"Those hands and fingers"
I am a little cell and I need to wait nine months before I can go to that majestic place called earth.
Days had passed and some parts of my body started to form cells too! soon I can have a full body and come to see the world!
weeks passed, and now I can feel my heartbeat. I am alive in here. Soon mommy... daddy... I'll see you soon
months had passed... and now I have arms and legs. I can feel my body grow as time pass by. I promise I will bring smiles and joy to my parents!
now, I have hands and tiny wiiiinii fingers! I shall hold my mommy dearest and my awesome dad for as long as I can to thank them that they made me.
feet!! I now have feet! this is awesome!! soon I can walk with my parents and travel the world together! we can stroll and admire the beauty of God's creation.
I now have senses. I think it was the sisth month. I can hear something out there. Is that my mom and dad? why are they shouting? please don't argue... Soon I'll be there to mediate in your fights. please wait for me.
I feel dizzy... I feel something is wrong and once again, dad is screaming at mom... he's talking about smoking and stuffs... please don't hurt mom.. dad please...
this kept on happening everytime I wake up from my deep slumber in this cave. I'm hurt... why are they always arguing? If only I can make time flew fast! I want to be born... I want to stay at their side and say that everuthing will be alright. I'm here for them... Please Lord make time fly sooner
Please Lord Please Lord make time fly sooner
make time fly sooner
make time fly sooner
make time fly sooner
I prayed and prayed so I can meet them as soon as possible.
One night while I was sleeping, I suddenly felt uneasy... Is this it? Looks like the time has come for the cave to open. I was about to swim towards the I believe the exit when a foreign object entered the cave. what is this? it's like a bigger version of my hands and fingers. It looks like it was looking for something . I wonder if I can help it but then, it touched or more likely, it poked my toe and it flinched. I got scared....
It's looking for me isn't it?
i need to run.. but how. this cave is full of water. i need to swim. swim as fast as I can and hide from the bigger version of my hands and fingers.
I tried to escape but there is nowhere to go. I was traped in that cave... the hand take a hold of my foot.
touching it lightly as if confirming that it is the thing that she is looking for it suddenly pulled me... I tried to hold on... on anything.. where I think I can hold but it was used.
The big hand pulled me building a force exit in the cave and with that I was out...
I gasped for air but I can't breath... why I can't breathe... what is wrong... I got a proper glimpse of the world. I saw my mom crying and with that... I had my last movement and left the world.
It was a cruel world. everyone is crying, always arguing, giving bruises and beat ups.
But... I never regreted that I want to be born. I what to be the peraon who will shine light to my love ones and give them love and joy.
I never regreted it... but one thing's for sure... They regret me entering and living in that cave. It was such a short time to see my mom. But atleast... I saw her...
I will still Thank you two.