When coming out of the elevator the creature was immediately lifted up from the ground by a strong arm, and the sudden assault made the creature struggle and kick around in the empty air.652Please respect copyright.PENANA91Es5utMK4
“Hey, what gives, man?! Whaddaya think you're doing? Let me go already!” The assailant, having grabbed them by the shirt collar, stretched his neck like a snake around the struggling body to look at the catch, who stared back, defiantly, but also seemingly disgusted by the sight. “Don't do that! It creeps me out...”652Please respect copyright.PENANAIGpdrkpZ93
“You shshshould have thought about that before you ssskedaddled,” the assailant hissed with an ugly grin. “Now I will nicely ssset you down on the ground and you're gonna come back with me to the ssstore, alright, little rat?”652Please respect copyright.PENANAqSrBPpZ7mC
When the "rat" - actually being a girl - seemed to struggle even more to get loose, the alien growled like an annoyed animal and shook her powerfully. “I sssaid alright?!”652Please respect copyright.PENANAJ5j8xdcl4f
“Alright, alright! Give it a rest already, would 'ya? Jeez...” she quickly agreed and glared at him as he slowly lowered her to the ground. When safely down she continued to scowl at this inhuman creation.652Please respect copyright.PENANAVQ2219b5dN
He was a serb – looking kind of tough but needing a bath and a makeover. His species inhabited a planet called Tibetha, although it would be safer to assume it more of an entire cluster from how he'd boasted about it. The species was one for itself, as with the rest of them. To be frank it resembled a cross between a snake and a humongous caterpillar, having six arms as well as its four legs, and long, slithery fingers and toes. Its body was long like the arms and fingers, but like a snake it didn't seem to posess any skeletal structure – not from what she could see of the body, anyway, as a massive exoskeleton suit grew on the outside, naturally making these otherwise vulnerable creatures look bigger than what they actually were. Their heads resembled that of a snake, but so far this one was the only one whom she had met who actually spoke like one … if snakes could speak human language. At his rear there was a tail about as long as his body.652Please respect copyright.PENANAYYmURRuWdA
To be honest she wasn't sure of what his kind was that capable of or why they were here to begin with, but neither mattered very much: her employer was all that mattered to her of the kind, but not in an amiable way.652Please respect copyright.PENANAD2TmeOJtDB
The serb snarled quietly at the way this little whelp just looked at him. His mandibles vibrated weakly, and the thin tentacles hanging from his upper mouth dangled in response. He simply couldn't do anything about this girl at all; Metropolis regulations forbade any kind of employee discharge on personal grounds – grudges and the kind – and he needed the labor force, at which she proved to be a formidable asset.652Please respect copyright.PENANAxKdIMLjUuu
But although she was one of the uglier of her kind that he'd seen around here, she certainly was not the one to be trifled with, because from what he'd seen she had one of the cleverest brains around. As many other races' females on this station she was smaller than her average male – although this one seemed significantly smaller than even her average female – but her chest and torso seemed much sturdier, as well as her general build. He wasn't sure if this feature was considered attractive for her males, but it certainly did the job lifting crates in the shop. Her eyes were as dark as her skin – they always seemed exhausted, but he never let her off the hook for that reason – and long streams of hair hung down here and there in front of her face.652Please respect copyright.PENANAqfmx9JWtxL
She was a human just like most of the aliens in this place, but despite being more despicable to him than others the serb found this particular female fascinating in such a peculiar way. Though a civilian for all he knew, he'd seen what she could do to some of the more experienced Met-pol guards – another sign that the humans thought too highly of themselves to take their opponents more seriously, even if they were fellow humans.652Please respect copyright.PENANA16WaVjp7bZ
“What were you doing up there?” he demanded, and she sent him a wise-guy look by lifting an eyebrow with a mocking smile.652Please respect copyright.PENANADhcTrhYG4w
“The same that you do every day while standing behind the counter, Zalamar: dreaming of doing something more with my life than stacking crates just to give them away two seconds later.”652Please respect copyright.PENANAMapGCxlzkO
The alien hesitated for a moment, seeming to consider what she said. “Come here, you,” he finally said, and she approached him as he started waddling toward the stairs to the market area, but after a few steps he halted, looking over his shoulder. The girl was just standing there, a troubled expression on her tan face, so as if doing her a favor by reminding her, he snarled, “Get moving, little girl! You get paid by your effortsss, remember? That meansss how I sssee fit, and standing around moping isssn't not a pleasssing sight to the employer. Not many others need little people like you, you know...”652Please respect copyright.PENANAIlCwl719bM
The girl looked up at him, eyebrows and lips tightening in a pitiful expression, before she casually sauntered after him while the serb's words rung in her head: Don't you forget what I did for you...