Nora rolled her shoulders as she backed away from Foxy's chest cavity; screws, bolts, and spare parts surrounding her and the decrepit animatronic. She cursed to herself as she dropped her screwdriver inside of the cavity, the tool clacking and went 'tink-tink-tink' deep into the innards of the animatronic. She looked down into the cavity, then at the fox's muzzle, rolling her tongue over her teeth as she considered just tearing the thing apart, if only to retrieve her tool. She pushed away the thought as she also considered that Management would have a conniption if she took the ancient thing apart, bit by bit. A shiver ran down her spine as she heard the heavy door of the Parts and Service room creak open. She hesitantly turned her head and spied the Puppet staring at her, deathly still and silent.
She hated this thing.
She didn't bother with a response, it never talked, not that it was programmed to. She knew that its voice was that of a young boy, but all of that was rigged with audio equipment in the prize corner, suspended from the ceiling.
She paid it no mind, and went about her work, reaching down into Foxy's chest to grab her screwdriver. She heard the rustling of cloth, and she saw the Puppet out of the corner of her eye, floating into the far corner of the room, where the old Freddy model sat. She tried to pay it no mind, as she felt her fingertips brush against the tip of the screwdriver. She grabbed at it, clutching it with success as her shoulder tensed, carefully lifting it from the animatronic. She almost had her elbow removed from inside of the thing, before the Puppet appeared before her, drawing in on her.
"Fuck!" she cried as she fell backward, padded slightly by the thick hide of her security guard's jacket. She banged the back of her head on the floor as the Puppet floated above her, staring down at her with its void eye-sockets.
"The hell do you want?" she spat, rubbing the back of her head and checking for injury.
It didn't answer her, of course.
She rolled over, to stand up, as the thing popped up in her face again.
"SHIT!" she shrieked, clutching her chest.
It kept staring at her, as an ice cold bit of metal rolled down the side of her neck. She glanced lowly to the side- Foxy was giving her a lopsided stare, his jaw hanging open while his hook drew down her neck.
A shiver ran down her spine once again. Foxy's hook jerked, as it pierced her jacket and held her; she hunched over a bit as she drew into herself.
'The fuck is going on?' she thought, as the old Chica model sat itself up, and then haphazardly stood, like a toddler taking its first steps.
It hobbled over towards the Puppet, blocking the door as its deformed jaw hung open, much like Foxy's; although her endoskeleton jaw was opening and closing constantly.
Nora looked to the Puppet, glancing around the room as Freddy and Bonnie shambled over towards them, completing the circle.
"These are my friends."
Nora's jaw dropped as she stared at the Puppet. It wasn't its usual voice, it was much higher and sounded more female.
"Your…friends." Nora said slowly, very unsure of what this was going to lead to. Her mind raced as she looked around the room, every single animatronic she had worked on staring at her blankly.
"They're like animals now, but I am aware." it said, drawing closer to her. "They're falling into disrepair, with outdated technology."
Nora stared at the thing, gulping hard as she looked around her at the circle of animatronics.
The creature picked one of the wrenches hanging on the wall of the room, and drifted over her. Nora flinched as the Puppet dropped the wrench at her feet; it clattered to her feet as the rest of the group remained unaffected by the noise.
"I need you to fix them." It demanded.
Nora looked down at the wrench, then up at the Puppet.
"You're serious…"
It grappled her by the collar and hefted her up, releasing her from Foxy's hook. The void eye holes flashing white.
The Puppet threw her away from itself, and ran her out of the room, screaming in her face. That was enough for Nora; she bolted from Parts and Service, and sped past Kid's Cove, where Toy Freddy and Funtime Foxy were currently entertaining a birthday party.
It wasn't until she was out in the parking lot and well on her way home, that she had realized she had left her pack of cigarettes in Parts and Service.