My vision was blurry as I slowly opened my eyes. All the pain and suffering I had felt a moment ago was gone. To be honest it was rather strange. I had learned to live with my broken heart which was the consequence of a failed driving lesson. A year ago I thought that teaching my 15 years old sister to drive a car was a good idea. Boy was I wrong. It ended in disaster. She crashed the car into another one. I got multiple injuries but they were nothing compared to hers. Mia's were so bad she passed away in my arms before the ambulance could get there.
My vision was slowly becoming clearer. The first thing I saw was a bright blue sky with small cotton ball looking clouds. Weird. The view is never this clear in the city.
I gathered that I was lying on a dirt road. It all felt familiar. "Hi Lizzie," came a soft female voice. I raised my head and looked in that direction. An all to familiar teenage girl with flowing blond hair and a white summer dress was walking down the road towards me.
"Mia!" I shot up from the ground, ran to her and wrapped my arms around my darling little sister. I didn't care what had happened to me. I was just overjoyed to see her. The girl who died because of my foolish idea."I am so sorry, Mia. I am so sorry."
Mia returned the hug and then pulled away a bit. A warm smile never left her face. She pointed to the red houses in the background that the path we stood on was leading. "Do you remember this place?" She asked. I gave it a closer look and it hit me. "This is the place we grew up in." She nodded. "Come, let's take a walk." Mia said taking her place besides me and slowly moving towards the houses.
I got over the initial bliss and started wondering what had happened. She died a year ago. I was devastated as today was the anniversary of her death. Visiting the grave was even harder. I remember a sharp pain in my chess and then. Then here she is. Walking besides me. "Mia," I cautiously started, "are we dead."
The younger girl looked up to me. She seemed so relaxed and peaceful. "That doesn't sound very nice." She looked thoughtful for a second. "Think of it as returning home."
We had reached the houses. Mia went a bit ahead and opened the front door. The room was filled with bright white light. I felt a bit confused. Mia picked up on that. She gave a reassuring smile. "Don't be afraid." She was standing in the threshold and extended her arm. "Mom and Dad are waiting. You can come home now. You can come back to your family."
I almost didn't notice how I accepted my sister's hand and she slowly guided me to the light.