"I-I can't believe this! Your blood is acting in a hydrophilic manner towards the presence of Incubus T-cells and V-cells!", Sofia said as her eyes opened widely, "This is a whole new discovery!", she added.
Turns out something in my system caused a huge uproar that caused my cells to evolve to another level that is an Incubus-Eliminating type cells, or you can call it I-E-cells.
It all was so unbelievable what happened, then I heard a loud thud on the window pane.
"Eidel!", The girl we rescued called out behind the window as she looked at me with a serious face, "They're coming for you!", she said as she took me by the hand, then I felt it.
I felt her warmth and sincerity in every word. I knew then that the Incubus were coming.
"Alerting all tiers! Alerting all tiers! Initiate code 3-72, Incubus approaching Hephaestus sector, bearing NorthWest, current distance 6600 meters." HQ said throughout the sound system.
"Eidel!", Sofia said as she threw me my gun.
The Ares ops were the first to be deployed on the Trench, protecting us from the Incubus. We, The Athena ops were then deployed to the far front between the Incubus and The Ares ops, to provide covering distances, but it seemed odd. HQ Egerias informed us that heat signatures suddenly went from 37 to one. It all seemed so quiet and eerie.
We then heard a loud roar that blew the fog away. Everyone stood in shock to what we saw, It was something we've never saw before. An Incubus so big and distorted, it's arms were on it's back with seven legs and three heads, red pulsing veins, and large teeth with a mouth dripping in blue Incubus blood. The view was very grim.
I suddenly saw the corpses of Rustlers in the back of the unknown Incubus. My body started heating up as I restrained myself from the urge of attacking, but my eyes, my eyes couldn't see it's heart like how I saw the Rustlers hearts.
"Attention all units, avoid engaging the unknown Incubus." HQ Egerias said through the comms.
But then the Incubus started to move in a weird manner. It raised its hands up and its pulsing veins started to glow lighter as plasma started to form in its hands, and in a blink of an eye, half of the unit behind us were wiped out.
"Everyone spread out! Guerrilla formation ASAP!" Chief Sergeant Phill said, as we retreated to different areas for cover, "Platoons 3-4-6-8-12 make yourself useful and tend to the wounded, and platoons 1-2-5-7-9 start fucking shooting!"
My platoon, 1st Athena ops, started shooting to it's direction. Close quarter shooting became impossible because of the Trench, then I realized.
"Bullets don't work! Platoon 1 cease fire!", I exclaimed as I reloaded my mags.
Platoon 5 then fired an incendiary round of the Railgun, knowing that Incubus cells are flammable. It did, absolutely nothing.
"W-W-What do w-we do n-n-now?!", a private in my platoon said as he cowered in fear.
"What the hell is that thing?!", I said as I looked over to see what it was doing.
"It's some Incubus specie we've never seen before.", HQ said through the comms.
"Damn it! we'll be wiped out if we do nothing!", I said as I shouted to Chief Sergeant Phill.
Suddenly the Incubus jumped over the Trench. We were all in shock on what the Incubus did.
"Everyone be very quiet.", I said as I turned off my comms.
It was sniffing all around trying to find us through the thick fog. It was huge, standing 14 feet tall. It stood over our cover. I stopped my men from pointing their guns.
"No...", I whispered as I gestured them to lower their weapons.
It had a wound in its leg and its blood dripped on my arm. Suddenly my arm felt numb and my nails grew longer and harder. My muscles seized and the skin in my arm turned black and thick.
Time then slowed down, no I was going too fast. I was experiencing the same thing as I did when we tried to find the source of the distress call.
I couldn't stop myself. My body felt so light as I jumped towards the Incubus, punching it in the abdomen.
"What the?!" Chief Sergeant Phill said as time went down back to normal.
Everyone was shocked seeing me in such state. My arm felt so good and strong with the urge to kill the Incubus.
I paid no attention as I came in face-to-face with the Incubus.
"Come at me!", I said as the Incubus stood up and charged towards me.
I then saw that my comrades were behind me.
"If I dodge this, they're dead!", I said to my self, "Fine then!", I thought as I prepared to stop it head on.
We collided with so much force, the fog started to drift away, but then the Incubus' claws scratched my leg.
"Fuck! that hurt bastard!", I said as I looked at my severed wound, "What the hell?!" I added as my wound started to heal.
"Cover fire!", Chief Sergeant said as everyone provided cover fire.
The Ares ops were on their way, but I knew we wouldn't last if we keep this up. I did something I knew I had to.
I charged towards the Incubus pushing it with all I have.
"I-is he planning to push it towards the Trench?!", I heard as I just kept pushing.
It kept clawing me and scratching, until finally I pushed it off.
I didn't notice it, but I bled out and I collapsed. All I saw where shines of light and streaks of memories as I lied down, unable to move.
"Is this it? The end? My death?", I thought to myself, but I knew it wasn't my time. This was different.
Eidel Hein Volkov, High-end Tier 1-Athena signing off."