Fandom: Polytheistic Greek Religion
Pairing: 'South of Nightmares' [Melinoë X Notus]
Words: 1596
Published: 07-12-2015 [Or 12-07-2015]
The day they meet will bring forth winds that would scare even the most daring of sky-inhabitants and will bring forth storms of madness upon the human race.
Melinoë sighed as she was sitting on a boulder close to the Abyss yet again. Blood-curling screams arose from within the deep pit, blowing her hair upwards in furious clusters. She leaned her chin on her hand with a bored look on her face.
Melinoë decided to jump off of the rock and walk towards the kingdom of Hades. Her father, as she called him, always ruled the domain with a solid thumb and silver tongue, as she described him. Hades was always truthful, thus for his silver tongue, and his solid thumb in which represented that he got the job done always and efficiently.
Melinoë headed towards a hole that was on top of the realm of Hades. She always went out when she was bored through the secret entrance. A smirk developed on her face as Melinoë jumped up, grabbing a rocky ledge with her hands. She then climbed through the narrow passage with elegant accuracy.
Man did she feel like a ninja.
She pushed herself up out of the hole.
Fresh air pushed itself into her lungs. She gasped for breath since she was not accustomed to the cold clean air above, but the musky, hot thick air below.
Melinoë stepped forward and jumped at the crunching of symphonies under her bare feet. She laughed at the colorful leaves that lay below her. Orange, yellow, red-- all her favorite of leaves. She loved it when Persephone, her mother, brought plants from when she came back from the above. Her favorites were, for some reason, leaves. She envied Evgenia for being the one who overlooks the valued plant.
Melinoë purred delightfully, hypnotized by the lovely greenies. She started forward, twirling around all over in sheer happiness as the leaves danced along her and the wind.
Up above;however, the one that's season was glanced down from his position up in the heavens. He swiveled his finger around and air swirled gently followed his pattern. It was then he saw the majestic girl dancing in his storm of autumn-colored leaves.
As any god had done, or still does, Notus decided to check the girl out.
Melinoë stopped twirling around and began to walk again, shaking her head at the foolish behavior she had just conducted.
Idiot, She lectured herself, Stop acting like a mere fool. You're acting like Persephone.
Melinoë shivered at the cold air that lurked all around her. That was a huge flaw on her favorite season--it was cold. The wind blew against her side whilst causing her to cling to her goose-bumped skin. Melinoë swiped away the half-and-half black and white hair that covered her sight. Revealed on the right side of her eyes was a pure black, panda-like circle that surrounded her eye.
"Would you like a coat?"
Melinoë swooped around and saw the god behind her. In quick reaction she bent over to the ground and started to hurl huge rocks at the Auster.
Notus blocked the chuncks of rock away with his arms, "Whoa, whoa!! Calm down there!!" He exclaimed while being slightly taken back by her initial reaction.
Melinoë threw the rest of them at Notus. When she was done with the rocks her legs sprinted off as quickly as Hermes'.
"HEY!! Wait up!!" Notus ran after her.
This was starting to become a game of Apollo-and-Daphne.
Melinoë suddenly stopped in her tracks and Notus crashed into her by accident. The god, instead of hitting her body, landed on the rough ground face-first. He spat out grass and dirt and glanced up. A black wolf and silver fox were bounding away.
"The hell?!" He shouted, still attempting to catch up to her.
The wolf skidded to a halt and turned around to Notus. "Stop following me, creep!" Melinoë's voice came from the wolf's open mouth. It barked and trampled away again.
Notus groaned, collapsing on the ground. "Uggghhh, am I really that ugly?" He pondered, grooming his black hair with his hand. "I just wanted to see if she had any spare doujinshi...She looked like an anime character!" He sighed, closing his eyes while adding another groan.
Before he could fall asleep under the spell of Hypnos a cold hand poked his cheek. Notus' eyes darted open to see two forms.
Of course, the wolf and fox were back.
Notus backed up and tried to crawl away.
They're back to kill me!! Oh Chaos, I hope I didn't piss of Zeus' daughter or something!! The titan cried in his mind.
The black wolf jumped on his back, holding the god back from crawling away.
Next, the fox opened its mouth to speak. "Hey, you, did you say doujinshi?"
Notus' ears perked up. "Of course." He muttered under his breath while his eyes were darted to the side awkwardly. He was trying to avoid eye contact with the animal.
The fox seemed to smirk. "Hehehe, all right. I don't have any doujinshi but I know what it is." She beckoned the wolf away with its head and Notus stood up. He stretched and patted himself off.
"So, what goddess are you?" He pondered curiously and went straight to the point.
The fox stood right next to the wolf. Both of their eyes glowed a transparent blue and a white glow emerged to consume both of them.
"I'm Melinoë of nightmares and madness. You?" She fingered her hair to get the knots out that were created by the raging wind.
"Notus of southern winds," Notus responded with a smile.
"Oh," Notus' heart threatened to explode. She sounded disappointed, "So you're a titan then, right?"
Notus nodded. "Titan god of southern seasonal winds; yes." He replied semi-proudly. She was killed him here.
Melinoë shrugged. "Cool. Well enjoy your day," She turned around and walked away slowly.
Notus was losing the battle here, "H-hey! Wait up!!" He ran after her.
Melinoë swung herself around to meet Notus' face. Their noses were very close and Notus' face turned red.
"What 'cha gonna do?" Melinoë threatened with a deadly stare.
Notus gulped. What happened to the girl that was dancing in the leaves sweetly a minute ago?! He mentally exclaimed.
"Umm, what do you mean?" He questioned back.
Melinoë let out a longing sigh. "Any god that tries to come near me usually is trying to get in my toga or near my mother," She explained while rolling her eyes.
Notus looked confused. "Get in your toga? I don't quite understand," He was being genuine.
Melinoë squinted her eyes to look at him. It wasn't the wind that caused her to do this, it was her wondering if Notus was being a liar or not.
"Mhm," She hummed in disbelief, "Or you're trying to suck-up to my biological parent," She stuck her tongue out at him and turned around.
Notus plastered a sarcastic look on his face. "I've been up in the sky for like, ever! I have no idea who your parents are!! I haven't even been laid either!!" He cried out loudly albeit the wind lowered down his voice.
Melinoë crazily laughed. "Haha!! All right, all right, I believe you," She turned around to him. They were a couple feet away, though, "My real 'father' is Zeus and my mother is Persephone. However I consider Hades to be my real father since he treats me like his own daughter unlike Zeus," Melinoë explained quickly to the Auster.
Notus gaped.
Wholly shiyotoballs.
Zeus' daughter.
Notus felt like a plain idiot. "I am so, so sorry if I ruined your day, life, face, emotions or soul or anything," Notus was becoming nervous.
Melinoë shrugged, "Meh, even if you did I wouldn't care," She sighed.
Notus rubbed his hand on his forehead, "Oh, thank you so much! I shall create an animal for your kindness--"
"Whoa whoa buddy, no need to do that." Melinoë stopped him, her arms raised in the air. "I'm not like that! Just be grateful and you're set," She offered.
Notus was surprised. "Thank you very much! I am in debt to your gratitude," He let out a little bow and everything.
Melinoë's mouth curved into a smirk. "All right. Come with me then," She offered.
Notus caught up with her, "Why is that? Am I to pay off my debt?" He questioned along with a tilt of his head.
Melinoë nodded. "Of course! You can become my helper in my...our mission." Her offering seemed to have a twist in it, "Although I'd have to make sure to owe you something back as well for your future heroic deeds,"
Notus' smile became macabre, taking Melinoë by surprise. "Sure. I won't force you to marry me, but then we shall be in a temporary relationship. You'll become my girlfriend, I shall become your boyfriend."
There was clearly a hidden personality behind the titan.
Melinoë agreed. "Then it's settled. We'll team up to make sure my real father understands his place in the universe."
And with those winds humanity will crumble beneath the macabre Auster and revengeful Nightmare while also bringing the gods down to extinction.