quiet back at the cave for awhile.
"Is that what happened to your eye? Are they the ones responsible?"
I raised a hand to my bad eye. "No. I don't know who threw the stone that took it."
"Let me see it." I raised my head and a man was right in front of me, grabbed my shoulders and kissed my eyelid. Caught between screaming and thrashing, I froze, not understanding what just happened. And the man was gone, replaced with Donnyr. "Oh." He said, noticing my stunned silence and gaping mouth. "I can change form when I have enough energy." Heat flew to my face and I touched my eye again. The ache that had been there ever since it was taken from me...was now gone. "But really, there are such terrible people around!"
My heart was still racing and for some reason I felt embarrassed. "Uh, um, I'm going to go gather some more crabs." I said before swimming off to cool my head.
Dawn broke on a new day and I awoke well rested to Donnyr nuzzling me. I gradually sat up, blinking the sleep from my eyes and smiled. "Good morning." I stretched, "I'm going to go find something for breakfast." I left in search of my favorite, crabs. The meat was sweet and delicious. If I found some lobsters all the better. I had rigged a sack from a flag of a sunken ship and had collected a few crabs when I heard cheering in the distance and looked around, started. I was on top of the cliff-face and could see the mervillage below. It appeared the men were welcoming back the mermaids. I was glad for them, maybe my wish of them being happy and leaving me alone in peace would come true. I found myself smiling at the joyous voices reaching me in the distance, but then a thought struck me, wiping the smile from my face instantly. Mermaids. The mermaids had returned. A deep sadness consumed me. 'I asked for a beautiful mermaid, a strange hybrid like you should go home...' That's what Donnyr had told me the first time we'd met... I shook, not wanting my fragile peaceful days to end. I gripped the sack until my knuckles turned white before running a shaky hand through my short but growing hair. There's no way I could be a beautiful mermaid, no matter how much I wanted to be one in that moment. I had to leave Donnyr. I had to leave my dragon. I felt sick.... Maybe...a sliver of me dared to hope, maybe he would accept me? I returned slowly back to the cave, feeling the a heaviness in each stroke I took, like I was dragging a huge weight behind me. I didn't belong with my handsome white dragon. He deserved a beautiful mermaid by his side...not me. But still....I didn't want to go back to my life before I'd met him. Tears filled my eyes, but I refused to let them out. I steadied myself and floated before the cave, my home. The place I wanted to be able to return to.
"What is it?" I jumped and blinked, seeing Donnyr stick his head out of the cave.
"U-Uh..." His glowing light blue eyes studied me and fresh tears filled my eyes, but I hurriedly pushed forward with a shaky smile.
"The mermaids have returned!" I said with false cheer, trying to make my voice not shake.
"Nad'a...what's wrong?" He said, seeing through my facade.
"Um...I..." I tore my gaze from his and looked down at the sandy floor. "I'll go find a mermaid...to replace...me." My voice rose an octave at the end and I slammed my mouth shut, trying to get myself under control. Don't cry. Come on, don't you cry.
"Nad'a, would you stay if I asked you too?" He replied. I jerked my head up to stare at him with a gasp. "And I don't mean as my sacrifice."
"Um..." I wasn't sure I understood, although my heart sped up.
Seeing I had yet to get what he was saying I watched, fascinated as his cheeks tinged pink. "I mean..." He shifted to a man form much like my own. He had sculpted muscles, a lean body. Long white hair and pale blue eyes that seemed to glow. He had legs and wore long shorts. I stared in wonder. He gave me a small smile and swam closer till he was in front of me. He reached out and touched my cheek with his fingertips. His touch sending a zip through me. "will you give me a try Nad'a? I want to be with you."
Heat flew to my face. "D-Donnyr...do you mean....live together or....be together?" Was there a possibility that could be what he was asking? Was that possible? Dare I even hope? He gave me a small sad smile, then leaned closer and his lips softly touched my own before he pulled away, studying me for my reaction. "Are...are you sure?"
He smiled wider. "Your answer?" Slowly a smile grew on my face and my heart warmed. I'd never felt this happiness before.
My life began anew the day I was sacrificed to a sea dragon...I gained the happiness I so craved.
I found Donnyr standing on the cliff overlooking the mervillage and rushed toward him with the little one in my arms. He looked much like his father in human-like form. White silky hair, bright blue eyes, spiraled horns on his head, human legs and a tuft tail. "Donnyr!"768Please respect copyright.PENANAqevTN509md
My dragon turned toward me. "Nad'a."
"He-he spoke! Kapua spoke!"
"I'd like to hear that." Donnyr lowered his head toward us as I knelt and set my year old son down.
"Come on Kapua. One more time." But Kapua kept silent.
"What did he say?"
"He said Na-"
"Nad'a." My heart squeezed hearing my son say my name. "Nad'a." I laughed. It wasn't Mom. But close enough.
Donnyr nuzzled Kapua. "I guess I say it too much." Happiness and warmth filled me. This is where I belonged. This was my home. I was eternally grateful to the mervillage that previously scorned me. For they were the ones who sacrificed me. And through that I was able to find happiness beyond my wildest dreams. Sometimes blessings come in the most unexpected places.