"You can't be me!" a ten year old girl yelled to a twenty year old woman, "You're too girly, I will never be girly when I grow up! Girls are weak, girls are dumb, girls can't do anything without crying!"
The woman covered her ears as she stared at the little girl who looked like a boy. Her hair was short, short enough that it didn't reach her ears and she wore baggy clothes to hide her growing chest. The woman was surprised how much she changed over the years.
Said girl pointed at the woman, "You're wearing make up! You're wearing a skirt! You're even wearing high heels! I will never be like you!" the little girl ran to her bed and started to bounce, "NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER!"
Scowling, the woman pushed the girl down where she landed on a pile of pillows, "Listen here, tomboy, you are NOT a boy. You are a girl!" the woman held the girl down, hoping that she would not run away.
The little girl kicked and screamed, "I'm a boy!"
Letting go, the woman sighed, "I was such a sexist..." the grown up lady grabbed a pillow and shoved it to her ten year old self's face, "Listen for just a minute," she was still screaming, but at least it was blocked out by a bit, "There is a reason why I changed, gender doesn't even matter to me anymore! Gay marriages have already been legalized in so many different countries, society has changed!"
The girl managed to free herself from the woman's grasp and ran to the edge of the room where she grabbed her basketball, "If you're me you would know how people are always judging other girls!" she imitated some kind of weird voice, "You're a girl you can't play basketball, you're a girl so you can't carry this, you're a girl so you can't wear this, you're a girl so you shouldn't act that way." releasing a growl, the girl started to dribble, "Girls can't do anything but boys can, it's not fair!"
The woman massaged her temples, "You are so immature... it's not always like that you know." she sat down on the little girl's bed with her legs crossed.
The girl shuddered with disgust, "Ugh, you're crossing your legs... that's for girls!"
"Guys cross their legs too."
Scratching her head the girl shrugged, "Well their gay so-"
"Are you seriously being homophobic right now?" the woman asked with her brow raised, "I was pretty sure that I-"
"I LOVE GAY PEOPLE!" the tomboy yelled, "They don't need to do what people ask them to do, they could love who they want and do what they want! Gender does not matter!"
The woman stood up and patted the girl on her head, "There are boys who also want to be girls... why is that?" she had no reply, "That's because there are things that girls have that boys can't have too. I'm not saying that you should start acting like a girl, it's your choice. One day you're going to love someone, and that someone would be a boy."
The girl puffed up her cheeks and yelled, "Love does not exist! It's just something made up!"
Her mouth was immediately shut by her future self's hand, "You're only saying that because your bitter about your past, it's not your fault that little Jim said no to your flower drawing." the woman rolled her eyes, it was ridiculous really.
Patience was not something that little girls had, "You're only pretty because of your make up!"
Wow, okay. The woman removed her the cosmetics of her face and showed the girl, "Yes, I'm not perfect, but why does that matter?" pimples, dark spots, and small bags rested under her eyes, "Why should I care about what people have to say about me? I know that one of the reasons why you're acting like a boy is because you're afraid you would be called weak and useless." she was only wearing make up because it was necessary for some reason in her college.
The little girl looked away and crossed her arms, "I'm a boy..." she said silently.
"Okay let's put it this way," the woman brought the girl to sit on her blue soccer covered sheets, "Three years from now you're going to meet a boy, and you're going to fall in love."
"I will never fall in love! That's for crybaby girls who don't think about their studies, because their head is full of boys!"
The woman grabbed the girl's shoulders and started to shake her back and forth, "Get over that flower drawing already! That was from when you were in kindergarten for Christ's sake! Get this through your head! You're going to meet him, of course you would hate him at first because he's always beating you in grades... but when you get to know him you would feel something inside that would make you happy!"
The girl kicked and screamed, "Never!"
"He would make you want to act like a girl, like wearing make up and using pretty dresses... Even now I still hate the color pink so I wear blue, but that is his favorite color." the woman showed the girl a picture, "Here, this is him."
The girl held it and stared, "He's not so handsome."
The woman smiled, "I don't care about looks. I won't go with a handsome guy if he has a rotten personality, that's like getting a pretty looking present with a neat bow on top but inside it was actually a rotten egg."
"Blegh!" the girl said, "That's disgusting!"
"Wouldn't you rather have a plain looking box with no bow or sparkles, and inside a golden ring with a beautiful blue flower gem?" the woman asked.
It took the little girl a long time to notice the ring on her finger, "Like that?"
Nodding the woman stared at her ring, "That boy I was talking about is the boy I have been dating for seven years, this is not an engagement ring but a promise ring."
"I bet the boy told you to wear pretty dresses because he only cared about your looks." to that the little girl received a very harsh pinch to her cheeks.
"He's not like that you little worm! He thinks I'm beautiful in any way and form, it was me who wanted to become pretty... I'm just afraid he would become interested in a more good looking woman."
Even after all the woman had said the little girl still refused to believe her, "I don't care, I'm still going to act like a boy... maybe you're lying."
The woman put her hands in the air, "That's it, I give up. Just you wait, you will see three years later." she walked away and went out of the blue room, "Change is inevitable, you're only human." with those last words she disappeared.
The little girl sat in her room all alone thinking about what her older self had just said, "I'm a boy."
Stubborn girl.