Dear somebody,
After that night I just wanted to be disappear. We talked but it didn't end like I wanted it to be. I wanted you to say that you could stop hanging around with the wrong crowd! I want you to say that you weren't into her.
Until next time...
Love, your best friend
I took a breath and then started walking catching my breath I knew he was following me and I wanted him to leave.
I kept walking and he just followed behind. I turned around and he stopped looking down.
"Go away I want to be alone" Silent is all I get so I groan of frustration and turn around walking. Tears go down my cheeks but I couldn't feel them because of ho numb my cheeks were from the cold.
I calm myself down and start sniffling from the aftermath. As I am walking I decide to start walking to Starbucks spoil myself with hot cocoa. When making my way to the store I text my mother that I will be home later because I decided to take a little walk to clear my mind she responds with an 'Okay'. I don't mention going to Starbucks because she starts being dramatic when I go places like these it doesn't make sense because I go for walks that are far away and she doesn't worry but when it's like places to order some food it's a whole scene. I will never understand my family period.
I look up and see the gloomy clouds could my day get any worse? I finally made it to Starbucks I walk up to the cashier girl her name was Stacy with her big smile.
"Hi, welcome to Starbucks what could I do for you today?" I give her a small smile not feeling to give a big smile.
"Hi, could I get a refresher?" What? I change my mind. Don't judge me it might be cold but I could use juice.
"Anything else?" as I was about to say a voice came behind me.
"A tall hot cocoa" I look up and see him giving her a warm smile. Ugh, I just want to be alone.
"Anything else?" I roll my eyes at him
"And a bagel with cream cheese" I cross my arms mad
"What kind of cream cheese?" I then put a small smile and look at her
"Make that two"
"Okay, anything else?"
"Nope" I pull out some cash
"Your total is $20.68"
"Thank you what should I call your order" I look at him confused then see her pass him the receipt.
"Bothered" I looked up at him and he looked at me with a huge smile.
"Okay it will be ready shortly"
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"No" I move to another side to receive my meals when it was ready and he follows behind me saying nothing.
"Your welcome," he said mumbling sounding a little sad. I could care less I was still mad over the bus situation I think I will never go back to that bus. I will walk if I have to or let my grandmother drive me to school.
"FOR WHAT?" I whispered harshly. I could've paid for myself! I'm not that broke I get money! He doesn't have to always show off to me that he has money! I took a big huff mad at myself working myself up for no reason.
"Paying for our meals" he said quieter. OH PLEASE!
"I could've paid for myself" mumbling also not wanting to start a fight.
It was dead silent for like 5 minutes and when she called our name we got our meals and I sat at a two-person table and sat on the other side of me. I want to be alone but I'm not going to create a scene. We ate in silence until I was done with my bagel I looked up and see him looking outside the window and I notice that he has a whip cream mustache.
I giggle and I did not mean to let it out it gets his attention and he gives me a confused face.
"What?" he says in a little chuckle
"Nothing" I put my hand over my mouth
"If you don't tell me I'm going to tell everyone in this place your deepest secret"
"Go ahead," I say provoking him. He gets on the chair and then clearing his throat getting everyone's attention.
"EXCUSE ME, EVERYONE, I HAVE An ANNOUNCEMENT" he everybody dead silent.
"MY BEST FRIEND RIGHT HERE" he points at me and I wave hi
"WENT INSIDE SOMEONE'S CAR INSTEAD OF MINE AND THAT PERSON TOOK HER TO ANOTHER STATE." Everyone laughed but I know not because of what he said but of his mustache
"I KNOW VERY FUNNY" you just hear some people cracking up
"Thank you for your attention." I pull my phone out and take a picture he smiles very hard thinking it's going to be an ordinary photo.
"Wow, people are laughing so hard...I mean it is funny but not that funny" His phone dings and he opens the message
"Wow" he then gets a napkin and cleans himself. We sat
Walking to her house.
"Thanks" I say walking with him
"For what? “He looks down at me smiling at me.
"Everything today."
"Oh that, that was nothing" I giggle and nudge him a little.
We finally made it to my house and we were on the porch.
"See you tomorrow?" She nods no feeling the pressure back again
"No, my father has this big conference the whole family has to go" Rolling my eyes showing that I did not want to go.
"Okay." He says putting his hands in front of his jeans. He was going to say something but then the door swings open
"I told you I didn’t want you hanging around with this boy." my mother scolded me.
"Umm, Sorry I know you didn’t want me to hang with her. I had to walk her home because some boys were harassing her." my mother's face looked shocked then she shut the door on his face.
After that night we texted until five in the morning talking and boy did him have a lot to say.